Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Role Of Type II Collagen, Study

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) be an autoimmune virus characterized with habitual inflammation of the joint, which bit by bit toughen the cartilage and clean. The agents of closure encompass inflammatory cell, cytokines, and protein-degrading enzymes collection using matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs).

The vicious cycle begin when inflammatory cells infiltrate the tissue facing the joints and gap oversupply oxygen. In accessory to unleash MMPs, the oxidative strain animate non-enzymatic glycation - a chemical permanent of sugar molecules and proteins. Telltale signs of glycation clench be found contained by blood, urine, and synovial liquor of RA patients.

The former protein in cartilage, Type II Collagen (CII) is essential to common form and drive. Yet, the collusion of CII in the system of joint inflammation have proven callow to substantiate. To gain a clearer clemency of CII's role in the pathogenesis of RA, researchers at Queen Mary, University of London and others studied its behavior inside an inflamed joint, when made to charge by oxidants coupled to inflammation or by ribose, a five-carbon sugar rampant to all sentient cells.

Featured in the December 2005 put out of Arthritis & Rheumatism (, their findings flying buttress CII's upcoming input to antibody binding and RA's severe development.

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Many of the advance in joint replacement surgery be targeted clearly to babe boomers involving the ages of 40 and 60. Most fitness-related injury -- and even osteoarthritis of the joint -- can be luxury and controlled beside hiatus, medication and other non-invasive negotiation.

According to the author of the study, "Osteoporosis be a effectiveness requirement advanced by in the region of one in three postmenopausal women, near estrogen not as much as recurrently acting in put down of the focal create.

However, the percentage of samples that exhibit antibody binding increased 4-fold when tested with modified CII. In certainty, 45 percent of all RA samples were weigh conscious with genial to knotty antibody binding reaction. CII immoderation with hypochlorous acid be the best reactive, followed by CII treated with peroxynitrite, glycation, and hydroxyl radical, respectively. In evaluation, only 1 non-RA tendency showed strong antibody binding to modified CII.

"The present findings support the probability that chemical fine-tuning of self antigens, in RA in fussy and in inflammation in basic, is the lead to of conception of neoepitopes," boom the study's primary playwright, Ahuva Nissim, Ph.D. "We put it to somebody that the oxidative modification of CII fabricate a CII autoantigen." This speculation has complaining undertone for the further scrutiny and enhanced understanding of the pathology of RA - a thorny autoimmune disease.

Article: "Generation of Neoantigenic Epitopes After Posttranslational Modification of Type II Collagen by Factors Present Within the Inflamed Joint," Ahuva Nissim, Paul G. Winyard, Valerie Corrigall, Rewas Fatah, David Perrett, Gabriel Panayi, and Yuti Chernajovsky, Arthritis & Rheumatism, December 2005; 52:12; pp. 3829-3838.

The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report is published for, a for nil resource of The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation . 2005 Advisory Board Company and Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights uncommunicative.

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