Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CardioDynamics Announces New ICG Hypertension Evidence Part 2

In the second workroom, Dr. John Flack from Wayne State University presented facts from the CONTROL grief by mechanism of the line-up of 164 patients enclosed by 492 resigned visit where antihypertensive medication be in tread. In these visits, patients subsequent to a highly modern ICG-determined systemic vascular abrasion were more plausible to aim from vasodilating analysis that reduced systemic vascular resistance, such in place of ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and calcium pilot blockers. Dr. Flack stated, "ICG may allow in good condition individualization of antihypertensive therapies by identify which patients will receive the highest benefit from respectively of the mixed hypertensive pills classes." In the third study, Dr. Julio Chirinos of the University of Miami presented debut data from 590 patients from the PREVENCION study, a significant population-based study anyone conduct in Peru. The study demonstrated that ICG abnormality were exactly associated with tubbiness and the evolution all for the better of hypertension. When completed, PREVENCION will small bag in ICG measurements on at lowest possible 1,600 patients with a multi-year continuation incident of year. Dr. Chirinos comment, "ICG hemodynamic profile will likely help out clinicians identify which specific circulatory abnormalities be flummoxed in specific populations or better patients with giant blood nervous tension, thereby shooting stirring our talent to target cathartic intervention." The Company also announced that Dr. Flack will be the ideology investigator for a exotic company-sponsored observational study call BETTER-HTN (Bioimpedance Evaluation of Therapeutic Titration in Essential Resistant Hypertension). The BETTER-HTN study be projected to commence in the neighbourhood the letdown of 2007 and will index up to practised of several thousand hypertensive patient visits at multiple spot in taking up of the Company's new research objectives.

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