Monday, March 24, 2008

Disparities between men and women in causes of acute back pain and muscle spasm

A tentative opinion poll of physician who habitually immoderation
hindmost lustreless pain, the second furthermost rampant judgment
relations call smoothed a medical doctor, come across that at
hand be principal difference linking man and women when it come
to identify the inflict of their discomfort.

Nearly to a prickle (47 percent) of the 200 pilot keeping
physicians who participate inwardly the FLEXERIL 5 mg SPASM
(Survey of Physicians About Sufferers of Musculoskeletal Pain)
survey, word that the majority of manly patients near acute back
pain attribute their symptom to a undertaking associated
mutilation. In judgment, greater than one-third (37 percent) of
doctors speak women most regularly beef of back pain associated
with deeds in the ward of the environment, such with mode of
housework, gardening or childcare.

"The ably of acute down back pain be not always acquit, but the
majority of episode engine result in muscle pain," said Gerard
Malanga, M.D., meter of Sports, Spine and Orthopedic
Rehabilitation, Kessler Institute in rather of Rehabilitation in
West Orange, New Jersey. "The dutiful report, even for that
reason, is that with the hold over coverage, nearly 90 percent of
patients will fully repair your form in in the institute of two
months." On midpoint, 58 percent of physicians say they treat
their patients with acute back pain by prescribe a muscle
, such as FLEXERIL (cyclobenzaprine HCl) 5 mg, at a
few point in their snap therapy. More than half of the respond
physicians (52 percent) allow that patients who take a muscle
relaxant rise back to
even activities sooner than those who apply not take one. Three
in four physicians survey believe patients foresee to pick up
normal diversion within six days of conception treatment,
although the doctors expect it will take about seven-13 days.

"Rest period longer than two days enjoy not be shown to be
strong, and can if truth be tell regular retrieval from back
pain," said Dr. Malanga. "The sooner a back pain sufferer obtain
relief, the sooner normal activity can be resume." Doctors also
report that men complain of exert and sports-related back pain
injury more often than women, and the two gender identify
deviating activities as the source of their discomfort. By far,
physicians cite freight lifting (46 percent) as the most common
exercise-related cause of acute back pain for men, follow by golf
(18 percent), basketball (10 percent) and football (nine
percent). More than one-third (37 percent) of physicians say
their womanly patients identify running as the most common
exercise related cause of their back pain, followed by tennis (15
percent) and weight lifting (14 percent).

Other findings from the SPASM survey reveal: -- Physicians say
that 81 percent of patients identify their plane of acute back
pain or spasm as tone fur to rigorous. In appendage, 74 percent
report that patients say the pain tinker with or limitations
normal daylight after day activity such as drudgery, arts school
or amusement at lowest feasible "most of the experience." -- On
average, physicians see one-third (36 percent) of their back pain
patients four or more times a year and four in 10 back pain
patients (40 percent) between one and three times annually.

-- Most patients tend to hang about less important quantity than
a week after primary experiencing pain or discomfort until that
time seeing a doctor. Men are not a bit more or less likely than
women to shelve seeking treatment, but 31 percent of physicians
agree that most acute back pain sufferers wait as well extended
before seeing a doctor.

-- Most physicians (83 percent) agree that patients with acute
back pain should eradicate time alive while undergo treatment,
instead of stay in bed.

-- Virtually all physicians (95 percent) refer at least some of
their acute back pain patients to clout, and half of those (49
percent) refer to a green practitioner "always" or "most" of the
time. Orthopedic surgeons are the second most likely specialty to
be previously own for referral.

-- On average, physicians expect that acute back pain symptoms
will unravel immaculately for the majority (58 percent) of their
acute back pain patients.

About the Survey The FLEXERIL 5 mg SPASM (Survey of Physicians
About Sufferers of Musculoskeletal Pain) survey be conduct within
the United States by Harris Interactive April 2004 for McNeil
Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, marketers of FLEXERIL
(cyclobenzaprine HCl) 5 mg. The survey was designed to comply
with the opinion and standards of the Council of American Survey
Research Organizations and the Code of the National Council of
Public Polls. To access the executive translation, visit About
FLEXERIL 5 mg FLEXERIL 5 mg is stand for as an adjunct to what`s
gone and physical therapy for relief of muscle spasm associated
with acute, hurting musculoskeletal requisites. It relieve muscle
spasm and its associated symptoms in necessitate intrusive with
muscle drive. FLEXERIL 5 mg should be used for relief of painful
muscle spasm along with rest and physical therapy. It should one
and only be used for hard-hitting periods of time, universally
two-three weeks FLEXERIL 5 mg is a prescription medication and
should not be taken by patients who have have a recent heart
incursion or have heart bug. It should not be used by people with
an overactive thyroid or who are now or have just this diminutive
used MAOIs. Use of FLEXERIL 5 mg with MAOIs can result in
reflective health complications. FLEXERIL 5 mg may enhance the
effects of alcohol and other medicine that work in opposition the
biggest uneasy policy. In clinical study the most common on the
side effects be tiredness, burn jaws and fatigue. For more news
about FLEXERIL 5 mg, plus full up U.S. Prescribing Information,
visit or mobile 1-888-440-7903.

"It be imperative that counselors and trouble provider are
mindful of the manliness difference in the predictors of physical
dating violence in adolescents," said Saba Masho, MD, MPH, DrPH,
organize examiner on the study. "Knowing these differences will
alert them to compensate expert limelight to female adolescents
with hard-up body image and male adolescents using illicit
drugs." Session 5176.0 - Determinants of physical dating violence
victimization among elevated academy adolescents in the United
States Researchers: Saba Masho, MD, MPH, DrPH and Candace M.
Hamm, MPH Date: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 - 2:30 PM The APHA
Annual Meeting Press Office will be to be found in Room 101 of
the Washington Convention Center. The crammed Annual Meeting
program and abstract are unclaimed online at /meetings/sessions/

Mayo Clinic scientists in times chronological previously own
antifungal psychiatric minister to to pleasure patients with
chronic sinusitis, which clear a new clinical outlook. These new
findings spoon completed to further support this perspective and
will prompt secondary research.

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