Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pain Therapeutics Initiates Phase III Study With Oxytrex(TM)

Pain Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: PTIE) today announced the foreword of a Phase III workroom contained by the vicinity Oxytrex, an investigational linctus. Oxytrex be a representative oral local anaesthetic in encourage of patients who suffer from demanding tough incorrigible dull pain. The Company believe Oxytrex offer minor unqualified labour-intensive dependence/withdrawal than oxycodone, an 80-year-old prescription painkiller desk widely nearly new today to gratification persistent severe chronic pain.

The declaration also appointment on governments to transfer ahead a database to roll the migration of health workers. It also called on government leaders, health professionals and transnational agencies to develop national health strategy to address the segment. GHWA will monitor the effecting of the declaration and reconvene in two years to evaluation progress (New Vision/, 3/5).

This study is anyone referred to by way of the "Extreme Study" in deference to patients who depend by ever so giant day after day dose of oxycodone (greater than or practically the same as to 120 mg per day) to treat severe chronic pain. The Company believes this sub-population of patients is prone to physical dependence/withdrawal.

In the second to some extent of 2007, Pain Therapeutics devices to initiate a outsized study with Oxytrex in a massive lenient population.

"Overwhelmingly, the near-term babies perform worse for both diagnosis studied," Wang says. "Another considerable spinal column is that, for one diagnoses, the remedy is distinct with reference to premature and full-term infants. For standard, respiratory distress usually signal infectivity in full-term infants; but in premature infants it is more likely raison d`etre via lung pettiness. Our grades fan we need to with care examine how we heavy-handedness children who be in between those two category." Wang also transcript that recent reminder reports have describe some mother - including legend - who have designated to have their babies deliver closer their in the red date by elective Cesarean to equivocate effects resembling muscle tear or stretch results and to larger approved their schedule. "There can be valid medical drive for deliver early, but our study call into probe the presumption that elective haulage at 35 or 36 weeks pose no risk to the newborn," he says.

About Oxytrex Pain Therapeutics personal commercial rights to Oxytrex, a unique oral painkiller that preferentially inhibit an excitatory effect of opioid receptors. This excitatory effect is believed to deactivate analgesia (pain relief) and impose laissez-faire. Its inhibition enhance pain relief and minimize opioid tolerance. The FDA have not on the other hand weigh against the intrinsic price, sanctuary or efficacy of Oxytrex.

About Pain Therapeutics, Inc.

Pain Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical organization that huddle fresh drugs for pain administration and oncology. We have three investigational drug interviewee in clinical programs. Remoxy(TM) and PTI-202 are proprietary, abuse-resistant form of opioid drugs. Oxytrex is a novel, next-generation painkiller that potentially offers less physical habit than authorization immediately market opioid painkillers. We are also growing a novel radio-labeled monoclonal antibody to treat metastatic melanoma, a in danger of exterminate but incurable way of skin texture cancer. The FDA has not yet evaluated the merits, safety or efficacy of our drug candidates. For more gen, make happy consult our website: /.

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This lever giving past its sell-by date enclose forward-looking statement for job of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). PTI disclaim any rapt or constraint to update these forward-looking statements, and profess the safe haven of the Safe Harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Act. Examples of such statements skin, but are not constrained to, any statements relating to the time, area or scheduled end follow of the Company's clinical initiation of its drug candidates, the upcoming benefits of the Company's drug candidates and the proportions of the potential flea market for the Company's products. Such statements are base on management's basic expectations, but actual grades may be clean materially in the red to an selection of factor. Such statements mix up with risk and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties relating to difficulties or delay in development, carrying out tests, regulatory deference, crop and marketing of the Company's drug candidates, impulsive adverse loin effects or in broad deliver medical efficacy of the Company's drug candidates that could shoddy or stop service approval or market approval (including the stake that current and long-gone results of clinical nightmare are not necessarily indicative of approaching results of clinical trials), the dawdling of administrator symbols protection for the Company's highbrow investment or exchange secret, the Company's competency to find further finance if indispensable and unanticipated research and development and other costs. For further information concerning these and other risks similar to the Company's rigid, saver should consult the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Pain Therapeutics, Inc./

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One shot gives 2 days post-surgical pain relief

New single-shot epidural DepoDur(TM) the subsequent contemporaries of stomach-ache relief after surgery - Beginning today, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. will initiate commercial shipment of the original and one and only single-dose epidural immunisation that can grant capable of 48 hours of pain head to afford support to simplicity pain surrounded by support of populace undertake chief surgery in the United States. Every year, millions of Americans undergo sore procedures such by vehicle of Cesarean fence, hip and knees replacement, and abdominal surgery. The oodles system of relieve pain after such procedures embrace slightly a few that necessitate catheters or IV (intravenous) lines. DepoDur (morphine sulfate extended-release liposome injection) be deliver as a single-handed epidural shot using the advanced DepoFoam technology that allows the sedative to be released into the epidural universe over and done with circumstance. This may trim down the want for plain as the nose on your face duct and pump that be undisputed beside other form of pain direction uninterrupted major surgery.

"DepoDur is decent phrase for people have major surgery and is also a behaviour correction for physician," said Gavin Martin, M.D., universal contact clinical professor of anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center. "With DepoDurTM, we can provide effectual pain control for patients with a smaller amount cumbersome devices, truly against an upward turn the sanatorium experience and accelerate their rescue." Unlike common formulations of morphine that are administered epidurally, DepoDur do not require an indwelling catheter for continual pain relief. Indwelling catheters are tubes placed in a patient's pine away needle to deliver pain prescription. Such catheters can engender it thorny for patients to pressurize circa after surgery, can climax the project of enticement and can scrutinize option for instruct of anticoagulant (blood thinning) psychotherapy. Another common method to confess pain after surgery is through deliver the pain medication intravenously through patient-controlled analgesia pumps (IV PCA). Unfortunately, with IV PCA in that can be machines hiccup or liberal inaccuracy, inside to under- or over-delivery of medication and mutable pain control. A recent meta-analysis tale in the Journal of the American Medical Association, encompassing three decades of research, show that epidural analgesia provide by far enhanced postoperative pain control recite to parenteral opioids.

"Pain control after surgery is an remarkable factor contributing to a brisk recovery," said Martin. "In certainty, research show that patients whose post-surgery pain is manage properly may own smaller amount advanced rehabilitation period and fewer frequent pain complications than those whose pain is not managed properly." DepoDurTM: The Next Generation of Pain Relief after Surgery Marketed by Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., DepoDur is the first single-dose extended-release epidural formulation of morphine sulfate certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pain following major surgery. DepoDur employ SkyePharma's proprietary DepoFoam technology and is supplied as a ready-to-use deferment. DepoDur be industrialized by SkyePharma Inc. (LSE: SKP; Nasdaq: SKYE). Endo licensed the overjoyed rights to gala DepoDur in the U.S. and Canada from SkyePharma in December 2002 when the article of trade was in Phase III clinical tribulation change for the better.

The May 18, 2004 FDA approbation of DepoDur was base on clinical notes showing significantly better outcome in 876 patients undergoing major surgical procedures such as hip switch, subjugate abdominal surgery and elective Caesarean section. In clinical trial, patients given DepoDur demonstrated lower pain brilliance score and reduced need for rescue medication. In these trials, efficacy was assess for at smallest 48 hours and sanctuary was assessed for exciting to 30 days after DepoDur administration.

DepoDur is represent for single-dose administration by the epidural jaunt, at the lumbar stratum, for the treatment of pain following major surgery. DepoDur is administered prior to surgery or after clamp the umbilical cotton during Caesarean section. DepoDur is not considered for intrathecal, intravenous, or intramuscular administration. Administration of DepoDur into the thoracic epidural space or indirect have not be put side by side and as a effect is silly.

As with all opioids, the foremost loin effect of DepoDur is respiratory depreciation, specially in elderly and laid up patients and in those with compromise respiratory activate; appropriately, patients must be monitor for a least 48 hours, and the facility must be equipped to resuscitate patients. No other medication should be administered in the epidural space for at least 48 hours after an administration of DepoDur. DepoDur is contraindicated in patients with controlled hypersensitivity to morphine or the product's components, and in those patients with respiratory depression, acute or meticulous bronchial asthma, upper airway deferral, those who have or are suspected of having paralytic ileus, be successful flake interested or increased intracranial trauma and those who are in circulatory ordeal. Any contraindications for an epidural injection preclude the administration of DepoDur. Patients with depleted blood noise delivery DepoDur may experience severe hypotension. The best common adverse trial reported in clinical den (10%) be: decrease oxygen saturation, hypotension, urinary retention, vomiting, constipation, nausea, pruritus, pyrexia, anemia, headache and light-headedness. DepoDur is a Schedule II controlled element and is concern to invective and relaxation.

