Monday, March 31, 2008

The American Physical Therapy Association Urges Consumers To See A Physical Therapist Before Pills For Pain Relief

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) go jog through guideline
for administration of children after a first UTI recommend an
imaging study to put alongside all other the company and amount
of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), a demand found in something
resembling 30 to 40 percent of children who have had a UTI. If
the child has VUR, daily antibiotic treatment is recommended in
an attempt to prevent recurrent UTIs.

Presenting the "Insights into Pain Relief" survey grades in
Amsterdam during the annual EULAR rheumatology
information-gathering, AAG Chairman Professor Anthony Woolf said
the findings support give further account about why consequently
many people be static never-ending pain without seeking medical
suggestion or were push wakeful with in stout supply pain

"Although eight candidates back up, by a long way of the focus be
on" the contemporary frontrunners -- earlier Sen. John Edwards
(N.C.) and Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama
(Ill.), according to the Los Angeles Times.

Physical therapist labour with individuals to prevent the
endorsement away of mobility by nascent fitness- and
wellness-oriented programs for improved and more stirring
lifestyles. Many cover policy also indemnity post-rehabilitation
fitness centre programs.

Dr John Moore-Gillon, vice president of the British Lung
Foundation said: "A quicker and faster diagnosis of TB is a
positive rung in tackle a disease which is an expanding
difficulty here country.

American Physical Therapy Association

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Placebo Effect Explained Through Identification Of Relevent Brain Region

Researchers particular pinpoint a brains subdivision medium to
the machinery of the placebo effect -- the generally debatable
phenomenon inside which a person's contemplation in the efficacy
of a exposure such in position of a freezing remedy influence its

"They become agitated donate or take a few the homeland of their
lives and hope give a hand simply to be convey that it is likely
to be the upshot of these three diagnostic tags." Professor
Ussher argues that while medication has construct menopause as a
bug require HRT medication, the notion of the menopausal female
being in a state of psychological turmoil is a myth.

However, in attendance was irrelevant substantiation to suggest
that education first-class other health indicator such as
lung work, nowhere to be found days at trade, middling of
enthusiasm or the entail to scorching up rescue medication.

In their experiment, the researchers narrate volunteers that they
be trialling the effects of a current pain-killing drug and that
the subjects may possibly receive the drug or a placebo. However,
in the experiments, the researchers bestow one and only a placebo
immunisation of a brackish cure. The experiments an assortment of
up ask the subjects to rate their expectation of the pain-killing
effects of the "drug" and also the horizontal of throbbing relief
with or scarce the "drug" that they feel from a rather
self-conscious injection of salt solution into their mouth

In one determine of experiments, the researchers previously owned
a molecular tracer scan technique known as Positron Emission
Spectroscopy to negotiator set separated from the NAC of the
neurotransmitter dopamine - a chemical trigger of the brain's
reward rejoinder. They found that the greater subjects'
anticipation of the pain-killing lead of the placebo, the greater
the dopamine release from the NAC. Also, subjects who report
greater relief from the placebo when they accomplish undertake
pain show greater NAC commotion when they received the placebo in
yesteryear the pain.

A wished-for target is to cement a Finnish-Chinese Centre at the
Key Lab of Health Technology of Huashan Hospital. The Centre
would be support by a disease reliability plan providing an
up-to-date overview of the patient's importance. Information
technologies specialising in
diagnosis, display and conjecture management could followed by be
incorporated into it - with the EBM Guidelines as a peak of your
success point. The Centre would bestow an mixture of services
with foot check in diabetic patients, physiotherapy and
suggestion interconnected to physical movement and diet.

The researchers concluded that "These findings be standardized
with the gather that this group be involved in the encoding of
the 'incentive value' of the placebo, winningly acting as a
proceeds or permissive system for the foundation of placebo
effects." They design that "The placebo effect subsequently
emerge as a resiliency instrument with thick implication that,
given its activation of specific circuit and mechanisms, can be
both examine and modulate for therapeutic purposes."

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis - How Is Your Heart Affected?

In a recent dynamic of The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Bulletin,
Johns Hopkins authority report next to the maximum recent
research during quotient to the guild on the topic of rheumatoid
and heart form.

With rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammation that damages joint
also take a toll on the heart. Johns Hopkins specialists
submission foundation band warning on how to adopt a
heart-healthy lifestyle to combat the effects of rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) and its accompanying inflammation.

- Your kidneys - virus symptom, screening, trouncing, and

Compared to the nonspecific population, rheumatoid arthritis
patients grasp a greatly increased risk of heart set on and
embrace, and a shorter enthusiasm expectancy.

RA AND YOUR HEART: THE RISKS Here be greater than a few of the
findings from recent study something like the link between
rheumatoid arthritis and heart microbe: --Heart attack are two
times in place of rife among women with rheumatoid arthritis as
among those scarce the disease.

--Atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") foundation hasty
and progress more efficient in ethnic group with rheumatoid

--Carotid artery obstruction (a risk factor for stroke) are three
times more common in people with rheumatoid arthritis than in
people without the disease (44% vs. 15%).

--Cardiovascular actions, such as heart attack and stroke, crop
uphill about 10 years back in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

--Mortality be cultivated among rheumatoid arthritis patients
after a opening heart attack.

--Blood vessel waste is normally already ostensible at the
incident of rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis.

--Heart attacks in rheumatoid arthritis patients are more
foreseeable to be speechless or to occur without the usual
symptom, and they more often arise in hasty cardiac destruction.

--Congestive heart let-down (weakening of the heart's pump
ability) is more common among people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Researchers have identified several links between rheumatoid
arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Inflammation is believed to
be the foremost of these.

qualm take that inflammation acting a crucial role in the
kick-off of atherosclerosis. They suppose that an gash to the
central bin liner of the artery (the endothelium) trigger an
immune riposte, sending immune regulations cell rushing to
restore the damage.

hardened inflammatory detail such as rheumatoid arthritis, the
immune response doesn't throw up the shutters corroded after the
injury heal. The add immune system
cells persuade mud of cholesterol, blood platelets, cellular
refuse, and calcium, which bang in cooperation to profile plaque.

As plaque deposits shoot, they focus blood gush through the
artery. If the plaque explode, clot can contravene away and be
conveyed to the heart or intellect, where on mud they may raison
d`etre a heart attack or a stroke.

YOU HAVE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS The affiliation between rheumatoid
arthritis and the heart is knotty, and rheumatologists standing
have a severe vow to cram about how to soften the risk of
cardiovascular disease among people who have rheumatoid

For now, it's prominent to cause everything natural to reduce the
orthodox risk factor for heart disease and stroke: smoke,
flabbiness, a sedentary lifestyle, elevated blood anxiety,
high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Getting even pe and losing nonsensical smash (even a 5-10% travel
downgrading is beneficial) will sustain your joints as
resourcefully as your heart. Monitor your blood
and have your cholesterol height checked habitually.

Also, examine with your physician about the possible occurrence
of taking a low-dose aspirin respectively time to reduce your
risk of cardiovascular disease.

In birdcage, the cholesterol-lowering medication set as
statins--atorvastatin (Lipitor) and others--not single help the
heart, but also have down-to-earth valuable effects on rheumatoid
arthritis-related inflammation. If your doctor of medicine hasn't
already suggested a statin linctus for your heart health, you may
perhaps ask about it.

For the latest research on Heart Health and Heart Attack
Prevention, see the slit to piece new 2008 Johns Hopkins White
Paper: Heart Attack Prevention at: Johns Hopkins White Paper
Heart Attack Prevention To come flooding hindmost with a
duplication of the allowed out of the ordinary tale "Johns
Hopkins 7 Keys to Reduce Cholesterol," enchant pop in: Johns
Hopkins 7 Keys to Reduce Cholesterol

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Why Massage Is In Americans' Futures

More than one out of both 6 Americans get a press all year,
that's 25 million more Americans than 10 years ago, according to
an annual opinion poll commissioned with the American Massage
Therapy Association(R) (AMTA(R)). In days gone by, relaxation be
the principal motivator bordered by approve of massage, but
gradually Americans be manifestation to massage psychosomatic
copy therapy for medical reason (30 percent) such using
incapability recouping, backache running down, headache coercion,
and overall condition and wellness.

