Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Method For The Early Diagnosis Of Pulmonary Hypertension, The Main Cause Of Death In Patients With Scleroderma

Researchers at the University of Granada (UGR) from the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Unit and the Cardiology Service of the Hospital Clinico San Cecilio surrounded with Granada take mechanized an revolutionary net which will help out doctors mixture the earliest diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension viable, which be the foremost force of extermination in favour of patients wounded from scleroderma, a bloody bug which affect in the order of 1,200 out of both million relations. Until flattering in a while, the individual approach to identify pulmonary hypertension be to effect a cardiac catheterization, an pushy technique consisting of the introduction of a indentation and bendable conduit (a catheter) through the jugular artery head-on into the detailed by the side of the side of the heart. This technique is not advisable for all patients because of its strenuousness and chance.

The investigational technique was developed by ample practitioner Lourdes Lopez Perez, and directed by lecturers Norberto Ortego Centeno and Jose Luis Callejas Rubio, from the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Unit of the Medicine Department, at the University of Granada.

In a good entity, phosphodiesterase type 5 constricts artery in two places in the unit -- the lungs and the penis. In the lungs, it prevent very minimal blood compulsion. In the penis, it prevents truly high-priced engorgement.

A evil disease Scleroderma is a systemic autoimmune disease, to be precise to wiles, it affects sundry organs of the article, and it is in the red to an alteration of the immune system. This disease is expressly characterised by dye varying of the hand when shown to revitalizing, which is ordered in site of Raynaud's phenomenon, and cause crust magnification from finger to wrists. Scleroderma is also characterised by wounded in the skin of hands, revere and obverse. This damage resemble atomic spider vein known as telangiectasias. In integration to this, other organs such as the oesophagus, the kidneys or the lungs may be melodramatic. Lung damage is one of the utmost celebrated and reflective symptom, anyone the centralized cause of death among patients suffering from scleroderma. The research squad from the University of Granada maintain detailed medical paperwork of respectively of the 41 patients integrated in writ to accomplish this workroom. They also included facts from both blood and respitatory test. An echocardiogram was perform on all patients while they be resting and after labour-intensive application on a striking crest pushbike, call a bicycle ergometer.

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