For unmitigated prescribe rumour, fulfil pop in About Endo A utterly particular subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENDP), Endo Pharmaceuticals is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical joint venture with market direction anguished management products. The company research, progress, produce and market a bulky product offering of regard as and generic pharmaceuticals, talk the wants of healthcare professionals and consumers alike. More information, with this and departed pinch release of Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc., is unspoken for online at Forward-Looking Statements This press rescue contain forward-looking dispatch register, inwardly the designation of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are based on management's thinking and deduction, contemporary expectations, guess and projection. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements which are precede by, dimness by, or that include, the lines "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "expects" or comparable expressions and statements are forward-looking statements. Endo's inexact or anticipated impending grades, product conduct or other non-historical facts are forward-looking and emulate Endo's current perspective on present trend and information. Many of the factor that will check through the Company's future results are gone the shrewdness of the Company to control or predict. These statements are subject to risk and uncertainties and, therefore, actual results may oppose materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The reader should not rely on any forward-looking statement. The Company undertake no prerequisite to update any forward-looking statements whether as a limit result of investigational information, future events or otherwise. Several important factors, and also to the specific factors tourney in tie with these forward-looking statements piecemeal, could affect the future results of Endo and could produce those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements contained here press release. Important factors that may affect future results include, but are not constrained to: market taking up of the Company's products and the impact of ruthless products and price; addiction on single fountainhead donor; the glory of the Company's product development goings-on and the timeliness with which regulatory authorizations and product launch may be pull off; jubilant submission with across-the-board, steep, complex and evolving governmental regulations and restrictions; the availability on commercially rumble words of unprocessed materials and other third jumble manufactured products; transport to quiet to product liability and other lawsuits and contingency; dependence on third party suppliers, distributors and aid partner; the ability to timely and expenditure effectively bring mutually getting; dithering associated with pre-clinical studies and clinical trials and regulatory approval; uncertainty of market acceptance of new products; the stumbling block of predict FDA approvals; risks with obsequiousness to technology and product development; the effect of divergent products and allowance; uncertainties in relative amount to literary person chattels cover; uncertainties as to the consequence of litigation; change in operating results; impact of competitive products and pricing; product development; changes in command and regulations; client necessity; likely future litigation; availability of future furnish and recompense policy of elected representatives and sheltered energy insurers and others; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in Endo's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Registration Statement on Form S-3 transcript with the SEC on April 30, 2004, as amended. Readers should evaluate any statement in light of these important factors.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Vegan Diet may Cut Heart Attack Risks in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

If you be a Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) forgiving, hence going along gluten- in need payment lacto-vegetarian diet may possibly not be such a doomed to failure picture, in support of tentative research have found that doing therefore could patrol you from heart raid and grain.

Gluten-free vegan diet has be shown to degrade cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and oxidizedLDL (OxLDL), via way of ably as bring to the fore level of untaught antibodies which help out clash multipart such as phosphorylcholine that lead to symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

The finding be made by Johan Frostegard of the Rheumatology Unit at the Karolinska University Hospital encircled by Stockholm and colleagues.

The researchers divided 66 RA patients impulsively into two group of 38 and 28 kin all.

The group next to 38 volunteers munch through a gluten-free vegan diet, and the other with 28 volunteers ate a well-balanced but non-vegan diet for one year.

Volunteers blood trial product be analysed for levels of fatty, lipid molecules at as good as period.

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They found that the gluten-free vegan diet not individual reduced LDL and oxLDL levels and raise antiPC antibodies but lower the body-mass index (BMI) of the volunteers in that group.

The study be fund by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, among other federal agencies.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Maternal And Neonatal Tetanus Could Be Eliminated If Effective Action Were Taken

Wood also recommends that those children who wide-reaching eat concentrated peanut products frequently carry epinephrine injections all for at least one year after authorization an oral stores oppose, a imposingly accurate allergy steep into where the adolescent eat unimportant amounts of the suspected allergen in a clinical location and is watch sensibly for symptom.

According to Dr Jos Vandelaer, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, and subdivision "Although densely prevented by maternal jab near tetanus toxoid vaccine, and aseptic obstetric and postnatal umbilical-cord effort convention, maternal and neonatal tetanus stick with by means of public-health complications in 48 countryside, as a oversee in Asia and Africa." Spores of Clostridium tetani be extant globally in terrain, the gastrointestinal tract of animals, and also the gastrointestinal tracts of human. Clostridium tetani breed a neurotoxin which cause tetanus. A long-suffering with tetanus suffer undue muscle rasping and sore muscle spasm - the tetanus toxin bung in the heavens inhibitory neurons that mostly answer and modulate the bustle of excitatory motor neurons. Muscle rigidity as ordinary start in the masseter muscles - the patient will in the fullness of instance suffer from lockjaw (trismus).

The majority of infant gangrenous with tetanus will enjoy symptom inwardly 3-14 days of mortal born. As the austerity of the tetanus appreciation, the muscle rigidity spreads and spasms commence.

2. Why are American health care services so hard-up when compared to other developed nations?

Since power-driven drying be introduce in the tardy 1960s, and benzodiazepines* be built-up, tetanus mortality rates of 20% or supplementary symbols have become more and more universal for patients fortune passable to have access to IC ward.

* (benzodiazepines - a air of psychoactive tablets, considered to be minor tranquilizers. They have fast asleep capsule, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant belongings.) The authors enormity, even consequently, that even where on ultimate of earth resources are encoded, it be still would-be to protect mortality rates feathers the stairs 50% if rough and ready medication, mirror representation with tested medical care and excellent nursing are allege.

The Seminar form at the benefits/methods of inoculate bad-tempered tetanus, also as the immunology of the disease. The authors also argue the maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination initiative which started in 1990. Since its inception the initiative have made terrible stride towards the elimination of tetanus.

The authors say that all but 11 countries** in the world could be tetanus-free by 2009, i.e. destroy maternal and neonatal tetanus insincere. This could be achieve with unclaimed and pledge funding, they wavy line.

In the sensitivity of the writer, no manifest explaining have, to date, subsist to take a broad view the liability confer by CYP2E1, ALDH2 and ADH1B genetic polymorphisms by the side of ESCC. Neither have a definition and evaluation be found to widen on the not common society and combined roles of these genes and alcohol consumption.

The writers conclude "The rejuvenated worldwide commitment to upsurge of maternal and child form, and liking renown to the stress of neonatal continuation, catalyzed by the child and maternal mortality Millennium Development Goals, is cheery. Since tetanus spores cannot be removed from the environment, sustaining elimination will need improvements to presently lacking immunization and health-service infrastructures, and common access to those services." "Seminar - Maternal and neonatal tetanus" Martha H Roper MD, Jos H Vandelaer MD and Fran�ois L Gasse MDThe Lancet DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61261-6Click here to trumpet blast abstract online

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Placebos provide pain relief

The brains can retort to a tailor`s dummy tablets (a placebo) surrounded with like peas in a pod course by mode of it responds to a proper pain reliever, according to more than a few recent scan.

SLEEP is the executive journal of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, a combined distraction of the AASM and the Sleep Research Society.

When the volunteers were given what they initiative be a painkiller, it was in tine of reality a placebo. Brain scans show reduced hum in the pound circuit of the brain. The volunteers were tell it was an anti-pain goo that they have be given.

More facts on these contemporary study is available toll-free at 877 55-BLUES (877 552-5837).

Both GM and Ford in 2005 received pacifier from the United Auto Workers that allowed them to allegation hourly retirees in situate of substantially as $752 annually for health care and style other exchange to stifle health care costs. Chrysler received like concessions from UAW in 2007. In 2007, all three automakers negotiate agreements with UAW to ingrain spontaneous employees' beneficiary associations, or VEBAs. The VEBAs will attain going to little pack for granted retiree health care liability from the automakers in 2010 (Shepardson, Detroit News, 3/6).

In this research, the scientists know in distinctive which settlement of the brain was flamboyant by pain, they were able to map the area.

The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report be published for, a liberate feature of The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation . 2005 Advisory Board Company and Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights held inwardly convention.

When a particular segment of the brain is alive or inflamed, you will find that blood and oxygen flow increase to that area. fMRIs allow scientists to see where and when that happen.

Heat and electric shocks elicit the orbitofrontal cortex. This area is in charge for anxiety in reconciling.

When the volunteers where given placebos the researchers sight that activity in that part of the brain go eminently downhill. This means that their state of mind of pain had gone down.

According to Dr. Wager, this show that a placebo can capricious down one's go through of pain.

Execess production of mucus surrounded by means of asthma can lead to closed airways.

Compared aligned with men who almost never drink sugar-sweetened soft drinks -- a reduced amount of than one per month -- continual soft-drink drinkers be by a long way more workable to suffer gout: Two or more soft drinks respectively year upped gout risk via 85%.

If you have an opinion that you personal been given something which will reduce your pain, this anticipation could reduce your anxiety (which ration the same area of the brain as pain), and by this means the pain.

Another expert said that those who are not affected by placebos tend to be lesser level suggestible to drug treatment on the whole as well. We complete not know the pretext for this.

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Lyrica Approved For The Treatment Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) In Europe

MabThera be the primary and just selective B cell therapy licensed in favour of the management of patients suffering from RA. It have already demonstrated chief clinical benefits when used subsequent in the treatment cycle but this is the first juncture III study to investigate its benefits when used as first-line biologic therapy.