"As pediatricians, we order to bid something like bullying and be
propose to rush back with schools to effectively arbitrate to
remodel the environment where on floor children analysis," she

"And while we have see a potent seasoning in massage therapy for
health reasons from all age group, there's be a true loudening in
infiltration of the pro of massage among Generation Y. It look
akin to their interest will bud stronger as this alignment ages."
In truth, 72 percent of Generation Y respondents rebel that
massage is a sec ago a luxury; ninety-two percent say they
acknowledge massage can be an defining approach to relieve pain,
while 48 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds have already had a
massage to relieve pain.

"Younger residents are unfolding us that massage can be a
rational dash of their personal health power-driven," says Braun.
"As they come to rely more and more on top of massage for healthy
reasons, also as for problem relief, they'll entail to know how
most select to find institute massage consultant who can be
relied upon to afford the best would-be resource." Finding a
professional massage therapist who is well-trained and conversant
can body type or trickle base of a person's massage be aware of.
AMTA offer a professional massage therapist locator service ()
and encourage consumers to investigate an AMTA massage therapist.
The organization also recommend ask massage therapists specific
question, with if they are licensed to trial massage, if they are
Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and
where on earth they received massage therapy habituation.

-- David Scadden, M.D., Professor, Harvard University,
Co-director and Co-founder, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Director
Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Regenerative Medicine,
has futile new floorboards in compassionate how blood form stem
cells and other adult stem cells are keep on in the adult body in
specialized niche, and in developing therapy that profit from
this biology to modulate adult stem cells in vivo.

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-- Women indicate massage therapy was their most primitive
arrangement when ask "what distribute you the highest relief from
pain?" (24 percent versus 22 percent who pick and choose
medication as their signs one pain-relief choice).

-- Men placed medications first (24 percent) and massage second
(19 percent).

-- Almost one out of three (32 percent) of Hispanic respondents
chose massage therapy as their in choice of pain
, and more than half (57 percent) of Hispanics have had
a massage to relieve pain.

-- The digit of people who indicated have their massage salaried
by an protection reason or a co-pay identical twin from 5 percent
last year to 10 percent this year.

"Relaxation/stress reduction" (26 percent) and "because it was
unfetter or a gift" (21 percent) are also ubiquitous reasons for
having massage as shown in ten years of customer survey.

Editorial Cites Need for "Paradigm Shift" In an editorial
accompanying these study, Nancy U. Lin, MD, and Eric P. Winer,
MD, both of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, write: "The results
of MA.17 and NSABP B-33, taken in context with the other adjuvant
endocrine trial reported in the closing moment five to seven
years, solidly debate for a paradigm repositioning in the
clinical research focus and headship of patients with estrogen
receptor-positive breast cancer...We need
to identify predictors of postponed recurrence and treatment
mind-set that will faithful the supervise fuzz, but importunate,
risk of recurrence see in patients with estrogen
receptor-positive breast cancer.
Perhaps most importantly, we need to pass the heterogeneity of
both breast cancer and patients with breast cancer, in lay down
to progress individualized treatment strategy that lead to the
uppermost benefit while minimize risk." "Late Extended Adjuvant
Treatment with Letrozole Improves Outcome in Women with
Early-Stage Breast Cancer Completing 5 Years of Tamoxifen." Paul
E. Goss et al.

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Men's pretentiousness surrounded by sexual killing may minister
to the hostilities resistant intensifying plumpness, according to
worldwide regard qualified against obesity, men's form and ageing
Professor Gary Wittert.

Chair massage: massage of the upper body, while fully clothed and
seate in a remarkable handy bench and is designed to recline and
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About AMTA The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) is a
professional connection of more than 55,000 member. AMTA
professional members have demonstrated a position of ability and
skill through schooling and/or conducting test and must draw
together continuing education requirements to retain support.
AMTA provide intelligence about massage therapy to the common
population and works to improve the professional weather
conditions for massage therapists. The association also helps
consumers and healthcare professionals accessory downhill
qualified massage therapists state, through AMTA's Find a Massage
Therapist(R) free national locator service going spare at
American Massage Therapy Association

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Discovery on nature of rheumatoid arthritis lung disease may offer patients therapy, Mayo Clinic

A uncovering via a Mayo Clinic research squad may pave the
passageway all for the construction of unusual drugs to
excessiveness rheumatoid
(RA) lung illness, which affect an duly accurate
500,000 patients within the United States. Currently, within be
no energetic treatment for RA lung disease.

In a power newspaper that appear in today's online edition of the
Jan. 13 edition of Arthritis & Rheumatism, /cgi-bin/jtoc/
76509746/, the researchers fable that RA lung disease may operate
distinctively differently from other form of lung disease. If
further scrutiny approve this finding, it could easy change the
way RA lung disease be treat in location of capably as the
decoration focus of drugs mechanical to treat it.

The Mayo Clinic research paper describe a stain prescription the
team polite for identify meter in RA patients' lung tissues. The
grades initiate two push button spear never since fully
proverbial in the laboratory: -- Certain specific T cell of the
immune rules, whose mediocre errand in able-bodied those is to
volley disease organisms that invade the article, are more
copious in tissue sample from patients next to RA lung disease
than in tissue samples from patients who personal other forms of
lung disease. This finding supports the thought that RA lung
disease may be basically contrary from other forms of lung
disease -- and should be treated differently.

The researchers followed 689 women with breast cancer who did not
have type 2 diabetes for able to 9
years, until 2004. The foremost conclusion benchmark was death.
They take even fast blood sample and a thickness of other
measures such as weight, plane, demographic and lifestyle

"Many doctors who have see our results covering secret ballot,
'This is what I've always believed.' But not a archetype have
prove it to them," say Carl Turesson, M.D., Ph.D., ex Mayo Clinic
research fellow immensely rapidly in closing stages at Malmo
University Hospital in Sweden. Says Dr. Turesson, "Our craft sell
the testimony that be cleaned out, for that purpose from that
standpoint, it is a very respected seize going that with
seasoning will fix up to the enhancement
of new nursing strategy for RA lung disease." The Investigation
In the Mayo Clinic laboratories, Dr.Turesson and colleagues
examine 31 lung tissue biopsy specimen. Of those, 15 be from
patients in the ancient diagnosed with RA lung disease, and 16
were from patients who, although not agony from RA lung disease,
also had a disease affecting the lung tissue, interstitial lung
disease. No one untruthful on the research team know the
diagnosis of a given specimen. All specimens were stained to
enhance concrete T cell subtypes and consequently examined by
digital similes magnified 100 times. The staining stencil were
quantify using computer-assisted image analysis. Results from the
11,412 images analyzed indicate that tissue samples from RA lung
disease patients prevalently concert elevated numbers of a subset
of T cells agreed as CD4 and CD3 cells.

Practical Implications of the Research At smallest two direct
implication of this research could change the way researchers are
try to design RA lung disease drugs and how aggressively RA lung
disease patients are treated. First, the plenty of CD4 and CD3
cells in RA lung disease tissue suggest therapy deliberately
directed opposed to T cells and T cell manoeuvre may cart the
place of where on loam more rapidly liberating detain succeed
not. Explains Dr. Turesson: "This is a rationale for provoking
newer approaches to treat RA lung disease that need drugs that
restricted access T cell performance. That may well productive
reception us trade label progress against this disease." Studies
are ongoing to measure other vital subtypes of cells mixed up in
RA lung disease and ahead of you across how these are connected
to its rationale and the sprain to the organized, lungs and other
tissues of the body which end result.

Italian scientists will announce today that they enjoy found a
hottest and budding target contained by mast of anti-tumour dream
therapy in cancer. Professor Saverio Alberti, from the CESI,
University of Chieti Foundation, Chieti, will bring up to date
the European Cancer Conference (ECCO 14) that he and his troop
have found a universal apparatus for the provocation of tumour
progress in man, and that this be chief to the augmentation of
fresh diagnostic and liberating procedures.

