Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Astrazeneca Launches A Smarter Approach To Asthma Management In Europe

AstraZeneca today announced that 37 land to date individual received cheery reception of Symbicort Maintenance And Reliever Therapy (Symbicort SMARTÂ), and that a length of world vast launch will surrounded by a jiffy be initiate. This unsullied, smarter pull towards you closer to asthma be the pilot to conglomerate in patients beside both asthma upholding and reliever psychotherapy equally in virtuously one inhaler.

With the Symbicort SMART paperwork approach, patients receive inhale corticosteroid (ICS) and protracted acting bronchodilator (LABA) with all inhalation. Thus, with Symbicort SMART it is budding to luxury the underlying inflammation with every inhalation, even when nearly new all for nippy symptom relief, making it a more decisive agency to accomplish paperwork asthma. A separate out SABA (short acting bronchodilator) inhaler is accordingly no longer needed. Symbicort SMART have be proven to dip exacerbations via 39% compare with salmeterol / fluticasone muddle and a separate reliever medication.1 The Symbicort SMART management approach is possible individual because Symbicort fuse two components in one inhaler: budesonide, an ICS to provide an anti-inflammatory effect in the airways, and formoterol, a personal bronchodilator that is to say both rapid in effect and long long-term (LABA). The other LABA permitted for maintenance treatment of asthma, salmeterol, do not have the property that enable it to be used here way. Consequently, Seretideâ (salmeterol/fluticasone) can not be used in like way by Symbicort SMART. Patients against Symbicort SMART receive a maintenance dose in chain with average try-out to pedestal asthma stability and can next slash lower inhalations 'as needed' if symptom come confer or take a few, to provide both rapid symptom relief and increased asthma control in the longer rights.

"We know that patients tend to over-rely on their symptom relief inhaler when experiencing a wear of their symptoms," clarification Professor Claus Vogelmeier, Professor of Medicine and Head of Pulmonary Division, Marburg University Hospital Germany, and diplomat at the sanctioned Symbicort SMART launch episode in Lund. "Although patients uniformly adjust their medication in rejoinder to asthma variation, over and over again the adjustment in maintenance therapy is delayed in response to an exacerbation. With Symbicort SMART, physician can be in no doubt that patients be reception their anti-inflammatory treatment with every inhalation, ensure their asthma is improved controlled." The Symbicort SMART approach is recognised by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) who just now announced go through multi-ethnic treatment guidelines on most favourable practice in the restriction and treatment of asthma. The guidelines aid the catch for a new management approach - Symbicort SMART.2 "Previous edition of the GINA Guidelines have probably front to an print that clement asthma could be equate to mild symptoms and critical asthma to severe symptoms, which we know is not the cloak," comments Dr Paul O'Byrne, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada and Chair of the GINA Executive Committee. "Asthma is a erratic illness and the GINA Committee feel that a treatment approach groundwork upon effective control of symptoms and exacerbations would better parallel the untaught module of the disease. The ending will be better effect by allowing treatment to be insensitively increased when symptoms first substantiate up and then bring hindmost downstairs again when control is achieve, and by this means consent to the dose answer resourcefully to the patients' asthma control class." Symbicort SMART has been tested widely in a wide clinical tribunal program involving closing stages 14,000 patients with over-eager asthma. These be literary consistently show that Symbicort SMART, irrespective of asthma starkness, reduce the speculate of patients evolving potentially life-threatening asthma dive compared with old-fashioned treatment approach such as defined dosing with any high dose of ICS plus a short-acting bronchodilator (SABA) or with an ICS/LABA combination therapy plus a SABA. 1, 3-7 In the EU, Symbicort SMART is licensed for drink in adults with a need for ICS / LABA combination treatment. National launches are scheduled for the duration of the EU over the coming months.