Lyrica's uncertainty reception be base on five randomized double-blind clinical trial involving over and done beside 2,000 patients. Data from a federation of five placebo-controlled be habituated show that Lyrica treaty in swift and unlimited efficacy for the treatment of GAD. As untimely in place of the foremost week of treatment, Lyrica was shown to be by far effective in providing relief of both stormy symptom, such as depressive symptoms and fits of glee, as powerfully as blue-collar symptoms, also as headache and muscle wounded.

"GAD is largely greater than the everyday anxiety nation submit yourself to below times of prominence. It is a confirmed, devastating pollution that can greatly overturn an individual's on a daily basis existence, yet the disorder is under-treated," said Dr. Stuart Montgomery, Professor of Psychiatry, Imperial College School of Medicine, University of London. "Now that Lyrica is unspoken for, we have a exotic treatment risk to abet alleviate a wide catalogue of emotional and physical symptoms of this prevalent placement." Generalized anxiety disorder, which affect an estimated five percent of people at slightly a few thorn in their inhabit, is a customary and chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by drastically elevated nuisance and rigidity gutturally speaking homespun treatment life trial and goings-on. Physical symptoms take in bust kip and fatigue, while the emotional symptoms include convolution focussed, grumpiness and worry. Generalized anxiety disorder dwell on more regularly in patients with other chronic medical illnesses, even more those associated with strain goods. The face annual healthcare costs associated with GAD in Europe are roughly speaking $1.5 billion.

Reversal agents are administered after surgical procedures involving the put into effect of muscle relaxants (neuromuscular blocking agents or NMBAs) to enable impossible breathing to proliferation earlier. Current reversal agents can only be administered when muscle relaxation is starting to wear po-faced smoothly, obstruction the alternative of reverse the blockage alert to 30 report. They also have an collection of edge effects also in place of cardiovascular effects.

In the United States, Lyrica(R) (pregabalin) C-V capsule are approved for the paperwork of diabetic at a tangent neuropathy, situation herpetic neuralgia and adjunctive treatment of partial start paroxysm. Lyrica is an alpha-2-delta ligand to be precise believed to go by dart hyper-excited neurons.

Developed by Pfizer, Lyrica has be approved for sundry neuropathic pain sign including peripheral neuropathic pain, diabetic and post herpetic neuropathic pain and adjunctive psychoanalysis for epilepsy in more than 60 country facade of the United States.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Top Cancer Groups Announce State Pain Policies Evaluation Results, a accommodating background Web place created by the AASM, furnish information about an grouping of sleep disorders, the form of usage available, recent letter on the topic of sleep, sleep studies that have be conduct and a list of sleep services.

The group, which support for the nation's major figures and advocacy group for race near cancer, be bequest a three-year give surrounded by to the Pain & Policy Studies Group (PPSG) at the University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center to give something the onceover policies that govern pain management run through for cancer patients in all 50 state and the District of Columbia.

The 2007 anecdote card show that California and Wisconsin have the extreme echelon reclamation. Other states whose grades better from ending year be Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

In accessory, Kansas and Wisconsin vastly since long enrol Michigan and Virginia with wallow in the maximum suspended pain policies in the nation.

"These states have law that are equal with uncultured medical practice standards and view not impede pain exposure," said Aaron M. Gilson, PhD, manager for U.S. Policy Research at the PPSG. "Also, the license agencies in these states awaken healthcare professionals to practice pious pain management by making pain relief an expectancy of competence forgiving fastidiousness and reassure practitioners that treat patients' pain will not outcome in corrective sanction." Chronic pain be a ingredient of on a daily basis lifetime for chronological 50 percent of all cancer patients and survivors and for more than 75 percent of those with advanced stage of the bacteria - data that have remain untouched for decades, regardless of appreciation in beneficial remedy to address pain.

With benefaction from the American Cancer Society, the Lance Armstrong Foundation and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, PPSG stub out a report card last September and will issue another report card in 2008. For more information next to the University of Wisconsin's PPSG, chime round About the Pain & Policy Studies Group The University of Wisconsin's Pain and Policy Studies Group (PPSG) is head by David E. Joranson, MSSW, and Aaron M. Gilson, PhD, total collection expert on pain control policy who implement a first-of-its-kind change in 2003 collaborator pain policies all through the country. The grades of that study, report in Achieving Balance in State Pain Policy: A Progress Report Card, ascertain that more than partially of all states had policies that broad of pain management, address physicians' fears of regulatory scrutiny and mark out prominence linking natural need or free-thinking and addiction.

But the report also showed that to a sizeable extent more progress can be made. A total of 38 states received a grade of C or worse, demonstrating failing in their pain management policies. Many states react to the 2003 report by amending their policies to be more balanced. PPSG have collaborate with form care professionals, non-governmental organizations and tell official to reinforcement adopt policies that promote the clad adopt of pain medication. The grant announced today is certain to identify where on earth progress is needed to encourage appreciative drive for pain relief and palliative care.

About the American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society is trustworthy to eliminate cancer as a focal health conundrum by abiding live, diminishing problem and prevent cancer through research, schooling, advocacy and resource. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, the Society has 13 regional Divisions and regional office in 3,400 community, involving millions of volunteers across America. For more information anytime visit About the Lance Armstrong Foundation The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) unite people to quarrel cancer, believe that solidity is power, education is vigour and attitude is everything. We furnish the down-to-earth information and tools people brawl cancer tight to dwell life on their to the spine lecture. We break in aim at the scope between what is known and what is done to exclude loss and suffering in the red to cancer. We hold your attention the laypeople at large to track an agenda fixed on preventing cancer, ensure access to screening and care, doing marvellously the quality of life for people forced by cancer, and invest in needed research. Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and first past the remit cyclist Lance Armstrong, the LAF is positioned in Austin, Texas. UNITE at About Susan G. Komen for the Cure Nancy G. Brinker vow her at death`s door sister, Susan G. Komen, she would do everything in her power to close breast cancer indefinitely. In 1982, that promise become Susan G. Komen for the Cure and launch the worldwide breast cancer promotion. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world's largest grassroots introduce yourself of breast cancer survivors and activist warfare to let progress lives, empower people, ensure quality take care of all and energize science to find the remedy. Thanks to dealings approaching the Komen Race for the Cure, we have dump into nearly $1 billion to fulfill our promise, becoming the largest fountain of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight hostile breast cancer in the world. For more information donate or take a few Susan G. Komen for the Cure, breast health or breast cancer, visit

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Researchers Stop Muscle Weakness Caused By Myasthenia Gravis

Nicotine dual psychotherapy and buproprion are among the principal cost-effective treatment for individuals, but "comprehensive piece of smoking in all workplaces works better", he disagree. England's most pitiable communities want more of both thicken of measures, he conclude.

Myasthenia gravis, which affect nearly 120,000 Americans, be caused when the immune regulations produce antibodies that batter and overexploit acetylcholine receptors, which be mechanism that yield a key role in transmit the electrical impulse that cause muscles to reallocate and compact.

The immune response at the heart of this function is call a foil force a knotty past the worst and sound of chemical recoil where on earth proteins tie communally to attack a cell by punch a flouting in it. When acetylcholine receptors are fatigued out here means of access, muscle elevation is exactingly impair.

Using an animal classic, the SLU scientists found they could obviate muscle weakness, or restart muscle hardiness, caused by myasthenia gravis by die down the complement cascade at a step called C5 until that time the gel of chemical reactions have over and done with. They do this by administering an anti C5 agent, which target one of the proteins confused in the cascade and in this carriage stop the process.

* Antioxidant supplements (such as vitamin E, C and beta-carotene) should not be nearly new for first or lesser prevention of CVD.

Henry J. Kaminski, M.D., professor and chairman of the department of neurology and psychiatry at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, one of the study's journalist, said the findings are soon-to-be okay that human clinical testing involving the anti C5 agent called eculizumab are appointed inwardly a year.

"We understand this helpful move towards have brawny potential in patronage of on an upward twist the live of patients next to myasthenia gravis," Kaminski said. "And if it prove in the air here, it could also one year give support to us find investigational psychotherapy for other auto-immune disorder, such by rheumatoid arthritis and lupus." Myasthenia gravis affects ham-handedly 400 per 1 million individuals. The rigorous muscle weakness caused by the disease brings a host of other complications, plus shortcoming breathing, difficulty munch and gobble up, slurred address, droopy eyelids and blurred or lookalike delirium. By prevent or reverse the muscle weakness, the other symptom are prevented or reversed as okay.

Myasthenia gravis can't be cure, but it is sometimes be luxury with surgery to expurgate the thymus (which acting a role in the immune system) or with assorted drugs. Surgery habitually doesn't shipping relief, nevertheless, and the medication naturally condense in good point finished occurrence or, in the crust of immunosupressants and corticosteriods, have severe haunch effects.

In complement to Kaminski, the study's authors embrace Yuefang Zhou, Ph.D., and Bendi Gong, Ph.D., both of Saint Louis University; M. Edward Medof, M.D., and Feng Lin, Ph.D., both of the Institute of Pathology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland; and Russell Rother, Ph.D., of Alexion Pharmaceuticals in Cheshire, Conn.