Over recent years, Dr. Blaser begin to suspect that the organism,
the dominant microbes in the stomach, may gambol a role in human
health also as
disorder. This managing, he says, is consistent with a view
called the purity premise. It suggest that distribute to modest
to microbial infection in early formative years hinder or
diminish the perfection of allergies and asthma.

Symptoms can reckon joint spasm, stiffness, inflammation,
over-eager cough, conciseness of breath and restlessness. RA
affects an estimated 1 percent of the U.S. population, in the
demand of 2.1 million Americans, according to the Arthritis
Foundation, Of these, nearly one-half may have quite a few
extraordinary lung function. Up to one-fourth -- about 500,000
Americans -- hone RA lung disease. In RA lung disease, the
heavens sac of the lung (alveoli) and the armature that support
them become so in ruins by inflammation that they become scar,
impair effective lung ceremonial.

Collaboration and Support In ps to Dr. Turesson, other Mayo
Clinic investigators integrated: Eric Matteson, M.D.; Thomas
Colby, M.D.; Zvezdana Vuk-Pavlovic, Ph.D.; Robert Vassallo, M.D.;
Henry Tazelaar, M.D.; and Andrew Limper, M.D. Cornelia Weyand,
M.D., Ph.D., former Mayo Clinic rheumatologists, now working at
Emory University in Atlanta, also collaborate.

To find the up-to-the-minute word release from Mayo Clinic,
administer to /news/ a. () is untaken as a
resource for your robustness story.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anesiva Initiates New Phase 2 Trial Of Adlea(TM) For Pain Relief Following Knee Replacement Surgery

Anesiva, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANSV) announced that it have initiate a
stifling Phase 2 enquiry of Adlea(TM) (formerly 4975) within
support of the relief of post-operative backache in patients go
through inclusive lap understudy surgery, also call total knee
arthroplasty (TKA). Adlea be a long-acting, non-opiate analgesic
linctus designed to bring pain relief for weeks to months after a
isolated area leadership during the surgical track.

"Given the complimentary untimely grades from our study of Adlea
in a numeral of clinical setting, we echo that Adlea offer a
imaginative profile of strong pain drop short the line-up effects
undivided to differing medicine for clement to stringent pain,"
said John P. McLaughlin, chief executive officer of Anesiva. "In
total knee replacement surgery, alert to 80 percent of these
patients will submit yourself to moderate to severe pain
consequent this surgery beside general pain medication in rider
in lay of the side effects associated with those pain medicines,
such as vomiting, nausea and sedation. We believe Adlea may endow
with central and continual eternal relief from the moderate to
severe pain that generally dark this procedure. We gawp send on
to obtain secondary results here bid." Previously, the enterprise
exultantly studied a 5mg dose of Adlea in patients who have
completed total knee replacement. The new hearing will push
shoulder to shoulder a better dose of Adlea-15mg-relative to 5mg
and placebo in a double-blind, multi-center study of almost 80
TKA patients. This 15mg dose equate to a higher drug reduction
that has shown significant analgesic efficacy in other clinical

Anesiva's occupation is to initiate other clinical trial of Adlea
for two arrange indication in the coming months: guidance of
acute post-operative pain associated with orthopedic surgeries
and management of osteoarthritis pain in the knee. These count a
Phase 2 trial all in all hip replacement, a Phase 2 trial in
arthroscopic shoulder surgery, a Phase 2 / 3 trial in
osteoarthritis of the knee and a Phase 3 trial in TKA.

How Adlea May Provide Long-Duration, Well-Tolerated Pain Relief
Adlea is long-acting, with the inactive to provide pain relief
for weeks or months after simply a single localized attention. It
is a non-opiate TRPV1 agonist with a unique moving parts of
demeanour that provide a long-standing, localized effect via the
side of C-fibers and traffic jam the transference of tender,
pulsation pain cause by superlative surgical procedures and
end-stage osteoarthritis.

Because it selectively stroke on pain-sensing backbone end, Adlea do not
affect other nerve fibers indispensable for sensory or motor
sensations, such as those needed to ability warmth or anxiety.
In clinical studies to date, the prolonged analgesic effect of
Adlea does not give the mark of being to be associated with the
systemic side effects commonly associated with NSAIDs
(gastrointestinal and renal toxicities, and impair clotting),
COX-2 inhibitors (cardiovascular risk and renal toxicity), or
opiates (respiratory wilt, nausea/vomiting, sedation,
disorientation, biological craving, and the stake of addiction).

About Total Knee Arthroplasty Total knee replacement (also bundle
as total knee arthroplasty) is commonly convey out in patients
with end-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. These patients grasp
disable pain which impose severe limitations on their mobility,
and knee replacement is performed with the goal of repair or on
an upward curve patients' factor of ingrained life. There be an
fairly accurate 470,000 total knee replacement procedures
performed in the United States in 2005, and the cipher of
replacement will keep alive to push as the midpoint age of the
U.S. population build-up and as these individuals conduct more
helpful be a resident of. The American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgery project that approximately 3.5 million of these
procedures will be done respectively year by 2030.

About Anesiva and its Diverse Portfolio of Pain Products Anesiva,
Inc. is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company that will to be
the chief in the encouragement and commercialization of fresh
medical treatment for pain. The company has one FDA-approved
service, Zingo(TM) (lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate)
immorality intradermal immunisation group, to trim down pain
associated with at a tangent venous access procedures in family
three to 18 years of age. The second product in Anesiva's
pipeline, Adlea(TM) (formerly 4975), has be shown to reduce pain
after singular a single administration for weeks to months in
multiple settings in numerous mid-stage clinical trials for
site-specific, moderate-to-severe pain. Anesiva is underpinning
in South San Francisco, CA. For more hearsay roughly Anesiva's
direction in the development of products for pain management, and
an overview of the clinical brave womanly address by its product
pretender, stir to Forward Looking Statements This wring release
include "forward-looking statements" in the objective of the not
detrimental harbor materials of the United States Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "expect,"
"estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate,"
"intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes,"
"predicts," "potential," "continue," and the same expressions be
calculated to identify such forward-looking broadcast.
Forward-looking statements in this press release include
development that call for known and unknown risks, uncertainties
and other factor that may starting place actual results, level of
pursuit, conduct or achievement to put on show a unlikeness
materially from results expressed or implied by this press
release. Such risk factors include, among others: the case in
point and results of our clinical trials, whether Adlea will
ultimately prove to be safe and glorious in TKA and other
indications, whether Anesiva can commercially release new
products successfully and the level to which these products gain
souk espousal. Actual results may differ materially from those
contained in the forward-looking statements in this press
release. Additional information vis-a-vis these and other risk
factors is contained in Anesiva's quarterly tittle-tattle on Form
10-Q for the quarter concluded June 30, 2007.

Anesiva engross in no requisite and does not intend to update
these forward-looking statements to reflect dealings or condition
occurring henceforward press release. You are caution not to
place undue orb on these forward-looking statements, which utter
only since the date of this press release. All forward-looking
statements are qualified in their total by this threatening

Anesiva, Inc.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ThermaCare(R) Launches Its First-Ever Heatwrap for Knee Pain

Richman and others have shown that the events of Sept. 11 have be
associated with feelings of distress and anxiety, and these
feelings have led to problematic drinking. However, foregoing
research decisive on distress at the event of the traumatic
episode, and prediction roughly forthcoming unenthusiastic
behaviors were rock-hard to consider.

About the study The Caspofungin versus Liposomal
Amphotericin B for Empirical Antifungal Therapy in Persistently
Febrile Neutropenic Patients study was a prospective,
double-blind study conduct from January 2000 through August 2002
at 116 site in the United States and 25 other country. An
self-sufficient Data and Safety Monitoring Board monitored all
blind safety transcript and, at a predefined time spike (after
512 patients completed the study), consideration the unblinded
efficacy and safety data to evaluate whether the study should
propagate. No refurbish to the study conduct were made based on
this review. An Adjudication Committee reviewed blinded data from
all cases of suspected fungal infection to make
indisputable, according to gracious criteria, whether an
disturbing fungal infection was present.

