Friday, August 1, 2008

Sleep Apnea Treatment Benefits The Heart

Reprinted with genus go-ahead from You can seascape the complete Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, hunt the archives, or icon up all for email distribution at The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report is published for, a give a free rein to element of The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation© 2005 Advisory Board Company and Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reticent.

After the five-year length of be hardened, collectively report adverse measures across the local eye group be edema (rosiglitazone 14.1 percent; glyburide 8.5 percent; metformin 7.2 percent); substance gain (rosiglitazone 6.9 percent; glyburide 3.3 percent; metformin 1.2 percent); gastrointestinal sideways effects (metformin 38.3 percent; rosiglitazone 23.0 percent; glyburide 21.9 percent); and hypoglycemia (glyburide 38.7 percent; metformin 11.6 percent; rosiglitazone 9.8 percent).

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) be a rife sleep-related breathing bumpiness associated with increased stake of cardiovascular illness. The OSA syndrome is characterized via habitual partial or across-the-board dissolution of the pharynx, gasping subdivision, sleep fragmentation, and daytime sleepiness. Previous study have shown that sleep apnea is associated with high-ranking blood bringing to light and other cardiovascular risk, in cooperation with handle, ischemia, arrhythmias, or quick annihilation.

This study integrated 43 patients (32 man and 11 women) with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep lab studies measured the severity and frequency of complete or partial interruption of airflow.

The shape and pump motion of the participants' hearts was measured using ultrasound. The researchers also calculate 40 analogous hog subject who were in worthy Health and do not word any symptoms that would signify sleep apnea.

Compared to the control subjects, the hearts of the sleep apnea patients were much enlarged on the right side and have thickened walls in relation to the pumping chamber. The hearts of sleep apnea patients also pump less blood per whip, and the velocity of wall motion was slower all for both the left and right relate to the control subjects. The sleep apnea patients also had greater blood pressure and faster heart rates than the control subjects. The severity of the heart abnormalities was correlated with the severity of obstructive sleep apnea.

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