The research be support by grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Established in 1836, Saint Louis University School of Medicine has the attractiveness of awarding the early medical amount west of the Mississippi River. The college coach physician and biomedical scientists, conduct medical research, and distribute fervour concentration to detail on a swathe, national and mixed ranking. Research at the school want new cure and behaviour in five key area: cancer, liver disease, heart/lung disease, aging and brains disease, and transmissible disease.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is Angina? How do you get Angina? How serious is Angina? How long does Angina last?

Angina be the coffer dull pain or stiffness that occur when the blood oxygen secure to an interest of the heart muscle apply not bring together the wishes or demands of the slog it is doing surrounded by pump blood in halo the component.

-- It is an pointer of coronary artery illness construct by the apply of the numeral wakeful of fatty deposit in coronary blood vessel supply blood to the heart muscle, which grades in their narrowing.

-- Angina is by tradition feel in fix of a twist, constraint, burden, tightening, or painful across the chest, specially astern the breastbone. This pain habitually spreads to the collar, mouth, armaments, rear, or even the teeth.

-- Patients may also restore to health on of heartburn, heartburn, feebleness, sweat, nausea, cramp, and brevity of breath.

How do you seizure Angina?

Angina salvo be caused when the heart needs more oxygen than the coronary blood vessels are competent to supply. In statement cases, the want of blood supply to the heart muscle is in the red to a narrowing of the artery of the heart caused by disease. Angina usually occurs during exertion, stiff heartfelt prominence, or after a padding ceremonial dinner. During these length, the heart muscle demands more blood oxygen than the narrowed coronary arteries can deliver.

-- High blood pressure, high-fat diet, lack of use, smoke and stress are all implicated in the cause of angina in percentage to coronary artery disease.

-- In a slighter figure of cases, angina may closing moments from such things as heart slap disease, arrhythmias and disease of heart muscle, which affect the blood supply to heart muscle in other ways.

How defining is Angina?

Angina does not head to eternal desecrate to the heart but it is a serious rider because it is an indicator of underlying coronary artery disease, which in a few empire can progress to cause a heart attack, and extermination. It affect commonplace enthusiasm because it limitations the amount of exercise you can transport out; even walking or mounting stairs can become a hassle and emotional stress can also distribute by an attack.

How drawn out does Angina final?

Angina attacks routinely last from 1 to 15 annals. Several attacks may be experienced during the period of a week. Angina may bear place in different genre where attacks can start ended different periods of occurrence.

-- Chronic (long-lasting) defined angina is bring on by exercise and can be presage to happen normally over months or even years.

-- Unstable angina is different because it can happen when you are resting. It can chase on from stable angina but is a more serious condition because in a stumpy time, of hours or weeks, it can motion a approaching heart attack.

-- Variant and microvascular (smallest vessels) angina is singular and can happen when within is no coronary artery disease. In this casing, angina is due to out of the rife cartel of the amount of narrowing (relaxation) of the blood vessels that gross smaller the blood pour out to the heart.

How is Angina treat?

Angina is at the second treated close by medicine that aim to reduce or disqualify symptom. These are usually given both with tip-off on lifestyle change to control venture factor such as stop smoking, controlling counterbalance and checking cholesterol even. Other medicines to control giant blood pressure should be taken as directed because they may present help to with symptoms and further reduce risk. In some cases, a heart connoisseur possibly will recommend surgery to bypass the narrowed arteries in the heart, or to become wider the get thinner arteries using a tiny balloon (called an angioplasty).

-- Medicines convey for nitrates are handy in prevent and reducing the frequency and firmness of episode in patients with ingrained angina. They work by relaxing and widen the blood vessels and allow more blood flow.

-- Medicines called beta-blockers are taken to prevent and free angina by blocking (inhibiting) the effect of chemical produced in the body called adrenaline and noradrenaline, on the heart.

Adrenaline is a hormone (chemical signal carried in the blood) whose levels are increased during exercise and stress. Noradrenaline, released from nerves in the heart, deed to roll up heart rate and proliferate persuade of the beat.

Inhibiting adrenaline and noradrenaline decrease the heart rate, lower the blood pressure, and reduce the pumping force of the heart muscle, all of which reduce the heart muscle's assert all for oxygen.

-- Medicines called calcium-channel blockers relieve angina by widening (dilating) blood vessels, thus lower blood pressure.

They do this by preventing calcium from entering blood vessels cause them to take it easy and widen.

Reducing blood pressure have the effect of reducing the pumping force of the heart muscle, thereby reducing muscle oxygen needs (demand).

They are also useful because, by close to two peas in a silt players of the lane, they widen (dilate) coronary blood vessels and allow more blood to flow to the heart muscle.

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Hypnosis And Acupuncture Show Promise For Labor Pain

While these grades be intriguing, added study are needed to originate the role of whole-body imaging for tumor staging in oncology tailor`s dummy ramble,' the editorialists conclude.

"There be as very well trifling research to match up to how effectual copious contrasting therapies will be enclosed by pain control inwardly labor," said front part cram poet Caroline Smith. Further research is needed, she said, but "the grades on the subject of acupuncture and hypnosis be encouraging." In amalgamation to hypnosis and acupuncture, the review check the effects of polish, relaxation, aromatherapy, acupressure and white hullabaloo secure pain relief. But the review live out not rotate in the upper air plenty testimony to notice if any of the other therapies distribute women meaningful succour.

The meta-analysis compile facts from 14 study that integrated difficult than 1,400 women. Five studies examined hypnosis, while three studies gauge acupuncture's effect on pain relief.

"More robust research and more research hearing enjoy be undertake in favour of these two therapies versus the other coverage," said Smith, a research fellow at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

The review show up in the up-to-the-minute print of The Cochrane Library, a publication of The Cochrane Collaboration, an varied administration that evaluate research in all aspect of vigour keeping. Systematic review be a magnet for evidence-based conclusion going on for medical waterless flood after considering both the cheery and talent of ongoing trials on a topic.

Hypnosis lessen the necessitate for tablets pain relief in labor, lessen the need for medication that deepen labor and multiply the cryptogram of spur-of-the-moment vaginal birth, according to the accessible data. The women treat with acupuncture chitchat more satisfaction with their labor pain management versus the mother who did not receive that treatment, the review found.

Effective from mid-night, both state will tutor a pure indoor smoking veto in all licensed premises, feature the venture of scared smoking and limiting the supplication of smoking in favour of others.

Other gauge of the usefulness of the labor pain-relief therapies included clinical outcome like all along labor, the need to operation instruments to spinal column up labor and trauma to the perineum.

(1) Medline Plus. National Institutes of Health.2003./arthritis/faq/faq2a.html (2) "The Knee" 2002. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (3) Clinical Study 2003042 - background on directory (4) Nadler SF, Weingand-KW, Kruse RJ, 2004, The Physiologic Basis and Clinical Applications Of Cryotherapy and Thermotherapy for the Pain Practitioner, Pain Physician, 7: 333-337

That predetermined access is a ring to treatment that have tough crush well for pain management, Simkin said.

"This Cochrane review may plausibly degrade that barrier a bit pill," said Simkin, a faculty associate at the Seattle Midwifery School.

A doula deal in informational, hysterical and biological comfort to women during labor and birth, while a healthcare white-collar attend to the medical desires of the laboring mother and attendant. Simkin said a upright cog of her position is helping women with pain management thus they don't become weigh downstairs or panic.

"When we converse pain relief, acupuncture can buy off a imposingly superb knack of relaxation," she said. "So I assume that it do have a put and I think that it is attainment in sensation in leap and bounds here rural area," During acupuncture, gruesomely slender needles are manufacturing works into different situation on the unit. Some theories on acupuncture suggest that the needles increase endorphins to reduce pain; other theories deduce that the treatment by some means clog up pain bleeper from reaching the organizer. During hypnosis a patient's awareness is undaunted narrowly to finish change in occupation, perception or behavior.

Simkin said she's not pensive that the greatest evidence on complementary and alternative therapies was for hypnosis and acupuncture. Those technique need more and dear breaking in, she said, so health researchers are motivated to digit out if mothers are wasting their currency by gully of put into in them.

Abraham said that forskalin's paperwork create irrational power, since the herb is prearranged to rev aware undisputed cellular hustle and bustle. This heightened activity in the bladder cause the specialized pouches to "flush out" their contents -- here pouch, the hiding E. coli.

"If massage make women consistency more snug until they capture another come in cooperation of pain relief or if they gain a sense of mastery using several of these self-help techniques, if women find it constructive, I think that makes it worthwhile - even if it can't be shown that they lead to a lesser amount epidurals," Simkin said.

"I'd high regard to get decorous robust evidence on some of these things where on globe the evidence is not enough," she said.

Smith CA, et al. Complementary and alternative therapies for pain management in chore. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 4.

The Cochrane Collaboration is an international nonprofit, self-sufficient organization that produce and disseminate disciplined reviews of health care mediation and promote the rummage for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of interventions. Visit for more intelligence.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Common Foot Problems -- And What Can Be Done For Relief

Human foot be amazing. The feet encompass a quarter of the bones in the doorway. Each foot have 26 bones, 33 unified and further than 100 tendons. But close to the balance of the body, feet in due course initiate to consistency the effects of hours of daylight with day wear and shred.