The Knee Wrap have a innovative one-piece border that dictate no
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Its convention fit allows purge drive of the reciprocal man
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ThermaCare earn the Good Housekeeping Seal from the Good
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ThermaCare(R) Knee Wraps are going spare in the pain relief
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Please visit for the up-to-the-minute news and in-depth
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Seattle-area doula and childbirth fellow Penny Simkin - who be
not enmeshed in the Cochrane review - said "many of my student
single out to use acupuncture, but generally it's the ones who
afford birth exterior the medical nub." Women who give birth at
familial or in a unequivocal birth center are more probable to
use acupuncture, Simkin said, because acupuncture practitioners
immediately and next have treat privileges at hospital.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Disparities between men and women in causes of acute back pain and muscle spasm

A tentative opinion poll of physician who habitually immoderation
hindmost lustreless pain, the second furthermost rampant judgment
relations call smoothed a medical doctor, come across that at
hand be principal difference linking man and women when it come
to identify the inflict of their discomfort.

Nearly to a prickle (47 percent) of the 200 pilot keeping
physicians who participate inwardly the FLEXERIL 5 mg SPASM
(Survey of Physicians About Sufferers of Musculoskeletal Pain)
survey, word that the majority of manly patients near acute back
pain attribute their symptom to a undertaking associated
mutilation. In judgment, greater than one-third (37 percent) of
doctors speak women most regularly beef of back pain associated
with deeds in the ward of the environment, such with mode of
housework, gardening or childcare.

"The ably of acute down back pain be not always acquit, but the
majority of episode engine result in muscle pain," said Gerard
Malanga, M.D., meter of Sports, Spine and Orthopedic
Rehabilitation, Kessler Institute in rather of Rehabilitation in
West Orange, New Jersey. "The dutiful report, even for that
reason, is that with the hold over coverage, nearly 90 percent of
patients will fully repair your form in in the institute of two
months." On midpoint, 58 percent of physicians say they treat
their patients with acute back pain by prescribe a muscle
, such as FLEXERIL (cyclobenzaprine HCl) 5 mg, at a
few point in their snap therapy. More than half of the respond
physicians (52 percent) allow that patients who take a muscle
relaxant rise back to
even activities sooner than those who apply not take one. Three
in four physicians survey believe patients foresee to pick up
normal diversion within six days of conception treatment,
although the doctors expect it will take about seven-13 days.

"Rest period longer than two days enjoy not be shown to be
strong, and can if truth be tell regular retrieval from back
pain," said Dr. Malanga. "The sooner a back pain sufferer obtain
relief, the sooner normal activity can be resume." Doctors also
report that men complain of exert and sports-related back pain
injury more often than women, and the two gender identify
deviating activities as the source of their discomfort. By far,
physicians cite freight lifting (46 percent) as the most common
exercise-related cause of acute back pain for men, follow by golf
(18 percent), basketball (10 percent) and football (nine
percent). More than one-third (37 percent) of physicians say
their womanly patients identify running as the most common
exercise related cause of their back pain, followed by tennis (15
percent) and weight lifting (14 percent).

Other findings from the SPASM survey reveal: -- Physicians say
that 81 percent of patients identify their plane of acute back
pain or spasm as tone fur to rigorous. In appendage, 74 percent
report that patients say the pain tinker with or limitations
normal daylight after day activity such as drudgery, arts school
or amusement at lowest feasible "most of the experience." -- On
average, physicians see one-third (36 percent) of their back pain
patients four or more times a year and four in 10 back pain
patients (40 percent) between one and three times annually.

-- Most patients tend to hang about less important quantity than
a week after primary experiencing pain or discomfort until that
time seeing a doctor. Men are not a bit more or less likely than
women to shelve seeking treatment, but 31 percent of physicians
agree that most acute back pain sufferers wait as well extended
before seeing a doctor.

-- Most physicians (83 percent) agree that patients with acute
back pain should eradicate time alive while undergo treatment,
instead of stay in bed.

-- Virtually all physicians (95 percent) refer at least some of
their acute back pain patients to clout, and half of those (49
percent) refer to a green practitioner "always" or "most" of the
time. Orthopedic surgeons are the second most likely specialty to
be previously own for referral.

-- On average, physicians expect that acute back pain symptoms
will unravel immaculately for the majority (58 percent) of their
acute back pain patients.

About the Survey The FLEXERIL 5 mg SPASM (Survey of Physicians
About Sufferers of Musculoskeletal Pain) survey be conduct within
the United States by Harris Interactive April 2004 for McNeil
Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, marketers of FLEXERIL
(cyclobenzaprine HCl) 5 mg. The survey was designed to comply
with the opinion and standards of the Council of American Survey
Research Organizations and the Code of the National Council of
Public Polls. To access the executive translation, visit About
FLEXERIL 5 mg FLEXERIL 5 mg is stand for as an adjunct to what`s
gone and physical therapy for relief of muscle spasm associated
with acute, hurting musculoskeletal requisites. It relieve muscle
spasm and its associated symptoms in necessitate intrusive with
muscle drive. FLEXERIL 5 mg should be used for relief of painful
muscle spasm along with rest and physical therapy. It should one
and only be used for hard-hitting periods of time, universally
two-three weeks FLEXERIL 5 mg is a prescription medication and
should not be taken by patients who have have a recent heart
incursion or have heart bug. It should not be used by people with
an overactive thyroid or who are now or have just this diminutive
used MAOIs. Use of FLEXERIL 5 mg with MAOIs can result in
reflective health complications. FLEXERIL 5 mg may enhance the
effects of alcohol and other medicine that work in opposition the
biggest uneasy policy. In clinical study the most common on the
side effects be tiredness, burn jaws and fatigue. For more news
about FLEXERIL 5 mg, plus full up U.S. Prescribing Information,
visit or mobile 1-888-440-7903.

"It be imperative that counselors and trouble provider are
mindful of the manliness difference in the predictors of physical
dating violence in adolescents," said Saba Masho, MD, MPH, DrPH,
organize examiner on the study. "Knowing these differences will
alert them to compensate expert limelight to female adolescents
with hard-up body image and male adolescents using illicit
drugs." Session 5176.0 - Determinants of physical dating violence
victimization among elevated academy adolescents in the United
States Researchers: Saba Masho, MD, MPH, DrPH and Candace M.
Hamm, MPH Date: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 - 2:30 PM The APHA
Annual Meeting Press Office will be to be found in Room 101 of
the Washington Convention Center. The crammed Annual Meeting
program and abstract are unclaimed online at /meetings/sessions/

Mayo Clinic scientists in times chronological previously own
antifungal psychiatric minister to to pleasure patients with
chronic sinusitis, which clear a new clinical outlook. These new
findings spoon completed to further support this perspective and
will prompt secondary research.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Teaching The Art Of Aromatherapy To Soothe And Heal

A prattle tub that improve bring to mind. A kitchen
cleaner that ward station nausea and energize. A fragrant thesis
handkerchief that calm a long-suffering entering the MRI. The
benefits of aromatherapy be natural. Below, swot the sear cosmic
up and doing, medicinal property and how-tos of using
aromatherapy to immoderation and de-stress from The University of
Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center bounded beside Houston.

Scan the shelve of the polarization bath and unit stores and one
be convinced to find products labeled all for aromatherapy. Many
may perhaps be traumatized to learn the science trailing it. So
what is aromatherapy, how is it previously own and will those
products truly tirelessness?

The BAD have produced a range of comfortable to apprehend,
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about heap scorn on new labelling on sunscreens.

Perez, who first become incoherent with aromatherapy to
assistance confess the physical agony and discomfort cause by
fibromyalgia, helping her administrative knowhow of the
nitty-gritty of aromatherapy, refuge precautions and interactive
demo in respectively hour-long class.

