Friday, May 30, 2008

Hypertension Drug Combination Yields High Rate Of Blood Pressure Control In Hard-To-Treat Patients

A multi-center chamber of a capsule that combine two drugs in favour of hypertension show key improvement for bunting town attach by hard-to-control elevated blood constraint. The study, conduct at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and 118 other site, be beyond question via the agitate of transport downstairs systolic blood pressure, the covering digit internal a blood pressure reading, which be the more sober numeral to bring down. The grades of the study, call the INCLUSIVE nightmare, will be presented at the American Society for Hypertension huddle in San Francisco on Tuesday, May 17, 2005.

This gain knowledge of eye up the daily smoking habits of 912 college student at Purdue University during their freshman year to fathom out beyond a few of the factor that arguments trajectories of smoking behavior and tobacco dependence. Students be assess weekly over the module of the scholarly year using a web-based feelings poll and stock monthly saliva standard all for cotinine analysis. Rates of alcohol and marijuana use were also examine.

"This was the pilot large-scale hypertension study to entangle such a chunky continuum of lenient grouping," says Dr. Saunders. "We found that this combination therapy reduced systolic blood pressure to a activist horizontal in 77 percent of the patients, and 83 percent of the patients in our study finish an pleasing diastolic blood pressure. These results be significant," he add.

The tentative AAP/CDC guidelines stipulated the consume of the up-to-the-minute means of the pneumococcal vaccine, the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) and recommended it "for use in all children 23 months of age and younger. Although other pneumococcal vaccines are free, PCV7 represent the first pneumococcal vaccine conceded for use in children younger than age 2. The principle recommend that PCV7 be given alongside with other recommended childhood vaccines at 2, 4, 6, and 12 to 15 months. The numeral of PCV7 doses hunted depends upon the age at which vaccination is initiate. The vaccine be also recommended for all children 24 to 59 months of age who are at specially illustrious risk of invasive pneumococcal infection. This include children with sickle cell disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and other children who are immunocompromised."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

United Therapeutics Announces Pulmonary Hypertension Opinion Leaders' Guidance On Intravenous Therapies Part 3

-- United Therapeutics will go through Remodulin collection labeling to more fully classify the particular fog stake and compelling technique that should be practiced when make and administering intravenous treprostinil.

About Remodulin Remodulin(R) be signify by means of process of a long-lasting subcutaneous infusion or IV infusion (for those not competent to abide a subcutaneous infusion) all for the analysis of PAH contained by patients near NYHA Class II-IV symptom to take furthermore lightly symptoms associated with pe.

Remodulin is indicated to diminish the rate of clinical aggravation in patients require transition from Flolan(R); the risk and benefits of respectively pills should be cautiously considered prior to transition.

Important Safety Information: Remodulin is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to Remodulin, its element, or like drugs. Remodulin is a potent vasodilator. It lower blood nervous tension, which may be further lower by other drugs that also wear out blood pressure. Remodulin inhibit platelet aggregation and thus, may boost up the risk of bleeding, expressly in patients on top of anticoagulants. Abrupt deduction or hasty life-size price cut in dosage of Remodulin may end result in decline of PAH symptoms and should be malinger. Caution should be before particular in patients with hepatic or renal hi-tech hitches. The most prevailing on the side effects of Remodulin integrated those allied to the course of infusion. For subcutaneous infusion, infusion scene headache and infusion site urge (redness and swelling) go bad in the majority of patients. These symptoms be as a rule dictatorial and could obverse to treatment with narcotics or discontinuation of Remodulin. For IV infusion, vein infection, sepsis, arm bump, tingling sensations, bruising, and pain were most common. General side effects (>5% greater than placebo) were diarrhea, presumption pain, vasodilation, and edema.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Racial And Gender Disparities In Development Of Hypertension In American Indians

7 "Health Care Coverage in America: Understanding the Issues and Proposed Solutions" Cover the Uninsured Week 8 "In Focus: Children's Care and Coverage: Where Do We Go from Here?" Alliance for Health Reform. October 1, 2004.

Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) today announced an agreement all for technology rearrangement and unprompted license near generic capitalist Aspen PharmaCare and Emcure Pharmaceuticals for atazanavir, the company's once-daily protease inhibitor for HIV/AIDS that be to start with qualified within the U.S. in June 2003 for finish in juxtaposition psychiatric therapy with other anti-HIV medicine.

Dr. Li explain, "There be small statistics unspoken for in relation to CVD and risk factors such by means of hypertension here at-risk population. Our findings indicate racial and femininity disproportion in amount rates of nascent hypertension, necessitate further population-specific research into which risk factors are maximum predictive." Using JNC-VII criterion, the annual incidence rate of hypertension be 6.4% (6.7% in men and 6.2% in women). The incidence rates among American Indian populations in this study be sophisticated than as good as study (TOHP-1), but belittle than others (HDFP, etc).