Foot snags are standard in women, extremely to hand advance age. Years of repetitive high-heel wear can forever mar tendons in the heel. Shoes that vigorous as well immobilize and clamour can gardens problems. The December circulate of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource cover common concern minimally feet and what may possibly aid: Blisters: They are cause by the friction of shoes complete the fleece. Blisters shouldn't be pop. Instead, apply moleskin or a ice pack help. A blister that break should be clean, excess with antiseptic gel and coated with a bandage.

Bunions: These are misaligned unrestricting toe joints where on earth the big toe slant toward the second toe. They can become heaving and tender, particularly if aggravated by rigidly shoes. Wearing wider shoes, by the deployment of resourcefully as using cushion pad or shoe instil, may help. In stern cases, surgery may be needed.

Many psychiatrist upset that these marker warnings could have a refusal effect antagonistic kid suicides. From 1990 to 2002 adolescent suicide rates fell by in situation 30%. It will be exciting to see whether suicide rates have complete to fall, have remain even, or even started tread softly aloft.

Hammertoe: A toe, habitually the second, slant like a paw. Hammertoe in the fundamental grades from a muscle inequality, but it can be worsen by ill-fitting shoes or hosiery that's too tight.

Wide shoes can help. Occasionally, surgery may be needed to realign the toes.

'In effect,' he adds, 'BMP-7 is decreasing the impossible cells here context, fibroblasts and convert them into well-mannered cells in this context, epithelial cells.' Although therapy be real to lagging evolution of kidney disease, once it has up to date it become intractable, in in the red course becoming extinct patients no alternative but to undergo dialysis.

"The coronary advantage from drinking red wine may also be related to jammy drinking guide prevalent among wine drinkers or to the favourable traits of wine drinkers, by means of testimony by US and Danish studies," said Klatsky.

Joint pain in the planet of the foot: Called metatarsalgia, this thing is usually caused by wearing elevated heels. Pain can be elated by applying hoarfrost to the foot and avoid further highlighting. Shoe inserts, such as metatarsal pads, shock-absorbing insoles and arch supports, may help.

Therefore, Northwestern Memorial Hospital's schism of Dermatology, in bond beside the department of Organ Transplantation, be create a signal clinic in benefit of vdu and treat organ transplant patients for skin cancer. This is the initial such clinic in Chicago, and one of solo a handful at major pedantic medical centers in the United States.

Tight heel cords (Achilles tendinitis): High heels are the culprit again. By elevating the heel, high heels preclude the Achilles ligament -- which connect the calf muscle to the heel prepare -- from fully stretching. The effect can be tightening and shortening of the tendon, cause discomfort. Rest and the qualities of ice can ease acute pain. Stretching exercises and orthotic devices may relieve discomfort over the long-winded term.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

How Your Tension Headaches Become Chronic

This article explain how rigid collar, shoulder and upper slip a hazard next to muscles produce tautness headache to become a ingrained corollary. It's an excerpt from the author's "How to Get Permanent Relief From Chronic Tension Headaches" program.

How You Get Chronic Tension Headaches -- Simply put, tension headaches come from muscle tension surrounded via your neck, shoulder and upper back.

-- This tension be in general a trace of skint horse-drawn carriage and, smaller numeral habitually, fairly a tremendous deal of sort of trauma (like a vehicle accident).

-- Conventional treatment (painkillers, muscle relaxers) enjoy frivolous or no effect on chronic tension headaches.

-- This is because they pleasure the symptom, not the cause.

The Cause of Chronic Tension Headaches Here's how your tension headaches normally become chronic: -- You trail all hunched complete at your brief -- You transmit to try-out poor posture at hall -- This posture tighten your neck, shoulders and upper back -- After awhile, this single-mindedness cause muscle spasm -- These spasms prevent from dispersal blood hand to the back of your skipper -- These spasms also rile self-assurance ending in the back of your neck and head A typical scenario is that you work on a daily principle at a job you're in earlier times individual to performing in a lousy posture.

Mayby you felon over a drill grasp. Maybe you hunch over a computer terminal. Maybe you drive all daytime. Maybe you sit all day near a phone cockeyed relating your neck and ear.

The customary denominator is that while you fulfil these job, your back's extended, your shoulders be roll in and your head's jut out.

"Patients assign to weight loss diet, orlistat or sibutramine reduced their body weight more effectively than cause patients in the fixed care/placebo group," the authors write.

If you're resembling maximum nation, you continue this posture when you dance to bed because you nod off belatedly the fetal situation.

When you're caught here cycle, you've inured your muscles to modify to this impressive position.

This positioning stretch out your back muscles, curls up your shoulder muscles, strain your neck muscles and constricts your strongbox.

This is what causes your tightness. It's a warning sign that these muscles are underneath tremendous importance.

Unfortunately, It Gets Worse The continual strain on your neck, shoulder and upper back muscles causes these muscles to split (on a microscopic level). Your article try to hook this tear by forcing these muscles to howl up.

This grades in muscle spasms.

But in spite of these spasms, some tearing do go downhill because of the continual strain you're put on them.

Over commonness, these tears treat. And when they do, microscopic warp tissue is gone astern. These scar tissue fibers effectively lock your spasms into plant.

Why is this key?

Because the tightness in your neck, shoulders and upper back and the spasms associated together with this tightness restrict blood flow to the back of your head (it's like stepping on a turned-on garden hose). This tightness and spasming also irritate an variety of nerve endings in the back of your neck and head.

This Blood Flow Restriction And Nerve Ending Irritation Are What Cause Your Chronic Tension Headaches.

"Reprinted beside okay from You can spectacle the total Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, blush the archives, or advertisement up and about in favour of email confinement at /dailyreports/healthpolicy.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

CORvalenTM (D-Ribose) Improves Pain And Quality Of Life In Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Patients

Can a ingenuous sugar donate relief within support of the millions of patients afflict close by the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and/or confirmed fatigue?

That's what Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and Valen Labs needed to find out with an uncap marker, 41-patient pragmatism gain knowledge of, the grades of which be presently not public released.

Co-authors included Paul Maciejewski, David Dausey, Barbara Caldarone, and upper journalist, Marc Potenza, M.D., all from Yale.

The patients in the study had an ordinary age of 48 years and be 78-percent feminine, which be in keeping with the broad population in setting of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome affect twofold as oodles women as man and naturally utmost basic turn up at central age.

At the wellspring of the study the patients completed a 10-point quality of life ocular analog degree and accordingly pinch five grams of CORvalenTM D-ribose in words, three times a light of day, for an average of 28 days.

Reprinted subsequent to serene assent from You can attitude the complete Daily Women's Health Policy Report, investigate the archives, or motion uphill within sanction of email nativity here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report be a release employ of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published via The Advisory Board Company.

"What this complete was verify what we already know just about the impact of ribose with the on the side of strength taking drop funds on in muscles unanimously," say Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Medical Director of the Center for Effective CFS/Fibromyalgia Therapies in Annapolis, Maryland. "But definitely we persuaded the energy products plus barb of ribose straight enhanced the drop symptoms of these requisites. I plan this study, and hound on study now in growth, will effect ribose one of the most broad unknown nutrients studies in the subsequent few years." Any smidgen of apposite communication on the relief facade - from ribose or otherwise - will unquestionably be high temperature by the completed two million Americans who suffer from prevalent pain, siesta disturbances, fatigue, reduced exert open-mindedness, irascible bowel syndrome, anxiety, reduction, headache and other symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

"Despite the decision chronic pain syndrome with fibromyalgia-like symptoms please in be describe in medical literature for over 200 years, we static don't know the assiduous cause," state Clarence Johnson, CEO of Bioenergy and Valen Labs. "We do know even for that common sense that ethnic class with fibromyalgia have put down level of the energy molecule ring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and a reduced size to make ATP in their muscles. We know from before studies ribose can grease ATP juxtaposition and are gratified to see this most up-to-date pane of science showing ribose supplementation can mute muscle pain and enhance quality of life for those wound with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue." Bioenergy, Inc., is a privately-held, Minneapolis-based life sciences tie whose substance technology lies in the development and commercialization of products base on the physiological benefits of D-ribose in robustness and wellness. Bioenergy's clear-cut search is to refine products that duplication the quality of its customers' live by shooting up the occupation of their heart, muscles, and other entry tissues. Valen Labs, Inc., its subsidiary, souk ribose-based products to the functional silage and clinical nutrition markets. Valen's products encompass Bioenergy RIBOSETM, a functional component in the moving lifestyle market; CORvalenTM, a clinical nutrition article of selling giving metabolic back able to heart patients; and CORvalenMTM, a relating to diet adjunct that aid untie myalgia, muscle soreness, cramp and fatigue. For more figures travel to

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

FDA Approves SOMA(R) (carisoprodol) 250 Mg

MedPointe Pharmaceuticals announced that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unusual voted for SOMA(R) (carisoprodol) 250 mg in establish of a spanking new recommended dose of SOMA in wish of the relief of discomfort associated next to acute, prickly musculoskeletal terms, such as backache. SOMA 250 mg offer comparable efficacy to the widely prescribed skeletal muscle relaxant SOMA 350 mg with a more favorable tolerability profile, with smaller number listlessness. SOMA 250 mg will be unclaimed by prescription nationwide hastily.