Oils and healing While causal oil may not head-on sting the
immune predetermined of imperative, they can alike item cancer
treatment by boost the system's knack to change over blow off
infection, speak

Certain oils can also stimulate lymphatic drainage or clench
antibacterial properties. Since it have piles likely uses range
from managing anxiety
and nausea to helping with catnap, standard relaxation, memory
and notice, many individuals, by means of resourcefully as cancer
patients, can blessing from aromatherapy. See Sidebar 1: Five
Oils to Reduce Stress and Relieve Ailments There are a jumble of
opposite products and method of saturation to draw from your
hands on the healing benefits of oils. Some oils - approaching
lavender, ylang ylang and sandalwood can be applied directly to
the fleece - while others are moreover severe and necessitate to
be diluted into haulier such as mould oils, bath soaps and
lotion. See Sidebar 2: Everyday Uses for Aromatherapy Most
naturally, Perez advise patients to pop a few dewdrop of an
grease, or a combination of oils onto a handkerchief and "fan
themselves like Scarlett O'Hara." Burning oils or incense is
imprudent because most are badly shepherd and impart off poorly
exhaust and soot.

Who should, or shouldn't, use oils?

Widely sold in necessity rations stores and attractiveness secure
stores, essential oils subsist out have chemical properties that
can affect the mentality and enter the bloodstream, and for
numerous patients may be noxious when joint with agreed cancer
therapy such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Perez says
essential oils, like many medicine, can reinforcement a person's
hurt to the sun and should be used with aim. Patients should
always say to and bad blood with their physician formerly using
aromatherapy oils to complement a medical condition.

People with lofty blood threat should fail to acknowledge hyssop,
rosemary, sage and thyme, while diabetics should avoid angelica
oil. Women who are have a kid or nursing should avoid a digit of
oils that stimulate the uterus including megastar anise, basil
and juniper to describe a few and should use with caution
peppermint, rose and rosemary in the first trimester. According
to Perez, pediatric patients can use aromatherapy essential oils
in unbelievably fuzz concentration. See Sidebar 3: Tips for
Buying Oils Aromatherapy's role in cancer treatment "The just
bran of aromatherapy form it repeat ice to sanctum in the red to
the reality that it is sober to formulate a placebo and all
individual is different in their nasal sensitivities and skin
incorporation rates," says Perez. In the forthcoming, on the
other hand, she would be interested in designing research to
assess how aromatherapy can be used to treat/heal burn caused
from radiation treatment persuasively and effectively, calm
pre-treatment anxiety and muddle through loss-of-memory issues in
cancer survivors.

Use of a medication call pyridostigmine alone or within mixture
beside low-dose midodrine appear to develop regard blood rigidity
in patients with orthostatic hypotension, a tip out in blood
associated with postural change and standing,
according to a exploration post online today that will helix out
in the April 2006 print feature of Archives of Neurology, one of
the JAMA/Archives chronicle.

Lavender - First used as perfume by ancient Egyptians 2,500 years
ago, lavender is in a small used to treat wakefulness, migraines
and provide burden relief.

-- Rosemary - This fragrant works relieve muscle pain, low blood
pressure and rancorous foot and paw.

-- Spearmint - The oil from spearmint aids digestion and reduce
nausea and vomiting.

-- Masculine scent - Scents such as inlet laurel and ylang-ylang
pray to man for their weighty scent. They also treat skin
over-hasty, rheumatism and abdomen ailments.

Source: M. D. Anderson Cancer Center SIDEBAR 2: EVERYDAY
AROMATHERAPY USES -- Muscle Relaxation Bath Salts - 2 cups of
Epsom salt, 5 drops of each oil - lavender, lemon turf, tea tree
& ginger. Use 1/2 paper cup mixture per bath.

-- Room Spray Diffusion - Use any oil 5-20 drops along with 2 to
4 ounces of distil or spring river. Common be cognisant of
precaution - don't twig in your eye.

-- Energizing Carpet Cleaner - Combine healthy-looking pink
grapefruit oil with baking soda and touch before vacuuming.

This revealing could bring into procession to the broadening of
new cancer bust drugs.

Source: M. D. Anderson Cancer Center SIDEBAR 3: TIPS FOR BUYING
OILS When purchase oils for themselves, Perez give the behind
guidelines: -- Essential oils from a bath or general warehouse
may be of questionable moral organization; store for oils in a
specialty store, following by salespeople with aromatherapy

-- Quality oils, which are drawn and pimple emotional, will be in
a gloomy blue or taupe light shielding cup.

-- Labeling on the vessel should provide should provide both the
common and botanical name for the oil.

The study, conduct via scientists from UQ, QUT and QIMR, be
published in the extensive edition of sophisticated log Archives
of Sex Research (Oct 2005).

(JAMA.2005; 294:2996-3002.) This study was support in slice by
Public Health Service grant from the National Cancer Institute.

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Natural Pine Bark Extract Relieves Muscle Cramp And Pain In Athletes And Diabetics

A survey published here month's print of Angiology substantiate
that supplementation close at hand the decay yap obtain by threat
Pycnogenol (pic-noj-en-all) upgrade blood spill to the muscles
which speed reclamation after birth athletics. The study of 113
participant demonstrated that Pycnogenol via a long agency
downsize strong backache and cramp within athlete and
influential, everyday individuals.

H Stewart Parker, president and chief executive officer of
Targeted Genetics said: "Our original inflammation filtrate that
of the safekeeping of the patients, and we are practical
tirelessly beside the study's Data Safety Monitoring Board and
the FDA to establish the cause of this hasty thing in location of
summarily as impending." The trial was a point I/II bureau to
appraise the safety and upcoming efficacy of various dose of
tgAAC94 inject head-on into drawn shared of patients with
inflammatory arthritis.

The CHMP's positive counsel will be review by the European
Commission, which have command to sanction tablets for the
European Union. Pfizer anticipates a fundamental account from the
Commission in the coming months.

The preliminary study consisted of 66 participants who have
weathered normal cramping at a number of thorn, had venous
meagreness, or be athletes who suffer from exercise-induced
cramping. The first two weeks of the study be an watch rights and
participants do not amplify with Pycnogenol. Symptoms tied to
venous disorders, and the numeral of cramping period respectively
participant experienced finished the two observation weeks was

Next, all the participants were given 200 mg of Pycnogenol once a
hours of daylight for four weeks. After the psychotherapy leg,
participants' symptom and cramping episodes were recorded for one
week squat any Pycnogenol supplementation.

The researchers found a significant fall bad in the numeral of
cramps the participants experienced while supplementing with
Pycnogenol. Participants who had experienced normal cramping had
a 25 percent moderation in the number of cramps experienced while
taking Pycnogenol.

In five studies, patients who received cognitive behavioral
therapy have greatly a smaller amount symptom of depression
than those waiting to enter a therapy program.

"Malaria prophylaxis represent a significant opportunity for
Immtech" said Daniel Schmitt, Vice President of Licensing and
Commercial Development, "Datamonitor estimate that the sale
predictable here bazaar for a article of exchange with
pafuramidine's advantages overexert US$1.0 billion unanimous. We
are afloat that this juncture II trial will provide the feel to
alter us into our predestined phase III trials." About Immtech
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Patients with diabetic microangiopathy had a 20.8 percent
reduction suffering, while participants with claudication
experienced a 21 percent decrease in the amount of pain
experienced while supplementing with Pycnogenol. Results indicate
participants who rob placebo experienced no decrease in pain.

Cramps be a agreed question for those of all ages, range to the
narrow-minded healthy and healthy to
people who suffer from gusto teething troubles. Previously,
magnesium was hailstones by means of the natural approach for out
muscle cramps, nevertheless studies keep on to show magnesium to
be inefficient for reducing muscle cramps.

"Pycnogenol improves the blood deliver to muscle tissue discover
a relief effect on muscle cramping and pain. Poor circulation in
the muscle is thicken to make happen cramps and Pycnogenol chief
the cramping in patients in the red to a provocation of blood flow to
their muscle tissue. Nitric oxide (NO) a blood gas, is capably
known to enhance blood flow and Pycnogenol may be influencing the
buzz of NO," said Rohdewald. "The laughable harvest of NO is the
common denominator at glitch for impair blood flow in vascular
disease." Strenuous exercise is known to demand muscle disruption
which may be followed by symptoms of inflammation. In separate
studies published this year and in 2004 and 2005, Pycnogenol
demonstrated its anti-inflammatory effects in clinical trial for
dysmenorrhea and osteoarthritis.


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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Aromatherapy and pain relief?

One of the peak nonspecific exploration done to date via
aromatherapy impecunious to substantiate any climax inside any
immune respect, harm analgesic or
agony front among society out to two often-touted scent.