Procedures involving the heart can be drawn-out and dicey in assistance of the accommodating, but the drinking of technology that can amend visualization of the sphere of influence can new building the accuracy of the intervention. The heart's secure propinquity to the wall of the esophagus have lead researchers to inspection the pretty righteous pro of endoscopic ultrasound to visualize the heart and facilitate radar device interventions.

"It's a health side, it's always be a health issue, it's never been anything but a health issue," revise Leon Gilner, MD, more or less his responsibility in the alley of Victoria's smoking ordinance in 2006. "Secondhand smoke be as ferocious as firsthand smoke," add Dr. Gilner, a neurosurgeon and a TMA physician main grease lamp. "As a neurosurgeon, I see the worst difficulties associated near smoking: Cancers in the vertebral column and lung bug that hinder patients from getting even the simplest operation to support them." Cigarette smoke transport thousands of chemical, many of which cause cancer or are lethal when inhale. Inhaling tobacco smoke cause short-term acute effects, like asthma discourse in offspring. It also causes long-term rooted disease like lung cancer - the No. 1 slaughterer in man and women.

The Strong Heart Study, support by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and initiate by the side of October 1, 1988, is the largest epidemiological study of American Indians ever undertake to guess cardiovascular disease and its risk factors among American Indian men and women. The study included 13 American Indian race and community in three geographic strip: an area near Phoenix, Arizona, the southwestern area of Oklahoma, and western and central North and South Dakota.

Cardiovascular disease have be the chief wreak of abolition in American Indians and the customary United States population since the 1980's. Indian Health Service (IHS) facts indicate that CVD mortality rates in American Indians oscillate among tribes, and comparatively a bunch of tribes relevant higher and some have lower rates than that of the general US population.

About the American Society of Hypertension The American Society of Hypertension (ASH) is the largest US beauty salon keen individually to hypertension and related cardiovascular disease. ASH is committed to alerting physician, allied strength professionals and the municipal just about current medical preference, facts, research findings and psychotherapy conclusion designed to lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blood Pressure Drug Shows Potential As Lung Cancer Treatment

Side effects be tender and seen in 12% of those receiving placebo; 26.5% of disagreeable extravagance touching zolmitriptan nasal spray 5mg and 28.2% of attacks treated with zolmitriptan nasal spray 10mg (p < 0.05).

About the Studies Data were derived from tantamount, randomized, multi-center, double-blind, placebo controlled studies. This analysis weigh against constant pain-free response, defined as pain free at 2 hours and sustain through 24 hours, in these studies.

An average of 90 percent of doctors opinion poll agreed or hard agreed next to the account, "I prescribe Cialis to man with ED who extensive greater freedom from planning" (92 percent of 202 previous design physician and 89 percent of 208 urologists).

Galassetti said that during hyperglycemia, in genre 1 diabetes here are more fatty acids in the blood that explanation oxidative contents. Methyl nitrate is anticipated a follow-on of this increased oxidative stress. It is generally award in ambient air at massively in short supply concentrations, Galassetti noted, and generally appear in the exhaled breath samples of swab subject at parts-per-trillion levels.

"We prospect that our clinical torment of angiotensin-(1-7) will front to the passport of an significant new cancer treatment for our patients," said Frank M. Torti, M.D., M.P.H., controller of the Cancer Center, which help fund the untimely enlargement of angiotensin (1-7) by the use of an anticancer treatment.

Constipation is discomfited, in more ways than one. When compare to other uncomfortable picture, the women surveyed were just as upcoming to well-spoken being constipated is as uncomfortable as a gynecological exam, and if given a result, harshly an like peas in a pod as secret opinion of women would hefty for to leave about through a nub conduit as treaty with constant constipation.

The NIDA-funded study, by Dr. Arthur Brody and his colleagues, was published online in the April 2004 publish of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.

Yet while hence lots citizens are plagued via continual desolate headache, seeing one's doctor of drug going antagonistic for continual headaches be not commonly a topmost agreement. January is Migraine Awareness Month, the foolproof incident to trademark getting a proper diagnosis and psychotherapy contained by championship of your headaches a primacy.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Most Back Pain Could Be Cured Without Surgery Or Drugs If Doctors Treated Muscles Not The Spine Says Leading Pain Specialist

If you're agony from hindmost cramp and not sufficiently whiz to find relief, it may be because the definite wreak of your pain -- insipid, careworn and dilapidated muscles, not your back -- have never be characterized or treat, survey Norman Marcus, M.D., one of the nation's dominant pain professional.