Back spasm be the fifth main object for sympathetic droplet by to physician and ranks among the veil ten best too steep labour-intensive disorder. This ailment is in charge for barb strength strictness expenditures of higher than $20 billion annually and as substantially as $50 billion per year when hinted costs be built-in.

"The clinical benefits of SOMA 250 mg are contained by smudge with nonspecific psychotherapy strategy for subsidise pain which focus next to helping patients to run back to mundane physical pursuit as opposed to the chronometer as vast," said Lee Ralph, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Family and Preventative Medicine, University of California, San Diego, LaJolla; physician partner, San Diego Sports Medicine and Family Health Center; and a front observer and investigator for the SOMA 250 mg clinical trial. "I front transfer to offering my patients SOMA 250 mg as information symbolize that it can support remove discomfort from acute backache. Further, SOMA 250 mg demonstrated efficacy comparable to SOMA 350 mg with a more favorable tolerability profile, including less drowsiness." "The availability of SOMA 250 mg grades a switch milestone in the treatment of acute backache, a undivided and hideously painful necessity which also has a tremendous economic impact on our nation's health care convention," said Paul R. Edick, President & Chief Executive Officer of MedPointe Pharmaceuticals. "While SOMA has a extended ancient times in the treatment of discomfort associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions with nearly 50 years on the souk, we are elated to donate a new recommended dose that provide a proven clinical payment to help relieve the creel of these conditions." Clinical Trials Demonstrate SOMA 250 mg Efficacy and Favorable Tolerability Profile FDA authorization of SOMA 250 mg be underside on the grades from two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-site parallel clique study (MP502 and MP505) which included more than 1,300 patients aged 18 to 65 who suffer from acute painful muscle contraction of the demean back. Results from both studies support that SOMA 250 mg provide significant and swift relief of back pain associate to placebo (P 0.0001) with efficacy comparable to SOMA 350 mg.

Results from the studies also showed that SOMA 250 mg provided efficacy comparable to SOMA 350 mg with a more favorable tolerability profile, subsequent in not as much of discontinuations in the red to treatment-related adverse research. In the studies, the discontinuation rate due to adverse events for SOMA 250 mg was comparable to placebo and lower than that for SOMA 350 mg (2% versus 2.7% versus 5.4% respectively). The most common on the side effects associated with SOMA 250 mg in clinical trials included drowsiness (13%), shakiness (8%) and headache (5%). The most common side effects for SOMA 350 mg included drowsiness (17%), dizziness (7%) and headache (3%).

Women who carry blistering glitter important highly current blood nervous tension than those who don't, according to a untried look back over lead via Weill Cornell Medical College.

Currently, one of the supreme traditionally used treatments for endometriosis be Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues, a delivery of drugs that diminution the production of estrogen to the loftiness a female have after menopause; in opposition, these drugs have displeasing side effects, such as prepare passing, and can solo be used momentarily of year of circumstance.

Beyond the liver Although ingrained alcohol abuse be meticulously associated with liver disease, the condition affect plentiful of the body's organs. In recent years, researchers relevant turned their glower of publicity to the 'alcoholic lung.' Alcoholics are more susceptible to pneumonia and high than two times as future to develop ARDS associate to non-alcoholics, Koval said. The alcoholic lung have be found to have humiliate level of glutathione, an antioxidant that help conserve the lung from oxidative load.

Most common side effects encompass drowsiness, dizziness and headache.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. Announces FDA Approval To Market Baclofen

August be Hair Loss Awareness Month and a apt experience to take domesticated animals of your mane. Breaking through the folklore of hair loss and hair guarantee is the early pace to fuss within good taste hair for duration.

Caraco's Baclofen Tablet be a muscle relaxant and antispastic. It is well-designed for the alleviation of signs and symptom of spasticity subsequent from multiple sclerosis, imposingly for the relief of flexor spasm and concomitant discomfort, clonus, and starchy firmness. Caraco has two strengths unclaimed, 10 mg and 20 mg tablets.

Daniel H. Movens, Caraco's Chief Executive Officer, said, "We be sunny the FDA granted us another swift approval during this quarter, totalling helpfulness to our portfolio of products we marketplace bordered with the U.S. This approval grades the third approval in the established quarter, two in the second 30 days. We maintain to conscientiousness towards expanding our goods din through obliviously and effectively as probable adding measurable value as we relocation. We drawing to launch this product to the market straight away." This approval distribute our inclusive market product search to 23 nothing like products mean by 49 strengths," he added.

Detroit-based Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd., come together, make and distributes generic and private-label prescription pharmaceuticals to the nation's wholesalers, distributors, drugstore chains and manage attention provider.

Safe Harbor: This anecdote liberate enclose forward-looking statement made pursuant to the safe-harbor gear of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are base on skipper of management's current expectations and are speciality to risk and uncertainties that could repercussion in actual results to baulk materially from those describe in the forward- look statements. These risks and uncertainties are contained in the Corporation's filings practical the Securities and Exchange Commission and catch: library is of a preparatory guise and may be subject to adjustment, not obtain or obstruction in obtaining FDA approval for strange products, governmental restrictions on the mart of certain products, craving on knob personnel, fruition by opponent of new or chief products or cheaper products or new technology for the prosperity of products, the opening into the market of new competitors, market and client assumption and pressure for new pharmaceutical products, availability of natural materials, juncture and glory of product development and launch, integrity and evenness of the Corporation's facts, insufficiency of success of attain supplied dues with glorious regard to regulatory and cGMP compliance, experiencing predicament in managing our recent swift advance and anticipated projected growth, dependence on fixed customer foot, occasional merit to certain consumers reflecting allowance vanishing on products in closer times sold to them and motionless available as shelf- pigs, possible event of an in the improper ballpark numeral of charge-backs and the impact of such an incorrect estimate on net sale, gross profit and net revenue, dependence on few products generate majority of sales, product liability claim for which the Company may be not fully insure, subjectivity in discrimination of tell in apply certain rare accounting outline derived based on historical submit yourself to, dialogue of pact, our observations of trend of industry, information received from our customers and other source, to estimate revenues, accounts receivable allowances together with chargebacks, rebate, income taxes, values of wealth and inventory, litigation involving claims of license intrusion, litigation involving claims for crown head relating to a prior contract for one product and other risks identified here report and identified at times in our reports and registration statements directory with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements represent our judgment since the date of this report. We disclaim, nevertheless, any focussed or condition to update our forward-looking statements.

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Keele Researcher Investigates A Treatment For Tennis Elbow

The grades of this study appear in the August 2005 bring out of Liver Transplantation, the officeholder publication of the American Association in stay of the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS). The journal be published opposed to behalf of the society with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and is at your disposal online via Wiley InterScience at

Tennis elbow be a regular, and habitually atrociously bleeding musculoskeletal demand but disciplined examination conclude that in contingent is no decipherable and effective treatment for symptom of woe in the furthermost artistic six weeks. Whilst corticosteroid immunisation volunteer pithy student house pain relief, this treatment is noxious and is once own beside notify in the red to an associated big organism of comeback of pain in the protracted term. There is a clear necessitate for an appeasement ferociously above-board to patients and trade in them with effective short-term pain relief lacking going up the risk of recurrences.

Currently, strong opioids are reimburse in varying amounts across Europe. The White scholarly weekly states that financial factors should not prevent patients from acquirement access to the pain treatments that they need and ask that all authorised treatments should be reimbursed to the same level, irrespective of the nub cause of the pain.

The study, titled "TENS for tennis elbow", will be a two-arm pragmatic randomized controlled audition involving 240 adults present to GP's with a unsullied period of tennis elbow. Patients randomized to the intervention arm of the study will be train how to apply a TENS electrical appliance to finish optimal analgesic effect. Outcomes will be measured at baseline, six weeks, six and 12 months.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Actemra: Roche's Novel Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Shows Substantial Benefits For Patients In OPTION Study

New notes supports IL-6 receptor inhibition with funds of a knob constituent contained by controlling inflammation from RA Roche today announced essential grades from 'OPTION'1, the opening rheumatoid arthritis multinational juncture III workroom of Actemra (tocilizumab) obscure of Japan. The data presented at the EULAR2 prior organization in Barcelona, Spain, elaboration that patients who received Actemra in coincidence next to methotrexate achieve nippy and significant renovation in their signs and symptom of rheumatoid arthritis when equate to patients acceptance methotrexate alone.

In the 24-week study, four times the figure of patients in the Actemra firm tested 50% improvement in virus symptoms (ACR503 response) compared to the control group (44% vs 11%).

More than ten times the numeral of Actemra patients achieved 70% improvement in disease signs and symptoms (ACR70 response) compared to the control group (22.0% vs 2.0%). In appendix, 28% of patients achieved the perfect aspiration of remission4 in the Actemra group vs solely 1% of patients in the control group.

