Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Significant Phase III Results With CIMZIA(TM) In Rheumatoid Arthritis - Radiographic Data Demonstrated Significant Reduction In Joint Damage

Shingles can affect everybody who has have chickenpox -- greater
than 90 percent of adults in the United States -- and occurs most
repetitively in ancestors ended 50 years of age. In trueness,
skilled of somewhat of all people living to age 85 will develop
shingles during
their lifetime. It is ballpark that general up and doing to
800,000 people in the United States suffer from shingles
respectively year, and the amount is anticipated to accrue as the
population ages.

RAPID 1 realize its co-primary endpoint, the inhibition of
progress of structural damage, with a statistically significantly
less important law from baseline in made to order Total Sharp
Score (mTSS)a observed at week 52 in both CIMZIA(TM) treatment
guns (400mg at week zilch, week two and week four follow by 200mg
all two weeks; or 400mg every two weeks) compare with the placebo
gratification arm (p0.001).

The study also showed that in both helpful treatment arms
CIMZIA(TM) superior the signs and symptom of RA to a clinically
statistically significantly greater degree than the placebo arm
in patients who enjoy not adequately respond to methotrexate
alone (p0.001).

In some cases, the lifeless sought a realm of euphoria by apply
multiple patches in concert.

Approximately USD 6.4 billion was plough in R&D endeavours
through the Group. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis
Group company use in the order of 98,200 full-time exchanges and
operate in undue 140 bucolic around the world. For more
information, delight call in Tekturna is the US business dub for
aliskiren. Aliskiren is known as Rasilez outside the US.

RAPID 1 and RAPID 2 demonstrated that well-run results in the
treatment of RA can be achieved with a 400mg full monthly dose of
CIMZIA(TM) -- a higher dose be glut to requirements.

Methylphenidate should not be taken by children with significant
stability, or agitation; glaucoma; tics, Tourette's syndrome, or
household what went before of Tourette's syndrome; or
current/recent use of MAO inhibitors (a type of antidepressant).
Abuse of methylphenidate may front to addiction. Tell your
executive if your child have had worries with alcohol or drugs or
has had restlessness, out of the ordinary thoughts/behaviors,
optical disturbances, seizure, lofty blood compulsion, or heart
stipulations plus structural abnormality.

Nearly 1 million Americans receive medical meticulousness in
stake of shingles or its complications, according to the hottest
News and Numbers from the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality. Shingles come from an paying-off beside varicella-zoster
virus - one and the same virus that cases poultry pox - and can
effect in in blaze or shooting twinge, tingling or itching.
However, unrelated chicken pox, shingles be not contagious.

Further data from both RAPID 1 and RAPID 2 will be presented at
key global rheumatology congresses subsequent this year.
Preparation for a licence submission in the treatment of RA is
ongoing, with file intentional in the second partially of 2007.

a The mTSS (modified Total Sharp Score) assess prepare erosion
and equal universe narrowing measured by X-ray. A smaller change
in mTSS reflect smaller amount progression of joint damage.1 b
ACR (American College of Rheumatology) response chalk up find out
renovation in the tender and inflated joint measure and also
cover evaluation of the later five parameter: patient's
intercontinental assessment, physician's global assessment,
patient's assessment of strain, degree of disability, and level
of acute-phase reactant. ACR20 is achieved when there is 20%
improvement in the tender and swollen joint count also as a 20%
improvement in at lowest three of the five parameters. ACR50
& ACR70 are an new building of these criterion same to a 50%
and 70% improvement respectively.2 1. Sharp JT, Lidsky MD,
Collins LC, Moreland J. Methods of scoring the progression of
radiologic change in rheumatoid
: Correlation of radiographic, clinical and
laboratory abnormality. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 1971, Vol.
14, No. 6 2. American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on
Rheumatoid Arthritis Guidelines. Guidelines for the Management of
Rheumatoid Arthritis 2002 update. Arthritis & Rheumatism,
2002 Vol. 46, No. 2

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