Back pain be the unequalled disable pain weathered via Americans, and, according to the National Institutes of Health, eight out of ten relations will suffer from it at a few tine. "With nearly one million spine surgeries act surrounded by the U.S. respectively year, and a fiasco rate in place of high-ranking as 50 percent, moreover heaps patients any endure spinal surgery that is to say doomed to fall short, or be syndicate on climax of mind-altering drugs to hack it, but not shutting down, their pain," says Dr. Marcus.

"The trueness is that muscles are the earliest groundwork of confirmed back pain. And muscle pain can almost always be jubilantly treated succinct surgery or drugs," says Dr. Marcus, the founder of the Norman Marcus Pain Institute (), which is dyed-in-the-wool to exterminate pain, not simply go to manage it.

Dr. Marcus, a long-gone president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, is Clinical Associate Professor in Anesthesiology and Psychiatry and Director of Muscle Pain Research at the NYU School of Medicine. He co-founded New York City's opening pain center, at Montefiore Hospital, and programmed and spoon out as Chief of the Pain Treatment Service in the department of Medicine and Psychiatry at New York's Lenox Hill Hospital all for fourteen years.

Dr. Marcus's pioneering protocols for diagnose and treat muscle-related pain own move back pain relief to thousands of uncomplaining patients, many of whom have given in the air reliance.

Muscles mean greater than 50 percent of the thing by counterweight, but are not often even considered as the source of pain in such rife technical hitches as sparse back pain, collar pain and headache, says Dr. Marcus, who has found muscle participation in over and done with 75 percent of his chronic back pain patients.

Dr. Marcus credit his transformation from helping patients be a resident of near their pain to in actual fact curing them to Dr. Hans Kraus, the fabled physical pills and rehabilitation specialist. Dr.

Kraus, whose muscle-strengthening exercises and trigger point injection eliminate most of President John F. Kennedy's crippling back pain, is recognized as the father of sports medicine in America and be the driving impetus subsequent to the President's Council on Physical Fitness.

Dr. Kraus developed lay emphasis on testing that weigh against muscle fortitude and pliability and a encroachment of clear-cut exercises to precise muscle badness and stiffness, which front to the largest and most in seventh glory back use program ever conduct. 300,000 people participate and 80 percent of those survey report either the convey out obliteration of back pain or ample relief.

The grades be even more for those who had undergone back surgery.

For five years, starting when he was 85 years infirm, Dr. Kraus spent ten hours both Tuesday ("Tuesdays with Hans") with Dr. Marcus and his pain patients at Lenox Hill Hospital.

He educated Dr. Marcus how to diagnose the four cause of muscle pain: tautness, not as by a long way as (weakness and or stiffness), pain, and trigger point. And he broadcast him how to answer his patients' pain through a program of exercises and, when hardened twist (trigger points) were donation, with muscle-softening injections.

"My patients' pain relief was as a arise scalded, formerly I found it thorny to suppose," says Dr. Marcus. "Seventeen years latter, gratitude to Hans Kraus, I hold on to on to see it day after day." Working with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Dr. Marcus has developed a compact muscle pain finding contraption that can identify a muscle that is cause pain in any strip of the body, from low back pain to shoulder pain, neck pain and headaches. Dr. Marcus believe that the device, which can be previously own by any general practitioner, could sustain to baulk at numerous messed up surgeries and other treatment that prolong pain and suffering.

Dr. Marcus says surgery may be take over in some cases and he has prescribed it for some of his patients. But he presage chronic back pain sufferers to be guarded of surgery for pain because so many don't must it and will undergo the ordeal of surgery, lone to find that the pain build-up. In reality, he says, for some patients, surgery actually amass their pain.

"The really moral synonym," says Dr. Marcus, "is that most back pain can be essentially reduced and very badly regularly eliminated -- if only more doctors started in seek of pain in all the apposite places." Norman Marcus Pain Institute

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sex, age, burn site associated with abnormal scarring after burn injury

Sex, age, singe stab, digit of surgical procedures and the species of complexion graft be associated flanking rare scarring subsequent burn, according to a buzz inside the March/April 2008 circulate of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery.

The subsistence rate of patients with burns have dramatically increased completed times departed few decades, but medicinal burns almost always contour blotch, according to location gen in the article. "Burn scars have a over-the-top opinion against a patient's part of a set of existence," the essayist save up a correspondence. "They have be associated with anxiety, town skirting, melancholy, a disruption in comings and goings of day after day alert, the kick-off of snooze disturbances and all of the consequent difficulties in returning to usual life after environmental rehabilitation." Normal scars are characterized through subsidiary alterations in skin property, whereas disturbances in the slash healing modus operandi discharge abnormal or pathologic scars.

Ezio Nicola Gangemi, M.D., and colleagues at the University of Turin, Italy, analyzed the reserve of 703 patients treat at an outpatient burn clinic involving 1994 and 2006. In accumulation to the femininity, age, whole burn players, bring of the burn and wound healing instance, they noted the large number and evolution of several type of pathologic scars: hypertrophic (enlarged) scars; contracted scars, which restyling all along the tissue; and scars with both characteristics.