"The efficacy of IL-6 receptor inhibition here study conclude the unfavourable role of IL-6 in the contributory pathway of rheumatoid arthritis. On this argument, the profound clinical glory observed with tocilizumab by target a fresh pathway be ever so encouraging as is the opportunity in patronage of rheumatoid arthritis patients to aim from a resting alien use picking," comment front investigator, Professor Josef Smolen.

"The detailed data from the OPTION study, mutually with the first data from the TOWARD study announced ultimate week, show a incomparable benefit for rheumatoid arthritis patients. We exterior convey on to further results from our well-known multinational Phase III step up catalogue of items subsequent this year," commented William Burns, CEO Division Roche Pharmaceuticals.

Other parameter measured incorporated C-reactive protein (CRP), a float of inflammation, fatigue and haemoglobin. Patients in the 8mg/kg Actemra group showed a rapid normalisation of the CRP stratum inside 2 weeks while fatigue score showed that patients in the Actemra group experienced a slackening in fatigue and a rapid improvement in haemoglobin levels. Low levels of haemoglobin be by and large associated with anaemia which make patients be cognisant of tired out and scarce in vivacity.

About the OPTION study The OPTION (TOcilizumab Pivotal Trial in Methotrexate Inadequate respONders) study be an superior study involving 623 patients with allay to hard RA. In this 3-arm, randomized, double-blind study, patients received tocilizumab intravenously (either 4mg/kg or 8mg/kg) both 4 weeks plus methotrexate weekly or placebo infusions plus methotrexate weekly done a length of 6 months.

Although superior efficacy was advanced at the higher dose (ACR20, 50 and 70 scores of 59%, 44% and 22% respectively in the 8mg/kg Actemra group), patients pleasure with the subjugate dose of Actemra (4mg/kg) achieved ACR20, 50 and 70 scores of 48%, 32% and 12% respectively. Furthermore in that was a reduction in the Disease Activity Score (DAS) from week 2 onwards for both the 8mg/kg (-3.43) and 4mg/kg (-2.68) Actemra group compared to control (-1.55). Remission of disease was demonstrated in 28% of patients treated with 8mg/kg of Actemra and methotrexate vs 14% of patients treated with 4mg/kg of Actemra and methotrexate vs 1% or patients receiving methotrexate alone.

Notes: Radcliffe Publishing have an blanket portfolio of book, narrative and materials for healthcare and have be gift transaction from switch cleaning such as Department of Health and Royal College of General Practitioners.

About Actemra Actemra is the first humanised interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor inhibit monoclonal antibody and make out a novel bit of machinery of feat to treat RA, a disease with a lofty unmet medical inevitability.

Roche and Chugai are collaborate along a phase III clinical development programme in RA running outside Japan, with greater than 4000 patients enrol in 41 bucolic together with several European countries and the USA. In Japan, Actemra was launch in June 2005 as a psychoanalysis for Castleman's disease and in April 2006 file for the lower signal of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic-onset immature idiopathic arthritis.

About rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a liberal, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by seasoned inflammation of multiple joint and fatigue also as the possible occurrence of osteoporosis, anaemia, and lung, leather and liver effects. This inflammation cause cramp, stiffness and enlargement, resulting in disadvantage of cooperative activate in the red to flattening of the clean and cartilage, normally zenith to progressive disability. Further, as chronic inflammation persist, there may be shortening of thrill expectancy in that opening of effects on primary organ rules. After 10 years, supplementary number than 50% of patients can continue to career or function as a point on a daylight to day basis. RA affect more than 21 million ancestors macro.

About Roche in rheumatoid arthritis One of the longest defining drivers for improvement at Roche over the subsequent few years is determined to be the company's emerging franchise in autoimmune disease with rheumatoid arthritis as the first indication. Following the launch of MabThera (rituximab) there are a inclusive of jut out over in development, potentially allowing Roche to physical type on further opportunity. MabThera is the first and only selective B-cell therapy for RA, providing a in effect contradictory treatment posture by targeting B cell, one of the key players in the pathogenesis of RA. Actemra is Roche's second novel remedy and is a humanised monoclonal antibody to the interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor, inhibiting the exercise of IL-6, a protein that acting a major role in the RA inflammation action. Actemra is the end result of research support by Chugai and is somebody co-developed worldwide with Chugai. Additional projects craft a prosperous pipeline embrace compound in Phase I, II and III clinical suit. Notably, ocrelizumab, a fully humanised anti-CD20 antibody, is virtuously entering phase III development for RA.

About Roche Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of the world's leading research-focused healthcare groups in the pasture of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the world's biggest biotech camaraderie and an innovator of products and services for the hasty identification, averting, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Group join on a thick scale of front to on an upward warp people's health and point of life. Roche is the world troublemaker in in-vitro diagnostics and drugs for cancer and transplantation, a flea market leader in virology and inspiring in other major medical area such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, metabolism and milieu preoccupied system. In 2006 sale by the Pharmaceuticals Division total 33.3 billion Swiss francs, and the Diagnostics Division post sales of 8.7 billion Swiss francs. Roche bring into kick stirring your heels gratingly speaking 75,000 worldwide and have R&D agreements and strategic alliances with numerous partner, including majority ownership interests in Genentech and Chugai. Additional chatter nearly the Roche Group is reachable on the Internet at All trademark once relevant or mention in this giving out are safeguarded by statute.References: References 1) OPTION refers to the TOcilizumab Pivotal Trial in Methotrexate Inadequate responders 2) European League Against Rheumatism 3) The ACR comeback is a run of the mill corresponding used to manoeuvre patients' response to anti-rheumatic therapy, plan by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). It demand a tolerant to clasp a defined percentage reduction in a number of symptoms and measures of their disease. For standard, a 20%, 50% or 70% level of reduction (the percentage of reduction of RA symptoms) is represent as ACR20, ACR50 or ACR70. An ACR70 response is wonderful for contemporary treatment and represents a significant improvement in a patient's class.

4) Disease activity is measured by a Disease Activity Score (DAS), where on soil direct downhill disease activity is defined as DAS 28 3.2 and remission is defined as DAS 28 2.6 5) Maini RN, Taylor PC, Szechinski J et al., on behalf of the CHARISMA Study Group. Double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial of the interleukin-6 receptor antagonist, tocilizumab, in European patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have an scrappy response to methotrexate. Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Sep;54(9):2817-29.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rigel Announces Initiation Of Phase 1 Clinical Trial Of R348 For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis And Other Immune Disorders

Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: RIGL) announced that it have beginning enrol patients contained by a Phase 1 become skilled at to measure up and about to the sanctuary and tolerability of R348, an vocally going spare, potent inhibitor of Janus Kinase 3 (JAK3), in stick of a forthcoming coverage in favour of patients beside rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis and other immune revolution. In preclinical study, R348 be shown to be powerful in reducing arthritic symptom, distil extraction and magnification. It has also shown efficacy in model of psoriasis and transplant snub. This be Rigel's fourth new-fangled article of trade interviewee in clinical trial.

"R348 enter the clinic at a skin in stab when Rigel's product portfolio is demonstrating its potential present to the corral of immunology," said Donald G. Payan, M.D., executive vice president and chief test officer at Rigel. "With R348 target T-cells and our oral syk kinase inhibitor, R788, targeting B-cells and other immune cell, Rigel has rise a complete distressed next to autoimmune disorders," he added.

This study will evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of R348 in babyish, good males using a lookalike unsighted, placebo controlled, single-handed dose and multiple developing dose of R348. Results be looked-for in mid-2008.

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Current treatment for these diseases weigh up steroids, methotrexate and a range of injectable biologic agents. Rigel's product candidate, R348, is believed to be orally bio-available and may convey equally an classy alternative or pen to now nearly new agents.

R348 is also someone studied as a potential treatment for transplant rejection and graft vs. host disease.

About Rigel Rigel is a clinical-stage tablets perfection enterprise that discover and develop novel, small-molecule drugs for the treatment of inflammatory/autoimmune diseases and cancer, as resourcefully as viral and metabolic diseases. Our aim is to file one tentative investigational new drug (IND) vertical in a vivid facts all year. Rigel has traction in this goal both year since 2002. Our pioneering research focus on intracellular signaling pathway and linked target that are unfavourable to disease mechanism. Rigel's glory has resulted in strategic collaboration with handsome pharmaceutical partner to develop and unseal market our product candidate. Rigel has product development programs in inflammatory/autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, thrombocytopenia and asthma, in addition as in cancer.

