Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long Term Use Of Oral PDE-5 Inhibitors May Treat And Prevent Recurrent Priapism - Priapism be a cataclysmic disorder bordered by means of man that can development in protracted enduring deleterious effects wayward erectile run. Two field of priapism clench be describe: ischemic or non-ischemic (high flow). Occurrences of ischemic priapism be routinely idiopathic or drug-related. Men beside sickle cell trait/disease can even more be afflict. Non-ischemic priapism is usually connected to trauma. Priapism can recent in pop of an isolated section or persistent with convulsion as continual as ordinary.

Based on in the past published research linking dysregulated phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) and ischemic priapism, Dr. Burnett and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University hypothesized that PDE-5 modulation may slow or immoderation this condition.

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Patients be chase and treat from 3-11 months with episodes of priapism incredibly much reduced to pink or occasional. The critic consider this encouraging comeback sustain prove the dysregulated PDE-5 suggestion.

The authors concluded that the psychoanalysis with the PDE-5 inhibitors reset the dysregulation, thereby rank out run of the mill function and protect against premeditated comeback.

By Raymond Pak, MD Reference:J Sex Med 2006; 3(Suppl 1): Abstract 20.Link Here.

Burnett AL, Bivialacqua TJ, Chanmpion HC, Musicki B Editorial Comment: Priapism is a devastating woe. In sickle cell patients it may be recurrent, commonly initiate by a normal nocturnal erection. These recurrent episodes are described in the elder literature as 'stuttering'; the erections are evident up and about awakening and go amiss to subside after morning vacuity. A array of technique have been recommended: penile self-injection of alpha agonist, hormonal suppression with LHRH agonists, and hormonal gift with bicalutamide, baclofen and even placement of penile prosthesis.

This research and subsequent clinical theory tryout of Sildenafil citrate is dissenter, contravene convention convention that this lesson of medication is contraindicated in priapism patients. The works is counter primitive to our orthodox sensitive, why should a penile vasodilator usually nearly new to present erection in actuality be of help in cases of cyclical prolonged erection? Clearly the straightforward research is significantly well-read, and base on a cellular regulatory shining example. For immediately I would advocate practicing urologists to refer these men to centers of exactness in favour of prudence of this and other acid intimation treatment for stuttering priapism. The AUA Guidelines on Priapism [] are a must read for practicing urologist and emergency department physician who are face with the medical emergency of priapism.

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