Sunday, April 6, 2008

Better outcome for rheumatoid arthritis patients given intensive outpatient treatment, The Lancet

Results of a UK inquest here week's section of The Lancet angle redirect that intensive monthly outpatient healing beside antirheumatic drugs and steroid injection can substantially upgrade patients' symptom of rheumatoid arthritis equate with common three-month outpatient treatment.

THE LANCET Duncan Porter (Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow, UK) and colleagues investigate whether a more intensive approach-monthly evaluation of patients' illness pursuit sucker (DAS) to conduct treatment with oral antirheumatic drugs and steroid injections-could be more credible in on an upward body symptoms than standard three-monthly assessment broad a DAS multiplication to guide treatment.

The investigators randomized 111 population with rheumatoid arthritis to any intensive dominate or treatment comfort. The study's chief corollary gauge be to compare the percentage of patients in all squadron achieve a upright comeback to treatment-defined by the pay out of a DAS down below 24 and a trickle in this score from baseline with high than 12 point. Comparisons linking patients in the two group be made after 18 months.

82% of patients given intensive analysis achieve a good response to treatment compared with 44% in the standard treatment group. Furthermore, 65% of patients in the intensive group were in remission at the snake all-encompassing awake of the study compared with solo 16% of patients in the standard group. Intensive treatment was no more dear than standard treatment.

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