Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. Announces FDA Approval To Market Baclofen

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Caraco's Baclofen Tablet be a muscle relaxant and antispastic. It is well-designed for the alleviation of signs and symptom of spasticity subsequent from multiple sclerosis, imposingly for the relief of flexor spasm and concomitant discomfort, clonus, and starchy firmness. Caraco has two strengths unclaimed, 10 mg and 20 mg tablets.

Daniel H. Movens, Caraco's Chief Executive Officer, said, "We be sunny the FDA granted us another swift approval during this quarter, totalling helpfulness to our portfolio of products we marketplace bordered with the U.S. This approval grades the third approval in the established quarter, two in the second 30 days. We maintain to conscientiousness towards expanding our goods din through obliviously and effectively as probable adding measurable value as we relocation. We drawing to launch this product to the market straight away." This approval distribute our inclusive market product search to 23 nothing like products mean by 49 strengths," he added.

Detroit-based Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd., come together, make and distributes generic and private-label prescription pharmaceuticals to the nation's wholesalers, distributors, drugstore chains and manage attention provider.

Safe Harbor: This anecdote liberate enclose forward-looking statement made pursuant to the safe-harbor gear of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are base on skipper of management's current expectations and are speciality to risk and uncertainties that could repercussion in actual results to baulk materially from those describe in the forward- look statements. These risks and uncertainties are contained in the Corporation's filings practical the Securities and Exchange Commission and catch: library is of a preparatory guise and may be subject to adjustment, not obtain or obstruction in obtaining FDA approval for strange products, governmental restrictions on the mart of certain products, craving on knob personnel, fruition by opponent of new or chief products or cheaper products or new technology for the prosperity of products, the opening into the market of new competitors, market and client assumption and pressure for new pharmaceutical products, availability of natural materials, juncture and glory of product development and launch, integrity and evenness of the Corporation's facts, insufficiency of success of attain supplied dues with glorious regard to regulatory and cGMP compliance, experiencing predicament in managing our recent swift advance and anticipated projected growth, dependence on fixed customer foot, occasional merit to certain consumers reflecting allowance vanishing on products in closer times sold to them and motionless available as shelf- pigs, possible event of an in the improper ballpark numeral of charge-backs and the impact of such an incorrect estimate on net sale, gross profit and net revenue, dependence on few products generate majority of sales, product liability claim for which the Company may be not fully insure, subjectivity in discrimination of tell in apply certain rare accounting outline derived based on historical submit yourself to, dialogue of pact, our observations of trend of industry, information received from our customers and other source, to estimate revenues, accounts receivable allowances together with chargebacks, rebate, income taxes, values of wealth and inventory, litigation involving claims of license intrusion, litigation involving claims for crown head relating to a prior contract for one product and other risks identified here report and identified at times in our reports and registration statements directory with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements represent our judgment since the date of this report. We disclaim, nevertheless, any focussed or condition to update our forward-looking statements.

Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd.Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories

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