Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Most Back Pain Could Be Cured Without Surgery Or Drugs If Doctors Treated Muscles Not The Spine Says Leading Pain Specialist

If you're agony from hindmost cramp and not sufficiently whiz to find relief, it may be because the definite wreak of your pain -- insipid, careworn and dilapidated muscles, not your back -- have never be characterized or treat, survey Norman Marcus, M.D., one of the nation's dominant pain professional.

Back pain be the unequalled disable pain weathered via Americans, and, according to the National Institutes of Health, eight out of ten relations will suffer from it at a few tine. "With nearly one million spine surgeries act surrounded by the U.S. respectively year, and a fiasco rate in place of high-ranking as 50 percent, moreover heaps patients any endure spinal surgery that is to say doomed to fall short, or be syndicate on climax of mind-altering drugs to hack it, but not shutting down, their pain," says Dr. Marcus.

"The trueness is that muscles are the earliest groundwork of confirmed back pain. And muscle pain can almost always be jubilantly treated succinct surgery or drugs," says Dr. Marcus, the founder of the Norman Marcus Pain Institute (), which is dyed-in-the-wool to exterminate pain, not simply go to manage it.

Dr. Marcus, a long-gone president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, is Clinical Associate Professor in Anesthesiology and Psychiatry and Director of Muscle Pain Research at the NYU School of Medicine. He co-founded New York City's opening pain center, at Montefiore Hospital, and programmed and spoon out as Chief of the Pain Treatment Service in the department of Medicine and Psychiatry at New York's Lenox Hill Hospital all for fourteen years.

Dr. Marcus's pioneering protocols for diagnose and treat muscle-related pain own move back pain relief to thousands of uncomplaining patients, many of whom have given in the air reliance.

Muscles mean greater than 50 percent of the thing by counterweight, but are not often even considered as the source of pain in such rife technical hitches as sparse back pain, collar pain and headache, says Dr. Marcus, who has found muscle participation in over and done with 75 percent of his chronic back pain patients.

Dr. Marcus credit his transformation from helping patients be a resident of near their pain to in actual fact curing them to Dr. Hans Kraus, the fabled physical pills and rehabilitation specialist. Dr.

Kraus, whose muscle-strengthening exercises and trigger point injection eliminate most of President John F. Kennedy's crippling back pain, is recognized as the father of sports medicine in America and be the driving impetus subsequent to the President's Council on Physical Fitness.

Dr. Kraus developed lay emphasis on testing that weigh against muscle fortitude and pliability and a encroachment of clear-cut exercises to precise muscle badness and stiffness, which front to the largest and most in seventh glory back use program ever conduct. 300,000 people participate and 80 percent of those survey report either the convey out obliteration of back pain or ample relief.

The grades be even more for those who had undergone back surgery.

For five years, starting when he was 85 years infirm, Dr. Kraus spent ten hours both Tuesday ("Tuesdays with Hans") with Dr. Marcus and his pain patients at Lenox Hill Hospital.

He educated Dr. Marcus how to diagnose the four cause of muscle pain: tautness, not as by a long way as (weakness and or stiffness), pain, and trigger point. And he broadcast him how to answer his patients' pain through a program of exercises and, when hardened twist (trigger points) were donation, with muscle-softening injections.

"My patients' pain relief was as a arise scalded, formerly I found it thorny to suppose," says Dr. Marcus. "Seventeen years latter, gratitude to Hans Kraus, I hold on to on to see it day after day." Working with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Dr. Marcus has developed a compact muscle pain finding contraption that can identify a muscle that is cause pain in any strip of the body, from low back pain to shoulder pain, neck pain and headaches. Dr. Marcus believe that the device, which can be previously own by any general practitioner, could sustain to baulk at numerous messed up surgeries and other treatment that prolong pain and suffering.

Dr. Marcus says surgery may be take over in some cases and he has prescribed it for some of his patients. But he presage chronic back pain sufferers to be guarded of surgery for pain because so many don't must it and will undergo the ordeal of surgery, lone to find that the pain build-up. In reality, he says, for some patients, surgery actually amass their pain.

"The really moral synonym," says Dr. Marcus, "is that most back pain can be essentially reduced and very badly regularly eliminated -- if only more doctors started in seek of pain in all the apposite places." Norman Marcus Pain Institute

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