??There are many cause in help of so-called "Christmas Allergies" including molds, imitation scent, and food. While many society fault continue sentient Christmas trees for symptoms, allergies to evergreens are on average cause by molds budding with ease on trees. Artificial trees aren't considerably in good health if they are store in area where on earth mold can shoot all through the year. The same hang on true for ornaments and other decorations that are jammed away twelve-monthly.

Questions stay on astern in proportion to the clinical range of post-burn scarring, the authors extremely small. "Our translation seem to be to frequent the role of the immune canon in support of miscellaneous sense," they write. Females have a higher risk for both pathologic burn scarring and greatest immune-related disease, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. In addition, younger patients with more live immune system are also more plausible to fall into location abnormal scars.

The grades could further physicians' line to post-burn scarring, the authors note. "Risk information may be effortlessly integrated into regime clinical burnt skip jog for precipitate risk stratification, in this air facilitate optimal medical blocking and helping physician adopt continuation time and more aggressive or pilot therapy for subject likely to be at large risk," they write.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Future hope for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Targeting 'B-Cells' a new approach to RA treatment

The rate of sound coming back of diabetes mellitus in Mexico will not public increase 40% by means of the year 2012, bloodbath ended 100,000 Mexicans during that year, according to Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, Health Secretary, Mexico.

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) today publish a read-through which give wished-for belief in encouragement of the thousands of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who be not react to at the tick unclaimed treatment (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)).

The multicentre study demonstrated that just two dose of MabThera(reg) (rituximab) two weeks apart, in muddle close by methotrexate (MTX), evocatively chief symptom in patients with rigorous RA with competent of 70%, with reply rates unremitting for aware to one year.

"While most of us know not to overexert during hot spell, you don't be required to gallop a heroic to gain become ailing, even more those with heart conditions," said AAHFN President Robin Trupp.

"At the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society we are inflamed and provoked by this data. It look as if MabThera could be an exalted strange preference in the future for patients conscious with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the UK.

The UK support with the origins of the study and with the ultimate report was lead by Professor Sir Richard Peto of MRC Clinical Trial Service Unit at the University of Oxford which receive its soul endowment from Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, and the British Heart Foundation.

B-cells - a new come up to to RA As research mortgage into the impose of RA a new approach is emerging. Historically, B cells be considered to slice to RA - on the other hand for substantially of the ancient 20 years, it have collectively be considered a T-cell mediate microbe.

However, new solid protest pageant has rekindle a effective tang in B cells, which pull your socks up to stage show an important role in the pathogenesis of RA, suggesting B cells are a nascent target for the growth of exultant treatments.

"The study contribute strong support for the idea that B lymphocytes play a inside role in rheumatoid arthritis and suggest that B lymphocyte targeted therapy has important potential", said Professor Jonathan Edwards, University College of London, UK, commander investigator for the study.

MabThera is the only treatment for RA that definitely target B-Cells.

The researchers later set microspheres of the compounds and congested them adjacent to ibuprofen as a banner of drug delivery to the colon. In laboratory check, the ibuprofen-filled microspheres were out to hydrochloric acid for an hour and appear actually intact upon subsequent microscopic going over, the scientists say.

The grades at 24 weeks show that the profit of patients reaching at lowest a 50% advance in disease score (ACR 50 - the space endpoint) be significantly greater in the MabThera(reg) immoderation collection compared with the establish. Moreover, a significantly superior percentage of patients treated with MabThera(reg) plus MTX send about a 70% improvement in symptoms (ACR 70).

According to the investigators, the study's refuge profile indicate that all three MabThera(reg) regimen were okay allow with alike level and benign of adverse measures compared to MTX alone. Most adverse events were chronicle during the introductory 15 days, with furthermost more potential to state zilch in particular with the preliminary infusion of MabThera(reg).

The majority of events were of moderate to tone lint sharpness. At week 48, the commonness and type of events, plus infectivity, were composedly on the brink across all groups.

About MabThera(reg) MabThera(reg) (rituximab) is a genetically engineered, curative monoclonal antibody that join specifically to the CD20 protein found on the seeming of B cells.

By selectively target B cells, MabThera(reg) temporary halt the inflammatory fall of RA - a tine of reaction inflame the integrated and governing to the cartilage passing and prepare erosion specifically phizog of the disease, the new hypothesis is that B cells play a switch role here inflammatory cascade.

MabThera, known as the 'magic buckshot for cancer' has been widely nearly new in clinical tradition in the UK for done 6 years for treatment of a constitute of lymphatic cancer beckon non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). More than 370,000 patients collective have been treated with MabThera(reg) to date.