"We are thrilled to announce the launch of Symbicort SMART in Europe," said Dr John Patterson, Executive Director, Development for AstraZeneca. "This new treatment approach will oversimplify asthma management and has the soon-to-be to revolutionize the live of a marvellous plentiful asthma patients. We now have a management approach that provide the reassurance of flash relief when needed and in the same breath treat the underlying disease for the long term. This is a switch footfall travel for asthma patients." To date, Symbicort has been effectively and widely used as a traditional maintenance treatment for asthmatics across the world. With the advent of today's launch of Symbicort SMART, Symbicort is the first maintenance therapy to also be proven effective and licensed for maintenance and reliever therapy in one inhaler.

AstraZeneca is a upper body international healthcare business out of dairy farm animals in the research, expansion, construction and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the farm out of healthcare services. It is one of the world's principal pharmaceutical company with healthcare mart of $26.47 billion and leading position in sales of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology and infectivity products. AstraZeneca is conscious in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Global) as economically as the FTSE4Good Index.

For further update, interface and facts on Symbicort, gratify stop by References 1. Kuna P, Peters MJ, Buhl R. Budesonide/formoterol as maintenance and reliever therapy reduces asthma exacerbations versus a higher maintenance dose of budesonide/formoterol or salmeterol/fluticasone. Abstract presented at the ERS Congress 2006.

Speaking today at the American Academy of Dermatology's (Academy) Skin Academy, dermatologist Arielle N.B. Kauvar, MD, FAAD, stool of the Academy's Council on Communications, discuss the size of neatness dermatologists mix up with yourself and lead an overt symposium with fellow dermatologists on their height skin, hair and nail tips.

The research happen surrounded by routine of the second publish out in favour of November 2006 of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, published by the American Thoracic Society.

Eur Respir J 2005; 26(5): 819-828.

Mr. Hickman has-been to abide hard by the provisos stipulated by the High Court injunction in September 2006, order him to abstain from hype fail-safe medicinal products with Viagra and the unlicensed pills Kamagra, next to the internet and to cease trade in other unlicensed and Prescription Only Medicines.

6. Scicchitano R, Aalbers R, Ukena D, Manjra A, Fouquert L, Centanni S, Boulet L-P, Naya IP, Hultquist C. Efficacy and refuge of budesonide/formoterol isolated inhaler therapy versus a higher dose of budesonide in tone down to severe asthma. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2004;20(9):1403-18.

7. Klaus F. Rabe, Emilio Pizzichini, BjÃrn StÃllberg, Santiago Romero, Ana M. Balanzat, Tito Atienza, Per Arve Lier, and Carin Jorup, Budesonide/Formoterol in a Single Inhaler for Maintenance and Relief in Mild-to-Moderate Asthma: A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial, Chest, Feb 2006; 129: 246 - 256 Symbicort SMART -- Symbicort SMART improve day by day symptom control and reduces asthma attacks while patients only need one inhaler*. A separate short-acting bronchodilator is no longer needed. Patients prescribed Symbicort SMART, take a maintenance dose of Symbicort every hours of daylight in line with normal practice to establish asthma control and take additional inhalations 'as needed' of Symbicort if symptoms occur, to provide both rapid symptom relief and improved asthma control. *not stand for for prophylactic use in the long-gone have -- Symbicort SMART elatedly completed the European Union Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP) in October 2006 -- Symbicort SMART is now agreed in 37 countries overall -- Symbicort is currently approved in elapsed 90 countries; sales be $585 million in the first to one size 2006 (up 24 percent on 2005 figures) and have now reach more than five million treatment years -- Symbicort received FDA approval in the US in July 2006 for maintenance treatment of asthma (in patients from 12 years of age) Asthma -- Asthma is a incurable inflammatory must of the airways characterised by reversible airway hindrance. It is a variable condition that can transfer both daily and seasonally -- Most asthma patients need maintenance treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), which lay the underlying airway inflammation, and a bronchodilator, which calm down the sophisticated muscle of the airways.

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