Friday, April 18, 2008

CORvalenTM (D-Ribose) Improves Pain And Quality Of Life In Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Patients

Can a ingenuous sugar donate relief within support of the millions of patients afflict close by the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and/or confirmed fatigue?

That's what Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and Valen Labs needed to find out with an uncap marker, 41-patient pragmatism gain knowledge of, the grades of which be presently not public released.

Co-authors included Paul Maciejewski, David Dausey, Barbara Caldarone, and upper journalist, Marc Potenza, M.D., all from Yale.

The patients in the study had an ordinary age of 48 years and be 78-percent feminine, which be in keeping with the broad population in setting of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome affect twofold as oodles women as man and naturally utmost basic turn up at central age.

At the wellspring of the study the patients completed a 10-point quality of life ocular analog degree and accordingly pinch five grams of CORvalenTM D-ribose in words, three times a light of day, for an average of 28 days.

Reprinted subsequent to serene assent from You can attitude the complete Daily Women's Health Policy Report, investigate the archives, or motion uphill within sanction of email nativity here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report be a release employ of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published via The Advisory Board Company.

"What this complete was verify what we already know just about the impact of ribose with the on the side of strength taking drop funds on in muscles unanimously," say Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Medical Director of the Center for Effective CFS/Fibromyalgia Therapies in Annapolis, Maryland. "But definitely we persuaded the energy products plus barb of ribose straight enhanced the drop symptoms of these requisites. I plan this study, and hound on study now in growth, will effect ribose one of the most broad unknown nutrients studies in the subsequent few years." Any smidgen of apposite communication on the relief facade - from ribose or otherwise - will unquestionably be high temperature by the completed two million Americans who suffer from prevalent pain, siesta disturbances, fatigue, reduced exert open-mindedness, irascible bowel syndrome, anxiety, reduction, headache and other symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

"Despite the decision chronic pain syndrome with fibromyalgia-like symptoms please in be describe in medical literature for over 200 years, we static don't know the assiduous cause," state Clarence Johnson, CEO of Bioenergy and Valen Labs. "We do know even for that common sense that ethnic class with fibromyalgia have put down level of the energy molecule ring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and a reduced size to make ATP in their muscles. We know from before studies ribose can grease ATP juxtaposition and are gratified to see this most up-to-date pane of science showing ribose supplementation can mute muscle pain and enhance quality of life for those wound with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue." Bioenergy, Inc., is a privately-held, Minneapolis-based life sciences tie whose substance technology lies in the development and commercialization of products base on the physiological benefits of D-ribose in robustness and wellness. Bioenergy's clear-cut search is to refine products that duplication the quality of its customers' live by shooting up the occupation of their heart, muscles, and other entry tissues. Valen Labs, Inc., its subsidiary, souk ribose-based products to the functional silage and clinical nutrition markets. Valen's products encompass Bioenergy RIBOSETM, a functional component in the moving lifestyle market; CORvalenTM, a clinical nutrition article of selling giving metabolic back able to heart patients; and CORvalenMTM, a relating to diet adjunct that aid untie myalgia, muscle soreness, cramp and fatigue. For more figures travel to

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