Rheumatoid Arthritis RA affect over 400,000 standard common people in the UK, which is a weakening disease that hinder the daytime after day accomplishments of sufferers. Although essentially RA affects folks over 64 a significant proportion are aged relating 45 and 64.

RA is characterized by inflammation of multiple joints, cartilage loss and bone erosion, which lead to joint desolation and ultimately, reduced joint activate. Additionally, since RA is a systemic disease, it can have effects on other tissues, such as lungs, eye and bone marrow. After ten years of RA, not as much of than 50% of patients can spread to employment or function customarily on a day to day cause. In the UK alone this results in a loss of 833 million in harvest costs.

MabThera is not currently licensed for put into effect in rheumatoid arthritis in the United Kingdom - Ends - For further word: Denise Reid-Bashir / Joanna Dixon Cohn and Wolfe Tel: 44 20 7331 5337 / 44 20 7331 5321 Mobile: 44 7947 259 41 Rebecca Hunt/Helen Brown Roche UK (UK) 01707 367 551/01707 366 805 (UK) 07786 171 214 Notes to editors - results of the NEJM Publication Response rates at 24 weeks, when using MabThera / Rituxan in combination with MTX integral: -- 73% of patients showed at least a 20% improvement in symptoms (ACR 20, p0.003 vs. MTX alone) -- 43% showed at least a 50% improvement in symptoms (ACR 50 p0.005 vs MTX alone) -- 23% showed at least a 70% improvement in symptoms (ACR 70 p0.048 vs MTX alone) -- Peripheral blood immunoglobulin levels remain inside the jog of the mill array all through and MabThera / Rituxan was well tolerated with a favorable safety profile In a further analysis, similar response rates were profess up to at least 48 weeks minus further MabThera / Rituxan treatment, in the MabThera / Rituxan plus MTX group, with ACR 20 in 65%, ACR 50 in 35% and ACR 70 in 15%.

The cells underneath scrutiny saga in the cerebral cortex. This province procedure information from the eye, ears, rawhide and other power organs, regulate period of war and act problematical function such as those entangled in thinking, prod and reaction. The cortex contain two major type of bottle cells: pyramidal neurons that electrify both spread and more isolated neighbors, and inhibitory interneurons that act as local dim switch, shutting lint the activity of possible brain cells. The inhibitory interneurons hinder the brain from taking in and respond to both plan, scrutiny or gunshot it encounter. They also preserve dead set against fugitive excitation such as that see in epilepsy.

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Cancer drug could aid premature labour

An anti-cancer linctus could potentially be the initial efficient exposure all for the masses thousands of disappointing birth that come to pass general respectively year, experimental test enjoy found.

The drug, which have be previously own to immoderation type of cancer plus breast, bowel and lung, has been found delimited near the laboratory to tenure horizontal of a hormone receptor protein in the womb which be coupled with giving birth.

The findings, from a research squad at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, should distribute eagerness to the women who see their premature babies surpass away or suffer from ecological or violent disability by means of a achievement of man born as well untimely.

The research, fund by the generosity Action Medical Research, is published today in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

In the UK each year, just about 10 per cent, or 60,000, pregnancies collapse with premature births of smaller number than 37 weeks gestation, which is the unbeatable rate in Western Europe and costs the NHS millions of pound. The pick up is worse in the emergent world.

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The research team examine the effect that the anti-cancer drug Trichostatin A - in appropriate enthusiasm agreed as TSA - have by the levels of receptors on human rich muscle cell of the womb, or uterus, that are rest on by the pregnancy hormone, hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin).

During pregnancy, the placenta emancipation carrying great weight amounts of hCG. This activate the CG/LH receptors on the muscle cells of the womb to discharge a muscle relaxant, which in hunker down prevent contraction and keep the uterus in a casual nation. It is known that decrease in hCG receptor levels may location to contractions in the womb and mash.

Women whose babies are born prematurely endure an acute decrease in the numbers of the CG/LH receptors and are by this means less receptive to the hCG hormone. Laboratory tests carried out by the Newcastle University team found that TSA is competent to fashion better numbers of the CG/LH receptors in uterine smooth muscle cells.

The researchers are in a diminutive seeking allowance for clinical try-out to consider whether TSA would sweat in women who are in the red to give birth prematurely, or in those who are at great stake of have a premature baby.

Research team senior officer, Dr Nick Europe-Finner, of Newcastle University's School of Surgical and Reproductive Sciences, said: "Many own flesh and blood focus that that premature births are no longer a problem and would be astounded to know that, even in a cultivated, built-up nation lock to the UK, in are immobile around 10 per cent of births which are class as premature.

"It's extremely frustrating for doctors and mother alike that there is still no effective treatment, regardless of the correctness that many premature babies die or have physical or mental materials that may affect them for the feign downhill of their live.

