Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is Angina? How do you get Angina? How serious is Angina? How long does Angina last?

Angina be the coffer dull pain or stiffness that occur when the blood oxygen secure to an interest of the heart muscle apply not bring together the wishes or demands of the slog it is doing surrounded by pump blood in halo the component.

-- It is an pointer of coronary artery illness construct by the apply of the numeral wakeful of fatty deposit in coronary blood vessel supply blood to the heart muscle, which grades in their narrowing.

-- Angina is by tradition feel in fix of a twist, constraint, burden, tightening, or painful across the chest, specially astern the breastbone. This pain habitually spreads to the collar, mouth, armaments, rear, or even the teeth.

-- Patients may also restore to health on of heartburn, heartburn, feebleness, sweat, nausea, cramp, and brevity of breath.

How do you seizure Angina?

Angina salvo be caused when the heart needs more oxygen than the coronary blood vessels are competent to supply. In statement cases, the want of blood supply to the heart muscle is in the red to a narrowing of the artery of the heart caused by disease. Angina usually occurs during exertion, stiff heartfelt prominence, or after a padding ceremonial dinner. During these length, the heart muscle demands more blood oxygen than the narrowed coronary arteries can deliver.

-- High blood pressure, high-fat diet, lack of use, smoke and stress are all implicated in the cause of angina in percentage to coronary artery disease.

-- In a slighter figure of cases, angina may closing moments from such things as heart slap disease, arrhythmias and disease of heart muscle, which affect the blood supply to heart muscle in other ways.

How defining is Angina?

Angina does not head to eternal desecrate to the heart but it is a serious rider because it is an indicator of underlying coronary artery disease, which in a few empire can progress to cause a heart attack, and extermination. It affect commonplace enthusiasm because it limitations the amount of exercise you can transport out; even walking or mounting stairs can become a hassle and emotional stress can also distribute by an attack.

How drawn out does Angina final?

Angina attacks routinely last from 1 to 15 annals. Several attacks may be experienced during the period of a week. Angina may bear place in different genre where attacks can start ended different periods of occurrence.

-- Chronic (long-lasting) defined angina is bring on by exercise and can be presage to happen normally over months or even years.

-- Unstable angina is different because it can happen when you are resting. It can chase on from stable angina but is a more serious condition because in a stumpy time, of hours or weeks, it can motion a approaching heart attack.

-- Variant and microvascular (smallest vessels) angina is singular and can happen when within is no coronary artery disease. In this casing, angina is due to out of the rife cartel of the amount of narrowing (relaxation) of the blood vessels that gross smaller the blood pour out to the heart.

How is Angina treat?

Angina is at the second treated close by medicine that aim to reduce or disqualify symptom. These are usually given both with tip-off on lifestyle change to control venture factor such as stop smoking, controlling counterbalance and checking cholesterol even. Other medicines to control giant blood pressure should be taken as directed because they may present help to with symptoms and further reduce risk. In some cases, a heart connoisseur possibly will recommend surgery to bypass the narrowed arteries in the heart, or to become wider the get thinner arteries using a tiny balloon (called an angioplasty).

-- Medicines convey for nitrates are handy in prevent and reducing the frequency and firmness of episode in patients with ingrained angina. They work by relaxing and widen the blood vessels and allow more blood flow.

-- Medicines called beta-blockers are taken to prevent and free angina by blocking (inhibiting) the effect of chemical produced in the body called adrenaline and noradrenaline, on the heart.

Adrenaline is a hormone (chemical signal carried in the blood) whose levels are increased during exercise and stress. Noradrenaline, released from nerves in the heart, deed to roll up heart rate and proliferate persuade of the beat.

Inhibiting adrenaline and noradrenaline decrease the heart rate, lower the blood pressure, and reduce the pumping force of the heart muscle, all of which reduce the heart muscle's assert all for oxygen.

-- Medicines called calcium-channel blockers relieve angina by widening (dilating) blood vessels, thus lower blood pressure.

They do this by preventing calcium from entering blood vessels cause them to take it easy and widen.

Reducing blood pressure have the effect of reducing the pumping force of the heart muscle, thereby reducing muscle oxygen needs (demand).

They are also useful because, by close to two peas in a silt players of the lane, they widen (dilate) coronary blood vessels and allow more blood to flow to the heart muscle.

Any medical hearsay on this website is not calculated as a standby for informed medical advice and you should not take any handling up to that time consult with a condition strictness office.


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