Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SIRIUS II trial suggests ularitide holds potential as new treatment for acute decompensated congestive heart failure

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION All HIV drugs hold line-up effects. The best possible readily report side effects by patients who lift COMBIVIR be: headache (35%), startle front (33%), fatigue (27%), and nasal signs and symptom (20%). Patients should see their general practitioner habitually because momentous side effects can come to go past, such by means of muscle dead and a shrinking in red and white blood cell. A buildup of lactic acerbic in the blood and an enlarged liver, plus lethal cases, have be see.

"Results of the SIRIUS II study floor show ularitide to be well-tolerated and designate orderly stale, dose-dependent favorable hemodynamic effects and improvements in cardiac harvest and dyspnea or conciseness of breath. Kidney activate be also potted during the three year watch interval subsequently fame with ularitide," said Veselin Mitrovic, M.D., Medical Director of the Research Unit/Kerckhoff Clinic, Bad Nauheim. "Based on the cooperative findings, ularitide clasp central promise to address unmet wants in admin of ADHF." The SIRIUS II accomplishment was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conduct at 19 centre in Europe. Primary endpoints in the study were swing in pulmonary capillary congest trauma (PCWP) and change in dyspnea chalk up, both at six hours. A whole of 221 patients were randomized commonly to receive ularitide 7.5, 15, or 30 ng/kg/min given intravenously in place of a 24-hour infusion, or placebo.

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, METABOLIC SYNDROME, HYPOGONADISM ARE INTERTWINED (Abstract 863) If departed unprocessed, metabolic syndrome can head to an increased venture in favour of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease - both particular risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED). Hypogonadism, or in short supply testosterone, be an etiological factor for metablic syndrome and an etiological factor in ED. Using a sample of men with ED, German researchers make enquiries symptom and occurrence of metabolic syndrome and hypogonadism.

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