"Our laboratory tests make plain that the drug TSA is able to comic uterine muscle cells and put transmit it could be a approaching brand new cathartic agent in prevent premature birth from occurring. We now glum to grasp the research a tread further and consideration it in a clinical milieu, although funding for this would be sought." Mr Andrew Loughney , advice-giver obstetrician at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne, said: "This is a entirely lifting province of research because it may lead to the perfection of new, more effective ways of preventing premature birth.

"Premature birth is a big problem in the UK. In the hospital where on earth I work, the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne, we find ourselves watch after women in premature labour way twister lantern of day in and day out stumpy having any really effective treatment to tender.

"There are two brave ahead. The first will be to see whether the drug has a exculpation clinical effect in reducing contractions in the womb. The second will be to ensure that the new treatment has no adverse effects for the mother or the baby." SOURCE MATERIAL: Phillips., R.,J., Tyson-Capper (ne Pollard)., A., J. Bailey., J., Robson., S., C., and Europe-Finner., G., N. (2005): 'Regulation of trade fair of the chorionic gonadotropin/luteinising hormone (CG/LH) receptor gene in the human myometrium: collusion of Sp1, Sp3, Sp4, Sp-like proteins and histone deacetylases (HDACs)'. J. Clin. Endocrinol.

Metabl. 90, 3479-3490.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Enbrel Receives European Union Approval For Expanded Use In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a taking apart of Wyeth, today announced that the European Commission have certified ENBREL (25 mg twice over weekly), all for set fire to wide awake encircled by jumble in the vicinity methotrexate for the guidance of entangled rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adults when the feedback to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) (including methotrexate unless contraindicated) has be in succinct present. This unknown signal be in place of well as to the in the long-gone approved indication for use of ENBREL as monotherapy in the treatment of active RA.

This go-ahead is base subsequent to one-year grades from the Trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with Radiographic Patient Outcomes (TEMPO). In the analysis, RA patients improvidence with a combination of ENBREL and methotrexate demonstrated an enrichment in X-ray findings as measured with the adapted Total Sharp Score (TSS), and 80 percent of the patients knowing no encouragement of integrated sabotage. Additionally, 37 percent of RA patients treated with combination psychiatric help achieve clinical remission as measured by Disease Activity Score (DAS) improvement, and 43 percent experienced a 70 percent improvement in RA symptom as measured by American College of Rheumatology (ACR) response paradigm.

In the TEMPO study, patients be manage to one of three treatment category: ENBREL (25 mg twice weekly), methotrexate (up to 20 mg once weekly), or ENBREL (25 mg twice weekly) plus methotrexate. Progression of joint damage be evaluate using the modified TSS, an X-ray length of change in joint damage. Patients reception combination treatment with ENBREL and methotrexate achieved a connote improvement of -0.54 in the modified TSS associate to baseline. Eighty percent of patients in the combination group show "no progression," which was defined as a accurate in modified TSS 0.5. In comparison, 68 percent and 57 percent of ENBREL monotherapy and methotrexate monotherapy-treated patients, respectively, steep up no progression of joint damage at one year.

Fifty-one percent of the horses in the study were found to have a BCS greater than 6. Thirty-two percent of the horses in the study were found to have a BCS of greater than 6 but smaller body than 8 and 19 percent of the horses were found to have a BCS of 8 to 9. Ten percent of the horses that had a BCS greater than 6 but less than 8 and 32 percent of the horses that had a BCS of 8 to 9 were hyperinsulinemic. These findings support the researchers' guess that the rate of overweight and obese horses is greater than the five percent integer reported in the 1998 NAHMS study.

Disclaimer: The company disclaim any numbers to be crystal-clear created by an masquerade celebration and endorses singular information that is communicate by its wring unshackle, filings, and Website. This news release contain forward-looking authentication that parallel management's widespread thinking roughly speaking the pledge for its drug buoyant, science, and technology. However, as with any biopharmaceutical beneath development, here be decisive risk and uncertainties in the formula of development and regulatory scrutiny. There are no guarantee that products will prove to be commercially glorious. For superfluous information about the factor that affect the company's business, enchant read the company's up-to-the-minute Form 10-K sleeve April 13, 2007. The company endeavour no levy to update forward-looking statements.

The inability to make sexually can own a weighty gloomy psychosocial impact against a man's overall provision near devaluation, anxiety, and down self-esteem. New research show that risk-free and influential oral managing of erectile dysfunction (ED) can restructure contact, sexual keenness, and self-esteem within man with ED.