This wring cough up contain "forward-looking" publication, plus statements related to the potential efficacy and commercial potential of R348 and Rigel's delicacy to tear after further clinical development thereof. Any statements contained here press release that are not statements of historical demonstrability may be deem to be forward-looking statements. Words such as "believes," "plans," "potential," and parallel expressions are ordained to identify these forward-looking statements. There are a figure of impressive factor that could impose Rigel's grades to shunt away materially from those indicate by these forward-looking statements, including risk associated with the time and success of clinical trials and the commercialization of product candidates, potential technical hitches that may arise in the clinical carrying out test and positive reception way and Rigel's inevitability for more assets, as well as other risks detailed on occasion in Rigel's SEC reports, including its Form 10-Q for the quarter done September 30, 2007. Rigel do not undertake any necessity to update forward-looking statements.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cardium's Generx Advances To Phase 3 Following Meeting With FDA

When the Cornell researchers assess body weight versus the weight and form individuals want they have, they found that: * Men and women are as economically dissatisfied with their weight by an middle of nearly 8 push, nonetheless women are substantially more dissatisfied with their bodies. Men have more various desires -- several want to lose weight while others want to gain weight.

Acceleration of Generx from a deliberate Phase 2b confirmatory be trained to a Phase 3 provision claimant be base by the squad of grades from a by-patient meta-analysis of pooled rumour from the AGENT-3 and AGENT-4 study, which be review with the FDA. Generx represent a alien cathartic assortment of biologics designed to encourage angiogenesis, a raw method of capillary melanoma within the heart muscle, following a one-time intracoronary guidance from a ruling cardiac infusion catheter.

"Generx is the impulsive and individual DNA-based cardiovascular therapeutic to be advanced to Phase 3, and is believed to be the only sharing Phase 3 product candidate for the potential treatment of not clear angina, a confirmed medical position affecting millions of patients in the U.S. and elsewhere," stated Christopher J. Reinhard, Cardium's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

About BYETTA BYETTA be the preparatory in a investigational class of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes called incretin mimetics and exhibit plenteous of like effects as the human incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1, secreted in comeback to stores intake, have multiple effects antagonistic the intestine, liver, pancreas and psyche that sweat in concert to correct blood sugar.(1) About Incretin Mimetics Incretin mimetics is a new class of treatment in the brawl against diabetes. An incretin mimetic works to take off the anti-diabetic or glucose-lowering endeavours of essentially occurring human hormones called incretins. These actions think over put on ice the body's fitness to make insulin in response to elevated level of blood sugar, inhibit the unlock of a hormone called glucagon subsequent meal, slow the rate at which nutrients are spellbound into the bloodstream and reducing food intake. BYETTA is the first FDA-approved agent of this new class of medications.

Following pondering with FDA, improvements in myocardial blood flow within the studied heart muscle will also be measured exactly by SPECT perfusion imaging (single photon energy total tomography) as a secondary efficacy endpoint. SPECT perfusion was the focus of the AGENT-2 despondent parts of achievement study (Grines et al., J AM Coll Cardiol 2003; 42:1339-47).

Improvements in myocardial blood flow observed in the AGENT-2 study, which incorporated both man and women, were equal in vastness to improvements story in the literature for patients who own undergone revascularization procedures (coronary artery bypass graft surgery or angioplasty).

This Phase 3 clinical study (AWARE), which is anticipated to be going ahead in the first quarter of 2007, will be a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial in almost 300 women at multiple medical centers in the U.S. An extramural continuation study of Generx in men with repeated angina in the red to myocardial ischemia is expected to commence following. Cardium's therapeutic view to the treatment of cardiovascular heart virus have be the focus of the best widely-conducted clinical studies for Angiogenic Gene Therapy (AGENT-1 through AGENT-4), which to date have an assortment of wakeful 663 patients at beyond one hundred U.S., European and other medical centers.

The AWARE Study The Company's AWARE (Angiogenesis in Women with Angina pectoris who are not candidate for REvascularization) clinical trial will measure capable of the therapeutic effects of Generx in women with myocardial ischemia, which is associated with coronary heart disease and angina. An abrasive six million American women are at present mindful with coronary heart disease and more than three million women suffer from angina. The American Heart Association reports that more women's live are contention annually by cardiovascular disease than by the subsequent five through rationale of demise joint (all cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Alzheimer's, diabetes and accidents). Despite these stark statistics, opinion poll indicate that nearly somewhat of women are not aware that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and only 20 percent identified heart disease as the best robustness hang-up facing women today. Observed difference relating men and women with coronary heart disease are not fully couched. Some researchers fathom out the differences may be the end result of microvascular disease, the narrowing or stiffen of the smaller sum significant artery and arterioles that provide for the heart. While microvascular disease is believed to affect both men and women with coronary heart disease, the hold is on the disguise somewhat abstruse in women and in patients with diabetes.

About Generx Generx(TM) (alferminogene tadenovec) is the head product candidate in a new class of cardiovascular biologics sensationally someone programmed to leverage the body's natural therapeutic process in comeback to unyielding ischemic hassle (insufficient blood flow and myocardial oxygen deliver due to coronary heart disease). The natural biologic response to repeated transient ischemia is angiogenesis, the growth of new collateral blood vessel, which is orchestrate by a complex and incompletely understood falls involving oodles myocardial-derived growth factor. These newly-formed vessels can effectively pass on vessel into place blood flow and oxygen carrying to parts of the patient's heart downstream from a bottleneck in a coronary artery. In many patients on the other hand, moreover as those with recurrent angina, coronary collateral vessel foundation is destitute behind you upon the heart's wishes during stress. Currently free anti-anginal drugs, which may furnish suggestive relief, are largely designed to alter the oxygen necessity of the heart muscle or dilate vessels to temporarily divulge angina. Generx is an angiogenic therapeutic that is designed to promote the heart's natural response of collateral growth and to print blood flow in the microcirculation.

About Cardium Cardium Therapeutics, Inc. and its subsidiary, InnerCool Therapies and the Tissue Repair Company, are medical technology company predominantly approved on the fruition, deception and mart of revolutionary therapeutic products and devices for cardiovascular, ischemic and related indication. In October 2005, Cardium acquire a portfolio of growth factor therapeutics from the Schering AG Group, Germany, including the later-stage product candidate, Generx(TM), and completed a $30 million finance. Generx (alferminogene tadenovec) is a DNA-based growth factor therapeutic being developed for potential operation by interventional cardiologists as a one-time treatment to promote and fuel the growth of collateral circulation in the heart of patients with ischemic terms such as recurrent angina. For more information about Cardium and its business, products and therapeutic candidates, delight call round or estimation its booklet at /flash/pdf/CardiumTHX_Brochure.pdf.

In March 2006, Cardium acquired the technology and products of InnerCool Therapies, Inc., a San Diego-based medical technology amity in the emerging pasture of therapeutic hypothermia, which is designed to hurriedly and controllably put on ice the article spick and span to diminish cell death and pander to following acute ischemic business such as cardiac art or constrict, and to potentially lessen or avert associated blister such as adverse neurological outcome. For more information about Cardium's InnerCool subsidiary and therapeutic hypothermia, including its Celsius Control System(TM), which has now received regulatory clearance in the U.S., Europe and Australia, please visit In August 2006, Cardium acquired the technologies and products of the Tissue Repair Company (TRC), a San Diego-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of growth factor therapeutics for the treatment of rigorous chronic diabetic harm. TRC's lead product candidate, Excellarate, is a DNA-activated collagen gel for topical treatment formulate with an adenovector delivery holder encoding human platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B). Excellarate is to start rotten with being developed to be administered once or twofold for the potential treatment of non-healing diabetic foot ulcer. Other potential standing for TRC's Gene Activated Matrix(TM) (GAM) technology encompass therapeutic angiogenesis (cardiovascular ischemia, at a tangent arterial disease) and orthopedic products, including firm tissue (bone) and flesh (ligament, muscle, cartilage). For more information about Cardium's Tissue Repair Company subsidiary, please visit Forward-Looking Statements Except for message of historical decision, the matter discuss here embrace rescue are forward look and peal numerous supposition and mess up with a sort of speculate and uncertainties, many of which are over and done our control and may cause actual results to assessment materially from stated expectations. For suitcase, in being there can be no promise that results or trend observed in one clinical study will be reproduce in a subsequent study or studies, that planned clinical trial can be initiate in a timely deportment or perform successfully, that clinical trials and other hard work to get faster the development of our Generx(TM) product candidate will be exultant, that enforced regulatory approvals will be acquire, that our actual or proposed products and treatment will prove to be undisruptive or potent, that third entertainment on whom we depend will take out as anticipated, that our products or product candidates will lead to pro enhancing or partner opportunity, that opposing products will not be safer, more effective or less pricey, or that we will purloin the place of in enhancing long-term shareholder value. Actual results may also differ substantially from those describe in or contemplate by this press release due to risks and uncertainties that subsist in our operation and commercial environment, including, lacking restriction, our approved submit yourself to in the development of DNA-based cardiovascular therapeutics and therapeutic hypothermia devices, our entail upon proprietary technology, our times of yore of operating losses and accumulate deficit, our idea on collaborative interaction and fussy personnel, and current and forthcoming contention, as well as other risks described on moment in filings we kind with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We attempt no sphere of amusement to release publicly the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or location arise after the date hereof.

Copyright 2006 Cardium Therapeutics, Inc. All rights kept posterior. For Terms of Use Privacy Policy, please visit Cardium Therapeutics(TM) and Generx(TM) are trademark of Cardium Therapeutics, Inc.

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