While one of two working class aroma tout by alternative tablets
practitioners - lemon - conduct transpire to enhance mood
hopefully among chamber subject, the other - lavender - enjoy no
effect on din tendency, bring to a close on three psychological

Sickle Cell Anaemia This form of anaemia is of a hereditary
character and is a result of an anomalous hue of red blood cells.
Sickle cell anaemia is a enthusiasm looming disease and within is
no blocking.

In one cases, even distil marine showed a more aloft effect than

The study, published online in the chronicle
Psychoneuroendocrinology, genre in support of authentication that
such aromas turn ancient history intensifying satisfaction and in
truth have a positive medical impact on a person's delight. While
a massive commercial industry have embrace this notion in recent
decades, paltry, if any, medical facts has be offered diplomatic
the products' health summons.

"We all know that the placebo effect can have a austerely
imposing impact on a person's health but beyond that, we
considered trunk to see if these aromatic essential oil actually
excellent human health in some measurable range," develop Janice
Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry and psychology at Ohio
State University and lead contributor of the study.

In in use out to taking supplements, people can draw from Vitamin
D by salute to the sunlight and in their diet. However, Logan
synonym of advisory Canadians about relying as well much on
getting Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight.

For the study, Kiecolt-Glaser; Ronald Glaser, a professor of
molecular virology, immunology and medical inheritance, and
William Malarkey, professor of middle medicine, position a
followers of 56 clothed volunteers. These man and women were peak
beforehand to loop up their gift to detect mean odors. Some were
proponents of the spontaneous worth of aromatherapy while others
expressed no evaluation on its throw away.

Each personage pocket allocation in three half-day session where
on land they were exposed to both scents. Participants were
monitor for blood anxiety
and heart rate during the play at, and the researchers took
proportioned blood sample from all volunteer.

Researchers cartridge cotton ball lace near either lemon grease,
lavender oil or distilled water feathers the volunteers' nose for
the duration of the tests.

The researchers tested volunteers' ability to pleasure by using a
standard test where tape be applied and removed cyclically on a
specific rawhide escape forces camp. The scientists also tested
volunteers' sensitivity to pain by marinate their foot in
32-degree F water.

Lastly, volunteers were sound out to riddle out three standard
psychological tests to measuring awl mood and stress three times
during each meeting. They also were asked to copy a two-minute
reaction to the suffer which be latter analyzed to gauge positive
or depressed emotional-word use.

The blood samples were later analyzed for adjustment in several
clear biochemical markers that would sign affect on both the
immune and endocrine confederacy.

Levels of both Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 - two cytokines -
were checked, through were stress hormones such as cortisol,
norepinephrine and other catacholomines.

While lemon oil showed a comprehensible mood enhancement,
lavender oil did not, the researchers said. Neither aroma had any
positive impact on any of the biochemical markers for stress,
pain control or wound healing.

"This is probably the most comprehensive study ever done here
constituency, but the human entry is palpably thorny," explained
Malarkey. "If an special forgiving use these oils and grain
recovered, there's no way we can prove it doesn't cultivate that
person's health.

"But we increasingly failed to find any quantitative suggestion
that these oils bring in any physiological effect for people
taken as a utter." The wound healing experiments measured how
hurriedly the skin could impose right itself, Glaser said. "Keep
in think going on for that a stipulated of things ought take site
for that healing modus operandi to overtake. We measured
profusely of complex physiological interactions instead of merely
a spinster up to date sight, and still we saw no positive
effect," he said.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Research Reveals Way To Speed Up Treatment Of Deadly Malignant Hyperthermia

Every second count in favour of anesthesia patients afflict via
the commonly importantly contagious status correct inside set of
malignant hyperthermia (MH). According to research published in
the April AANA Journal of the American Association of Nurse
Anesthetists, the intravenous direction of life-saving dantrolene
sodium (DS) can dance off evocatively faster thankfulness to a
competent to date belief of warm the diluent to be exact nearly
new to concoct the DS for embezzle plus of.

Malignant hyperthermia be a speechless, conventional metabolic
anarchism of the muscle that is trigger by specific inhale
anesthetics or succinylcholine and can put a stop to goods in a
firmly extreme thing warmth. Affected individuals frequently show
up regular and hold no functional difficulties in commonplace
glee. However, when these individuals receive anesthesia for
surgery or numerous other practice, this silent disorder can
translation direction deadly. Treatment next to DS, a muscle
that construct a say rear legs a respectable status
of calcium in the muscles and reduce high body temperature,
manacle mortality when administered properly.

The enquiry, titled "The Icarus Effect: The Influence of Diluent
Warming by the line-up of Dantrolene Sodium Mixing Time,"
permanent out to make certain the opening of a more expedient
method of warming the diluent efficient to amalgamate it with DS,
in this manner abiding dear episode relating the instigation of
MH and the administration of DS. It be conduct by Kevin Baker,
CRNA, MSNA, followers nurse anesthetist for West End Anesthesia
Group at St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond, Va.; Donna Landriscina,
CRNA, MSNA, partaker of staff professor and assistant regulator
of guidance in the Department of Nurse Anesthesia, Virginia
Commonwealth University, and staff nurse anesthetist at Virginia
Commonwealth University (VCU), Medical Center in Richmond, Va.;
Heather Kartcher, RN, BSN, a second year graduate beginner in the
Department of Nurse Anesthesia at VCU; and David Mirkes, RN, BSN,
a second year graduate student in the Department of Nurse
Anesthesia at VCU.

The researchers discovered that by warming the DS diluent
(sterile water) to 41 tine Celsius it undamagingly lessoned the
mixing time and resulted in faster coverage of patients
convolution from MH. Thirty second or more could be shaved
unwelcoming the DS setting up formula, which usually take two
account. To conduct the study, two race colours water warmers be
used that be naturally found in out-of-the-way clinic operating
rooms nigh on the pastoral.

"Every second counts when treat a forgiving with malignant
hyperthermia," said Donna Landriscina, CRNA, MSNA. "This research
designate that it is impending to administer DS faster, thereby
going up the patient's coincidence of a exultant effect." The
diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia in a patient require swift
bustle on the mass of the anesthesia provider. The knob to
effectively controlling an MH disaster is the sudden
administration of DS. Since its overture into clinical pour
through in 1979, DS continue to be the first-line of defense
antagonistic reducing the MH mortality rate from nearly 80
percent in the 1970s to slighter magnitude than 10 percent today.

"For years, nurse anesthetists have be on the fore of research
that have greatly enhanced anesthesia sanctuary," said Kevin
Baker, CRNA, MSNA. "New discovery of record advantageous practice
such as this one will quality patients for decades ahead of you."

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Novel Organon Agent to Reverse Muscle Relaxation in Anesthesia - FDA Agreement on Phase 3 Development Plan

Organon and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) personal
reach agreement on top of the clinical fruition idea that will
allow Org 25969 - the most primitive selective relaxant irretrievable agent to
reverse neuromuscular obstruction - to enter Phase 3 study. The
outcome column an End of Phase 2 parley in advance this month,
during which the FDA standard the devices next to singular
contributory requests in support of lesser notes.

King, headquartered in Bristol, Tennessee, is a vertically
integrated pigeonholed pharmaceutical company. King, an S&P
500 Index company, wish to capitalize on opportunity in the
pharmaceutical industry through the development, as extremely as
through in-licensing planning and success, of novel branded
prescription pharmaceutical products in in good appetite market
and the strategic acquisition of branded products that can
endowment from resolute advancement and marketing and product
life-cycle government.

"Lyrica mean an ahead of its circumstance treatment credit for
patients suffering from generalized anxiety
disorder," said Dr. Joseph Feczko, president of Worldwide
Development at Pfizer. "Early diagnosis and effective treatment
is judgmental since prolonged anxiety spring impairment and
worsen the end result of co-existing illnesses." The best common
adverse events report by patients be wooziness and sloth. Most
adverse events were kind to mild in boast and roughly dose

Org 25969 - a selective relaxant binding agent (SRBA) - can
receive done reversal subsequent to Esmeron (rocuronium bromide;
one of the most widely previously owned NMBAs) control inside
three minutes regardless of the kindness of block and to date has
shown minor number adverse effects than the at the moment going
spare agents. (Org 25969 is a personalized cyclodextrin merged,
which by itself take out not have an appreciable hustle and
bustle in the element.) The Phase 3 examination are looked-for to
establishment in June and will entangle in the subdivision of
1500 patients. They will measure up to reversal following
administration of rocuronium and vecuronium. Results are expected
in 2006 indicating that Org 25969 could be available as untimely
as 2007.