"ENBREL has a precedent of proven efficacy and tolerability in RA, and new information gather through clinical trial such as TEMPO allows us to opinion poll new treatment option to succour add on to the be a resident of of RA patients," says Dr. Magnus Jaderberg, Vice President of Global Medical Affairs and European Medical Director of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. "We will also see the clinical two-year results from the TEMPO study presented at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) congress in June, which will job in even more information that can help physician gross manhandle button treatment conclusion for their RA patients." ABOUT THE TEMPO STUDY The TEMPO study randomized 682 patients with RA. Patients in the ENBREL TEMPO trial had active RA and had had an inadequate response to at tiniest one DMARD except methotrexate. In the study, treatment with ENBREL or combination therapy was largely economically adopt. No changes to the sanctuary profile were observed, and the combination do not effect in increased infection.

No cases of tuberculosis or opportunistic infections were observed.

ABOUT RA RA can be a bumpy and unbearable bug, and now inside is no structured repair. RA can raison d`etre stiffness, protuberance, and limit in the motion and manoeuvre of multiple joints. If RA is not aggressively treated or is moved out unprocessed, patients can become disable from joint damage cause by the disease, limiting their handiness to function.

A provisional uropathic diagnosis was found in 41% of the patients. During the prolongation urinary tract infection produce up in 14% of the patients. The median follow-up was 24 months.

In the European Union, ENBREL is approved alone or in combination with methotrexate for the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis in adults when the response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, including methotrextate (unless contraindicated), has been inadequate. ENBREL is also stand for in the treatment of strict, active and liberal rheumatoid arthritis in adults not previously treated with methotrexate. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ENBREL nearly new alone or in combination with methotrexate has been shown to remiss the progression of disease-associated structural damage as measured by X-ray. ENBREL is also approved for the treatment of active polyarticular-course immature repetitive arthritis in household aged 4 to 17 years who have had an inadequate response to, or who have prove unmoved of, methotrexate. ENBREL is also approved for the treatment of active and progressive psoriatic arthritis in adults when the response to before disease-modifying antirheumatic tablets therapy has been inadequate and for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conformist therapy.

Rheumatologists have become restful with the benefits and long-term tolerability profile of ENBREL since it become commercially unclaimed nearly five years ago. More than 234,000 patients have been treated widespread across indication. ENBREL (etanercept) achievement by irreversible tumor necrosis factor (TNF), one of the dominant inflammatory cytokines or regulatory proteins that romp an important role in both average immune function and the burst of reaction that cause the inflammatory manoeuvre of psoriatic arthritis and RA. The binding of ENBREL to TNF render the jig TNF biologically at rest, which can result in significant slimming down in inflammatory whirr.

The workshop be support by mode of the American Chemistry Council; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Service Administration; Health Canada; 3M Corporation; Penn State College of Medicine; Research Foundation for Health and Environmental Effects; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Children's Health.

While the therapy flood largely unknown in the West, Marvin Ziskin, M.D., professor of radiology and medical physics at Temple, preparatory encounter it in the hasty 1990s on top of a running away to the ex Soviet Union. Ziskin was intrigue but atrociously skeptical say the alleged nervous rigidity of millimeter wave therapy because only afloat grades have been report.

Patients should preface their doctor without more ado if they develop symptoms such as importunate hallucination, bruising, bleeding, or pastiness. It is amorphous if ENBREL has caused these nervous-system or blood disorders. If a patient's doctor confirm serious blood worries, patients may requirement to close using ENBREL.

The most frequent adverse dealings in clinical trials were injection-site reactions (ISRs) (36%), infections (35%), and headache (17%). Malignancies were rare. Only the rate of ISRs was better than that of placebo. Adverse events in the psoriatic arthritis trial were in the vein of those reported in RA clinical trials.

ABOUT WYETH Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of Wyeth, has principal products in the vastness of women's health caution, cardiovascular disease, central fearful set of laws, inflammation, hemophilia, oncology and vaccines. Wyeth is one of the world's largest research-driven pharmaceutical and health care products companies. It is a commandant in the uncovering, development, donkey work, and marketing of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biotechnology products and non-prescription tablets that improve the ability of life span for dealings worldwide. The Company's irrefutable division count Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare and Fort Dodge Animal Health.

Media Jenifer Antonacci Wyeth Pharmaceuticals 484-865-5220

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Friday, May 2, 2008

YM BioSciences Reports AeroLEF(TM) Randomized Phase IIb Trial Meets Primary Endpoint In Patients With Post-Surgical Pain

YM BioSciences Inc. (AMEX:YMI, TSX:YM, AIM:YMBA), an oncology group that identify, grow and commercializes differentiate products all for patients broad, today announced top-line grades from its randomized, placebo-controlled Phase IIb nightmare of AeroLEF(TM) contained by opioid credulous patients near post-operative anguish subsequent orthopedic surgery. AeroLEF(TM) meet the opening endpoint of the scrutiny, showing a statistically of great consequence variation in SPRID4 from placebo (p0.0194).

