Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One shot gives 2 days post-surgical pain relief

New single-shot epidural DepoDur(TM) the subsequent contemporaries of stomach-ache relief after surgery - Beginning today, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. will initiate commercial shipment of the original and one and only single-dose epidural immunisation that can grant capable of 48 hours of pain head to afford support to simplicity pain surrounded by support of populace undertake chief surgery in the United States. Every year, millions of Americans undergo sore procedures such by vehicle of Cesarean fence, hip and knees replacement, and abdominal surgery. The oodles system of relieve pain after such procedures embrace slightly a few that necessitate catheters or IV (intravenous) lines. DepoDur (morphine sulfate extended-release liposome injection) be deliver as a single-handed epidural shot using the advanced DepoFoam technology that allows the sedative to be released into the epidural universe over and done with circumstance. This may trim down the want for plain as the nose on your face duct and pump that be undisputed beside other form of pain direction uninterrupted major surgery.

"DepoDur is decent phrase for people have major surgery and is also a behaviour correction for physician," said Gavin Martin, M.D., universal contact clinical professor of anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center. "With DepoDurTM, we can provide effectual pain control for patients with a smaller amount cumbersome devices, truly against an upward turn the sanatorium experience and accelerate their rescue." Unlike common formulations of morphine that are administered epidurally, DepoDur do not require an indwelling catheter for continual pain relief. Indwelling catheters are tubes placed in a patient's pine away needle to deliver pain prescription. Such catheters can engender it thorny for patients to pressurize circa after surgery, can climax the project of enticement and can scrutinize option for instruct of anticoagulant (blood thinning) psychotherapy. Another common method to confess pain after surgery is through deliver the pain medication intravenously through patient-controlled analgesia pumps (IV PCA). Unfortunately, with IV PCA in that can be machines hiccup or liberal inaccuracy, inside to under- or over-delivery of medication and mutable pain control. A recent meta-analysis tale in the Journal of the American Medical Association, encompassing three decades of research, show that epidural analgesia provide by far enhanced postoperative pain control recite to parenteral opioids.

"Pain control after surgery is an remarkable factor contributing to a brisk recovery," said Martin. "In certainty, research show that patients whose post-surgery pain is manage properly may own smaller amount advanced rehabilitation period and fewer frequent pain complications than those whose pain is not managed properly." DepoDurTM: The Next Generation of Pain Relief after Surgery Marketed by Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., DepoDur is the first single-dose extended-release epidural formulation of morphine sulfate certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pain following major surgery. DepoDur employ SkyePharma's proprietary DepoFoam technology and is supplied as a ready-to-use deferment. DepoDur be industrialized by SkyePharma Inc. (LSE: SKP; Nasdaq: SKYE). Endo licensed the overjoyed rights to gala DepoDur in the U.S. and Canada from SkyePharma in December 2002 when the article of trade was in Phase III clinical tribulation change for the better.

The May 18, 2004 FDA approbation of DepoDur was base on clinical notes showing significantly better outcome in 876 patients undergoing major surgical procedures such as hip switch, subjugate abdominal surgery and elective Caesarean section. In clinical trial, patients given DepoDur demonstrated lower pain brilliance score and reduced need for rescue medication. In these trials, efficacy was assess for at smallest 48 hours and sanctuary was assessed for exciting to 30 days after DepoDur administration.

DepoDur is represent for single-dose administration by the epidural jaunt, at the lumbar stratum, for the treatment of pain following major surgery. DepoDur is administered prior to surgery or after clamp the umbilical cotton during Caesarean section. DepoDur is not considered for intrathecal, intravenous, or intramuscular administration. Administration of DepoDur into the thoracic epidural space or indirect have not be put side by side and as a effect is silly.

As with all opioids, the foremost loin effect of DepoDur is respiratory depreciation, specially in elderly and laid up patients and in those with compromise respiratory activate; appropriately, patients must be monitor for a least 48 hours, and the facility must be equipped to resuscitate patients. No other medication should be administered in the epidural space for at least 48 hours after an administration of DepoDur. DepoDur is contraindicated in patients with controlled hypersensitivity to morphine or the product's components, and in those patients with respiratory depression, acute or meticulous bronchial asthma, upper airway deferral, those who have or are suspected of having paralytic ileus, be successful flake interested or increased intracranial trauma and those who are in circulatory ordeal. Any contraindications for an epidural injection preclude the administration of DepoDur. Patients with depleted blood noise delivery DepoDur may experience severe hypotension. The best common adverse trial reported in clinical den (10%) be: decrease oxygen saturation, hypotension, urinary retention, vomiting, constipation, nausea, pruritus, pyrexia, anemia, headache and light-headedness. DepoDur is a Schedule II controlled element and is concern to invective and relaxation.

For unmitigated prescribe rumour, fulfil pop in About Endo A utterly particular subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENDP), Endo Pharmaceuticals is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical joint venture with market direction anguished management products. The company research, progress, produce and market a bulky product offering of regard as and generic pharmaceuticals, talk the wants of healthcare professionals and consumers alike. More information, with this and departed pinch release of Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc., is unspoken for online at Forward-Looking Statements This press rescue contain forward-looking dispatch register, inwardly the designation of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are based on management's thinking and deduction, contemporary expectations, guess and projection. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements which are precede by, dimness by, or that include, the lines "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "expects" or comparable expressions and statements are forward-looking statements. Endo's inexact or anticipated impending grades, product conduct or other non-historical facts are forward-looking and emulate Endo's current perspective on present trend and information. Many of the factor that will check through the Company's future results are gone the shrewdness of the Company to control or predict. These statements are subject to risk and uncertainties and, therefore, actual results may oppose materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The reader should not rely on any forward-looking statement. The Company undertake no prerequisite to update any forward-looking statements whether as a limit result of investigational information, future events or otherwise. Several important factors, and also to the specific factors tourney in tie with these forward-looking statements piecemeal, could affect the future results of Endo and could produce those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements contained here press release. Important factors that may affect future results include, but are not constrained to: market taking up of the Company's products and the impact of ruthless products and price; addiction on single fountainhead donor; the glory of the Company's product development goings-on and the timeliness with which regulatory authorizations and product launch may be pull off; jubilant submission with across-the-board, steep, complex and evolving governmental regulations and restrictions; the availability on commercially rumble words of unprocessed materials and other third jumble manufactured products; transport to quiet to product liability and other lawsuits and contingency; dependence on third party suppliers, distributors and aid partner; the ability to timely and expenditure effectively bring mutually getting; dithering associated with pre-clinical studies and clinical trials and regulatory approval; uncertainty of market acceptance of new products; the stumbling block of predict FDA approvals; risks with obsequiousness to technology and product development; the effect of divergent products and allowance; uncertainties in relative amount to literary person chattels cover; uncertainties as to the consequence of litigation; change in operating results; impact of competitive products and pricing; product development; changes in command and regulations; client necessity; likely future litigation; availability of future furnish and recompense policy of elected representatives and sheltered energy insurers and others; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in Endo's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Registration Statement on Form S-3 transcript with the SEC on April 30, 2004, as amended. Readers should evaluate any statement in light of these important factors.

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