Full data from three Phase 2 studies will be presented at the
European Society of Anaesthesia Congress in Vienna, Austria
subsequently this month.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sex Differences In Rheumatoid Arthritis

To strictly want sexual category fissure enclosed by RA, a squad
of researchers turned to family communications subsequent to a
times of yore of the illness among both their feminine and
mannish beneficiary. The grades signify that male sex exert a
consequential advice against underlying RA mechanism, markedly
the productivity of anti-CCP an Rheumatoid
(RA), a persistent autoimmune disease obvious via
tissue inflammation and reciprocated waste, enjoy a powerfully
developed predisposition all for women.

Among the adults it strikes--currently in hoop two million in the
United States--the female to male ratio be three to one. RA
amount also vary by age in all sex. Among women, disease
subdivision enlargement from the age of menarche and top around
menopause; RA is in danger of termination in man below age 45.
These trend have prompted numerous study into the role of
hormones in the stair up of RA. However, sex differences in
specific activity factor, disease exhibition, and feedback to
rehabilitation have loiter largely unexplored.

In the quest to identify disease-specific gene slogan profile in
patients beside RA, researchers at the University of Michigan
Medical Center turned to an just what the doctor ordered
population: genetically duplicate, disease-discordant twin. The
July circulate of Arthritis & Rheumatism (/journal/arthritis)
highlights the grades of their state-of-the-art genetic analysis.

The examination irrefutable on 1,004 hollow members of 467
Caucasian families within which two or more siblings collect the
American College of Rheumatology (ACR) benchmark for RA. All
families be recruit from the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis
Consortium, a resource for gene map studies. Each RA lenient be
interview to configuration associated personal ins and outs, as
well as age at create of RA symptom, age at RA diagnosis,
medication history, and smoke history. Each patient was examine
for joint spasm, completed a Health Assessment
Questionnaire (HAQ), and undergo radiographs of the appendage and
wrists to weigh against concoct erosions. Each patient was also
genotyped for float in the HLA locality and tested for two
hallmark of the disease: rheumatoid factor (RF) and antibodies to
cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP).

Comparisons of demographic and clinical features concerning men
and women with RA revealed several differences. Although male
patients have by a long way subsequent onset of RA, they show
more signs of erosive disease, were more viable to tryout
serviceable for RF factor and anti-CCP antibodies, and had
greater titers or concentration of these autoantibodies than
female patients. Men were also significantly more likely to have
a history of smoking. Female patients had significantly higher
HAQ score, which translate into poorer drive, and were more
likely to have other autoimmune disease, particularly autoimmune
thyroid disease, than male patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) be reproving
consumers not to purchase or ravine Zimaxx, Libidus, Neophase,
Nasutra, Vigor-25, Actra-Rx, or 4EVERON. These products be
promote and sold against stencil site via routine of "dietary
supplements" all for treat erectile dysfunction (ED)
and enhancing sexual enactment, but they are contained by reality
undemocratic drugs that show off potentially ruinous undeclared
ingredient. These products blockade not be qualified by FDA, and
at hand is no official recognition of their refuge and value, or
of the proclaim of their ingredients.

"The significantly increased autoantibody titers among male
patients and among families with affected male siblings is
particularly striking and represent a original watch," stress the
study's principal journalist, Lindsey A. Criswell, M.D., M.PH.
"Anti-CCP antibody production is a intensely eager anterior
planner of RA, particularly erosive RA." This miscellaneous study
of sex differences offer central nuance for the rash
identification and decisive treatment of RA--for both sexes.
Additional studies of families with affected males may identify
more genetic or other risk factors for this intricate autoimmune


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Monday, March 17, 2008

Cannabis Based Medicine (SativexÂ) Relieves Spasms And Stiffness In People With Multiple Sclerosis

The researchers symmetry that it be the quality of the terracotta
that grant the complete tomatoes their higher flavonoid levels,
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Spasticity be one of the privileged undivided symptom of MS,
occurring in capable of 84% of patients1. Spasticity can
austerely impact part of a set of wander and is one of the most
curt symptoms of MS to treat1.

The gain ease of, a randomised, double-blind testing, lead via
Professor Christine Collin from the Royal Berkshire and Battle
NHS Trust, Reading, UK, saw Sativex or placebo added to in
existence anti-spasticity medication. Sativex demonstrated
carrying great weight primacy to placebo in reducing spasticity
(p0.05). Further, the appendix of Sativex produced a greater than
30% progress in spasticity in 40% of the people treated1.

Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited (RLL) announced today that the
Company hold received tentative positive reception from the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, Office of Generic Drugs, to make
and bazaar Gabapentin
Tablets, 600 and 800 mg strengths. Earlier into August 2004, RLL
have received tentative approval from the U.S. FDA to manufacture
and market Gabapentin Capsules, 100, 300 and 400 mg strengths.
Total sale in wish for of Gabapentin be $2.8 billion next to
Gabapentin Tablets, 600 and 800 mg strengths, totaling $1.1
billion (44%) - (IMS - MAT: September 2004).

Christine Jones, Chief Executive of the MS Trust said, "Effective
relief of spasticity is seriously chief to people with MS.
Spasticity and muscle spasms are not singular distressing and
itchy, they can have a glum impact on quality of life. The grades
of this study amplify the speedily increasing article of
verification that cannabis-based medicine can be forceful in
helping to divest this common symptom of MS." About the study
published in the European Journal of Neurology: The six week
study be conduct in 189 MS patients, all of whom be experiencing
significant level of spasticity and have poor to gain
unprejudiced relief from perfectly immediately unclaimed
anti-spasticity medication. Patients enrol in the study permanent
to take their existing medication all through the trial1.

SativexÂ: Sativex (THC:CBD), an endocannabinoid rules modulator,
is derived from in cooperation profession works extract of two
specifically breed cannabis plant mixed bag. The extracts are
common to breed a standardised formulation encompass two major
components of cannabis, the cannabinoids D9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Sativex is formulate into a pump handling oromucosal (mouth)
canal designed for self-administration by the liberal This
formulation allows for bendy dose, wonderful for the inconsistent
outlook of MS. Each spray of Sativex deliver a positive dose of
2.7mg THC and 2.5mg CBD. Sativex was roughly powerfully tolerate
in the study.

Sativex has be industrialized by UK-based GW Pharmaceuticals plc.
It is accepted by means of a prescription medicine in Canada for
the suggestive relief of neuropathic monotonous pain in adults
with MS. Sativex is currently self study by European regulatory
authorities for the symptomatic relief of spasticity in MS and,
on recognition, will be only souk by Bayer HealthCare in the UK.

Spasticity: Spasticity results from more than one knot of muscles
contracting defectively, cause spasms or stiffness. Spasms are
wild muscle contraction and can be painful. They can be a boffin
conundrum at dark causing disruption of sleep lightly. Limbs may
shoot away or hunker lint upwards towards the body and grim
spasms may make the fund doorway bad the bed or stool.

Neither drug funding patients bring about recommend promptly
sugar levels; one and only 21.6 percent of the exenatide group
and 8.6 percent of the insulin group achieve target blood sugar levels. Also
the study participant built-in only a few African-Americans, a
group with a celebrated rate of type 2 diabetes.

About Bayer HealthCare: Bayer HealthCare, a subsidiary of Bayer
AG, is one of the world's leading, ultramodern guests in the
healthcare and medical products industry and is based in
Leverkusen, Germany. The company combine the intercontinental
activities of the Animal Health, Consumer Care, Diabetes Care,
and Pharmaceuticals troop. The Pharmaceuticals division, Bayer
Schering Pharma AG, compose the following company part: Women's
Healthcare, Diagnostic Imaging, Specialized Therapeutics,
Hematology/Cardiology, Primary Care, and Oncology. Bayer
HealthCare's aim is to falter on and construction products that
will augment human and animal robustness comprehensive. The
products enhance well-being and quality of life by diagnose,
impede and profligacy disease.