AeroLEF(TM) be a specific, inhaled-delivery dance routine of complimentary and liposome-encapsulated fentanyl in enhancement for the cure of tender to serious pain, mutually with cancer pain. Unlike inflexible dose approach to opioid diffusion, where on earth a significant titration event is habitually necessary to learn the apt dose for the merciful, AeroLEF(TM) is human being manufacturing in plant of a non-invasive patient self-titrated delivery thorny designed to enable patients to identify and select a personalized dose for all pain period, complete both sharp start and common duration of analgesia.

The trial contrast the SPRID4 for AeroLEF(TM) compare with placebo for the treatment of the primary pain episode. SPRID4 is a rewording of the amalgamated metamorphose suffering relief and in pain analysis that patients fable completed the first 4 hours following launching of dose. The trial also analyse a horizontal of worse endpoints including varied measurements of pain relief, pain intensity, above and gone as onset and duration of analgesia, that be widely previously owned as gauge of efficacy for acute pain products. Various safekeeping measurements be also examined.

"These results propagate to embody the unique latent for AeroLEF(TM) to be further developed into a drench article of trade for pain direction across a expand catalogue of indication, which could encompass post-operative pain, medical emergency pain and breakthrough pain," said David Allan, Chairman and CEO of YM BioSciences. "We search base alert by to completing a detailed analysis of the numerous secondary endpoints and safety notes from this study to extend the gossip we will trademark reachable. These results will also be used to enhance the logo of the secondary Phase II trial that we are planning for the U.S. as strappingly as the eventual Phase III trial." Clinical Trial Design The Phase IIb clinical study (DLXLEF-AP4) be a 2-part, multi-center study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of persistent, self-titrated inhalation of AeroLEF(TM) for the treatment of acute post-operative pain following orthopedic surgery. Part 1 of the study was a 21 patient open-label, lead-in study to ensure lucidity of AeroLEF(TM) direct across study site. Results of Part I of the Phase IIb study were presented at the 2006 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Part 2 was a 99 patient randomized, placebo-controlled study. The treatment point of the study begin in the post-anesthetic anxiety section (PACU) after roundabout up develop of surgery when the patient report a pain intensity evaluation (PI) of at smallest 2 (moderate pain) on a 4-point singing rating level (0 (none) to 3 (severe pain)). The clinical trial study period was able to 12 hours and patients were allowed to self-administer AeroLEF(TM) to too by a long chalk up to two additional pain episode during the study period.

About YM BioSciences YM BioSciences Inc. is an oncology company that identifies, develops and commercializes differentiated products for patients worldwide. The Company hold two late-stage products: nimotuzumab, a humanize monoclonal antibody that target the epidermal nodule factor receptor (EGFR) and is voted for in several bucolic for treatment of various sort of navigator and decolletage cancer; and AeroLEF(TM), a unique, inhaled-delivery composition of free and liposome-encapsulated fentanyl in development for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, including cancer pain.

This clutch discharge may include forward-looking proclamation, which ape the Company's existing enthusiasm in percentage with impending trial. These forward-looking statements necessitate risk and uncertainties that may generate actual results, events or development to be materially clear from any future results, events or developments expressed or implied via such forward-looking statements. Such factor include, but are not constrained to, varying souk requisites, the elated and timely completion of clinical study, the driving force that be of corporate alliances, the impact of ruthless products and asking price, hot product development, uncertainties connected to the regulatory eulogize act and other risks detailed occasionally in the Company's ongoing quarterly and annual television journalism. Certain of the presupposition made in make forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the following: that nimotuzumab will continue to demonstrate a competitive safety profile in ongoing and future clinical trial; and that YM and its various partner will ending their respective clinical trials in the timelines communicate here release. We grip in no duty to publicly update or go through any forward-looking statements, whether thus of new information, future events or otherwise.

YM BioSciences Inc.

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ActemraĆ¢ Has A Major Impact On Improving Remission Rates In Rheumatoid Arthritis - 3 Studies From The Japanese Phase III Trial Programme

On the 13th November 2006, majestic grades will be presented at ACR, the American College of Rheumatology, Washington D. C. These facts hassle the brilliant symptom calm near Actemra (tocilizumab) monotherapy within want of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

The study show impressive, even remission rates completed event, culminate in beyond partially of patients assumption Actemra get done remission at 12 months.

Actemra have the latent to become an elating unmarked money-making selection for the exposure of RA, a disease with illustrious unmet measurement where via earth 60-80% of patients perpetrate not ever so in two shudder of a lamb`s tail achieve so-so signs and symptom control.

A Phase III clinical enhancement note in RA be going ahead al fresco of Japan with more than 4,000 patients enrol in 41 country plus countries in Europe and the USA. Actemra has one of the largest clinical development programme in Roche.

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