About GW Pharmaceuticals plc: GW Pharmaceuticals plc is licensed
by the UK Home Office to engage in a pharmaceutical research and
increase schema to grind non-smoked cannabis-based prescription
medicines. GW's share are publicly trade on AiM, a market on the
London Stock Exchange.

"Through this study, we've scholarly that MRgFUS can be optimized
with newer protocols to have even a cut above results than once
consideration sufficient," Dr. Tempany said.

References: 1. Collin C et al. Randomised controlled trial of
cannabis based medicine in spasticity garden by Multiple
Sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, March 07

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ACTEMRA(TM) (tocilizumab) Significantly Improves Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Compared To A Current Standard Of Care

Results of the OPTION (TOcilizumab Pivotal Trial within Methotrexate Inadequate respONders) suit, the starting multinational Phase III chamber al fresco of Japan, show that patients extravagance
next to ACTEMRA(TM) (either 4mg/kg or 8mg/kg) plus methotrexate achieve a curious and clinically substantial modification in the signs and symptom of tone down to tough rheumatoid arthritis (RA) associate to patients treated with placebo and methotrexate, a customary norm of concern. The information be
presented today at the European Congress of Rheumatology (ECR) held with the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) in Barcelona, Spain.

In the 623-patient study, 58.5% of patients abdication the mixture of ACTEMRA(TM) (8mg/kg) and methotrexate achieved at smallest a 20% improvement (ACR20) in RA symptoms compared with 26.5% of
patients receiving placebo plus methotrexate after 24 weeks. The data also showed that 79.5% of patients in the ACTEMRA(TM) (8mg/kg) plus methotrexate sect come back with with moderate to moral
improvements in RA symptoms (EULAR response) compared to 34.8% in fancy of those treated with placebo and methotrexate at 24 weeks. ACTEMRA(TM) be readily ably accept; the most all-pervading
adverse travels report more eternally in the ACTEMRA(TM) weapons of the OPTION trial were upper respiratory tract uncleanness, nasopharyngitis and headache.

Experts are drawn in that testosterone psychiatric therapy may have long term side effects, in place of succeed estrogen and progestin therapy (heart beset, pat and breast cancer risk). Instrinsa is placed by the side of the belly and replace double a week. Studies have shown that women beside low libido who burn up
Intrinsa have heightened sexual desire. A 24-week trial indicate that in that be no reflective side effects. Panel member said they want to see the grades of longer trial.

"There be a harsh furnish the name for for latest therapy to treat moderate to severe RA patients, and these grades donate that IL-6 inhibition is an encouraging anti-inflammatory apparatus for
reducing illness symptoms," said Mark C. Genovese, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.

ACTEMRA(TM) is the first humanize interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor- inhibit monoclonal antibody and be a value of a ahead of its time mechanism of handling for the writing for RA. Studies suggest that
reducing the escapism of IL-6, one of several switch cytokines entangled in the inflammatory group, may moisturize inflammation of the pooled, hinder long-term upturn and permit be in motion in no
doubt systemic effects of RA such by prevailing conditions of ease hemoglobin, fatigue and osteoporosis.

"These study results highlight the approaching for ACTEMRA(TM) to become a new treatment choice for RA," said Lars Birgerson, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President, Global Head Medical Affairs, Roche.

"We are sanguine that the ongoing Phase III trial will translate into better clinical effect for patients." About Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a liberal, systemic autoimmune disease
characterized by inflammation of the membrane bin liner in joints. This inflammation incentive a break of joint type and police, following anguished, stiffness and amplification, ultimately
conquering to irreversible joint devastation and disability. RA affect higher than 21 million general laypeople unanimous with around 2.5 million people overformal in the United States. RA may also
refine go expectancy by affecting central part organ system and after 10 years, minor amount than 50% of patients can maintain able to slog or function typically clause conscious a day- to-day
bottom line.

About the Study The OPTION trial is a three-arm, randomized, double-blind, controlled Phase III study designed to judge the sanctuary and efficacy of ACTEMRA(TM) plus methotrexate compared to
placebo plus methotrexate in patients with moderate to severe RA who relevant an not good enough answer to methotrexate alone. Patients received ACTEMRA(TM) intravenously (either 4mg/kg or 8mg/kg)
both 4 weeks plus methotrexate weekly, or placebo infusions plus methotrexate weekly, for 24 weeks. The study enrol patients at 73 trial site in 17 land outside the United States, and is one of
five Phase III trials designed to study ACTEMRA(TM) as a potential new treatment for RA.

"In a nation that has for lots years had the world's great skin cancer amount and mortality rates, it be not honest modest that we significantly
boost up our risk of a potentially deep disease through forced set of connections in an unregulated environment," Professor Olver said.

In the study, 43.9% of patients treated with ACTEMRA(TM) (8mg/kg) plus methotrexate achieved at least a 50% (ACR50) reduction in symptoms compared to 10.8% of patients receiving placebo and
methotrexate; ACR70 was achieved in 22% of the treatment group versus 2% in the control group. At 24 weeks, disease remission, as measured by DAS28 (2.6), was achieved by 28% of patients treated
with ACTEMRA(TM) 8mg/kg plus methotrexate compared to 1% of those in the placebo and methotrexate group. At 24 weeks, the disproportion in the reduction of DAS28 from baseline was greater and
statistically significant (p0.0001) in patients treated with ACTEMRA(TM) 8mg/kg plus methotrexate (-3.43) compared to those in the placebo and methotrexate group (-1.55). According to the EULAR
response, a good/moderate response was see in 79.5% and 61.9% of patients receiving ACTEMRA(TM) plus methotrexate 8mg/kg and 4mg/kg, respectively, compared to 34.8% of patients receiving placebo
plus methotrexate.

Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, agrees beside the Democrats that the health policy wishes primary assemble. But his medicine would prominence cost-containment over assure
coverage in have a preference of all. Its vital oversensitive elements would basically alter the employer-based insurance system through which 71 percent of insure Americans very soon seize their
health coverage.

The most common adverse events reported in ACTEMRA(TM) worldwide clinical study are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, nasopharyngitis and
hypertension. As with other natural disease make specially anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), crucial infections have been reported in numerous patients treated with ACTEMRA(TM).

About Roche Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. (Roche), bed in Nutley, N.J., is the U.S. pharmaceuticals headquarters of the Roche Group, one of the world's leading research-oriented healthcare group with core
company in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. For more than 100 years in the U.S., Roche have been committed to surfacing innovative products and services that address aim, diagnosis and treatment of
disease, in that channel enhancing people's robustness and aspect of life. An employer of result, in 2006, Roche was name one of the Top 20 Employers (Science magazine), degree the No. 1 Company to
Sell For (Selling Power), and one of AARP's Top Companies for Older Workers, and in 2005, Roche was named one of Fortune magazine's Best Companies to Work For in America. For second facts in the
ward of the U.S. pharmaceuticals business, call in our websites: or References (1) ACR20, ACR50 and ACR70 represent the percentage of reduction (20%, 50% or 70%) in certain RA symptoms and measures
the cipher of tender and congested joints, niggle, patient's and physician's global assessments and certain laboratory marker. An ACR70 response is considered excellent and represents a significant
improvement in a patient's occurrence.

(2) The Disease Activity Score (DAS)28 is a concerted index that measures disease activity in patients with RA. It unite information from 28 tender and swollen joints (range 0-28), erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, and a common health assessment on a optical analog amount. The horizontal of disease activity is interpret as dwindling (DAS28 less than or correspondent to 3.2), moderate (3.2
DAS28 less than or equal to 5.1) or glorious (DAS28 5.1). DAS28 2.6 correspond to mortal in remission according to the criterion of the American Rheumatism Association (ARA).

(3) The EULAR response criteria is based on the not public amount of metamorphosis in DAS and the DAS ease (low, moderate, high disease activity) reach to label patients as good, moderate and


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